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Everything posted by Cougar

  1. Thought I'd pop back with an update. So we went to the vet on Monday to have a check up. He is as healthy as could be - eyes fine, hearing fine, urine test normal, blood test normal. So for a 9 1/2 year old dog he's in excellent shape! I've got some reading to do of the stuff the vet gave me re: cognitive dysfunction (or sunset syndrome as he called it). I'm still exploring that as he's not showing any of the other signs, just the barking at night. We've changed the bedding in the laundry so that blankets can't get scrunched up and we're going to try a radio overnight - hopefully this might stop him hearing possums and other things outside, as we think this might be a contributing factor. So we will see.... Thanks for your thoughts, much appreciated.
  2. Oh I am pleased to know he's not the only one! I had wondered whether I was doing something wrong as far the sighthound thing goes. More to think about, thanks :)
  3