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Everything posted by tikira

  1. Hi Lisa- You had SUN- I think I will move to the Riverina :laugh: We are a balmy 3.7 here, and no sun at all.... You must be getting excited and nervous beyond measure now, it is really going to happen Remember: "Dogs come into our lives to teach us about love and loyalty. They depart to teach us about loss... A new dog never replaces an old dog, it merely expands the heart. If you have loved many dogs, your heart is very big". (Erica Jong) Nova will expand your heart, enjoy the feeling. Di
  2. We were playing around with a couple of older photos and came up with this one. We thought the caption really captured Tippy's motto for life. We hope you like. Di
  3. tikira


    lhok. You have my eepest sympathies.Stalking the puppy threads, I also fell in love with your little man.He was only on this earth for a matter of weeks, but he did touch a lot of lives, and I know he will have taught a lot of us a life lesson, and that is to Cherish every day. As I was sitting here crying for you and Raiden, these words formed in my mind. I hope one day they willbe of a little comfort to you, and thought you may like to combine it with a photo of Raiden, or PM me and I would be happy to have a go at making one for you when you feel ready. Raiden, my shining Light You came like a bolt of lightning too brief but so bright, you touched my life, then disappeared so fast, into the night. You changed my world during your far too brief of a stay, but you left me memories, and taught me to cherish every day. Through teary eyes I see a new star in the dark sky tonight, far brighter than the rest, I know it is Raiden, my shining light. Hugs to you, take care of yourself, and know that you gave him the best short life any puppy could wish for. Di
  4. I think a puppy shower is probably one of the more "sane" things we will ever do in the lifetime of our precious dogs. Go on, do it! You can "sell" your other half by pointing out that any pressies your puppy gets means less that you NEED to buy!
  5. Hi Nushie Brand does not matter so much as the "feel" of the camera to you. They are all a little different and some will feel better in your hands than others. I would choose a price range you can afford for a camera and lens, and then go look at them in shops, shortlist a couple, do some internet research and ask any questions, then make a decision. Good luck, photography is great fun. Di
  6. I really like the name Nova Lisa. It is very fitting, as I really believe this puppy will be a star, guided by your other shinig star who is looking down upon you all with approval. It is really happening now...... so happy for you. Hope your exams went or will go well, it must be hard to concentrate on study at this exciting time I received your pm Lisa from the 14th, not sure why it is not coming up as read. Di
  7. Lisa Your puppy is gorgeous, and you look so happy in the first photo. That is really great to see, and I wish you all the very best as you begin this exciting new chapter in your life. I look forward to seeing your boy grow and blossom under your care. Di
  8. Completed. Was easy to understand and answer, but felt guilty when I now have to answer that Kira is alone when we are not here (for a few months longer) Di
  9. How exciting Lisa. Trust that one will stand out to you, perhaps for reasons you don't understand yet, but if the "worst" happens and you can't decide, just close your eyes and wait for whichever chooses you- he will be the one for you I am so envious right now :D , but so happy for you. Di
  10. tikira

    My First Dog

    I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. There are never enough years with them, is there?, but it sounds like he did find the absolute best home with you. I agree writing everything down is a powerful way of reassuring yourself that he will never be forgotten, I have been doing this with Tip (my Jack Russell) since he passed three months ago, and I can't believe the things I had forgotten that are coming back to me. Let the tears flow and keep posting on DOL, we understand, and talking your feelings out helps a lot. Take care Di
  11. Great news Staffyluv, they do worry us at times, don't they? Di
  12. Great job Sheena. We have marked the dates on the calender and really hope we can make it there for a while- (depends on hubby's work schedule). The poster has just the right mix of information and intrigue, and should attract lots of people. Good luck Di
  13. Well done. That photo is a worthy winner, the first place getter must have had a great photo. You don't need to win anything, the thrill is worth the effort sometimes. Keep up the good work. Di
  14. I totally understand the problem with a composite in a competition, unless you disclose it, somehow it doesn't quite sit right, but you don't need to worry, because your cropped first shot is a winner as it is I think, and no ethical worries :) For the wall though- go for a composite- I really like Huga's version, but I am sure any version you do will be just as good. Print it- BIG Di
  15. Hi Kirislin I can't believe you were able to get as many af the dogs in one active shot as you did, so brilliant job there. The cropped version of the first appeals to the photographer in me the most, it is more balanced and less "cut off". However I totally understand that you would wish to keep all the dogs in the photo, and I would have suggested swapping the cut off dog for the whole dog too, but I understand some people would prefer not to alter a photo to that level. I really have enjoyed these photo's, you should be very happy with them both Di
  16. My boy was not called 'Tip-Top" for nor nothing.... he loved bread. His favourite fruit pear, but he loved it all including oranges and lemons. He loved grapes- as a toy, but he would not eat them. Di
  17. Thank you so much to all involved in this outcome. DOL people never cease to amaze me. Di
  18. Wow, is their nothing a dog can't do? How significant could this talent prove to be Thanks for sharing. Di
  19. Oh how awful. I hope your girl is going to be okay. You found it early, and did all you can. Please dont beat yourself up over this terrible accident,it was just that, an ACCIDENT, and give your mum a big hug too, she would be feeling sick with guilt too. Di
  20. Thankyou Dogmad for rescueing this gorgeous little boy who had obviously had a very difficult time prior to meeting you. It takes a special person to rescue a senior, not many can become Mum to one of these dogs, and on behalf of Mickey I want to say thankyou. He so obviously had the best few years possible, but I know he repaid your love for him every single day, and will go on doing so, even from the bridge. Let the tears flow, and hopefully one day you can smile through them, as you remember the good times. Di
  21. Hugs to you Wendy on this anniversary no-one should ever have to go through. It is one of the many "firsts" I am yet to face, and know I will be a wreck too. Your post could have been written by me, it is exactly how I feel. Cry buckets of tears today, and every day you need to, and look after yourself, Brianna would want that. Di
  22. Fair question Nic.B They were being supervised very carefully by more than one adult, but in this case a few second lapse in actually having our eyes on the baby was enough to have this happen. I do realise it should not have, and it never did happen again. Di
  23. I don't know much about breeds in particular, but I know my JRT was incredible with the littlies. I knew this when I saw my 6 month old nephew (who was on my lap with Tip next to him) with his fist down Tip's throat, trying to pull his tongue out. Tip was just looking at me begging for my help with extracting the hand..... Tip was inehaustable, and kids loved that, but he was really gentle with them. The other individual dog I know is a lab, and I have NEVER seen a more gentle dog with his 8 month old human brother. It is inspiring to see. So I would say it depends on the individual dog. Di
  24. Hi Melina Bea. Your boy sounds a little independent, Tip was incredibly independent, but he also idolised us. Yes he told us off if he thought we were trying to "force" him into doing something he didn't want to do, but would do anything for us if he decided it was in his best interest (especially if we had food or toys as bribes). Thus we learned quickly how to make it look like it was his idea. It is a natural feeling to worry about bonding, but try not to, your boy will soon think that he chose you, and trust me when I say that you will have a bond as strong as any you have ever felt. :) We too worried about the exact same thing, but we shouldn't have,he ended up to be exactly what we needed. Good luck to all those counting sleeps, I know I am getting excited for you all, and can't wait to see photo's and hear of your experiences during the settling in period. Di
  25. I just posted this in general, but thought it is perfect for here, given all those DOLers in this thread that have just picked their puppy out, and for those who are waiting to choose theirs. They will choose you! Tip chose us, we had the choice of two, and even though his brother climbed into my arms and fell asleep, Tip knew Wayne wanted a "crazy Dog", and Tip broke speed records getting to him when called. Wayne got is way that day, but Tip soon became my boy.- perhaps we should have chosen both???? This poem was written by K. Howard and can be found at www.say-it-in-verse.com You may think that you picked me From the litter you came to view. But it was completely the other way round It was I, who in fact, picked you! There was just something about you That really appealed to me From your face, I could just tell That you'd love and look after me. So I threw myself all over you Would not let you be - Wagged my tail and gave you puppy dog eyes So you'd fall in love with me. But no matter how I got here When all is said and done I so very happy to be here And so glad that your my MUM Happy mothers day to all of you. Di
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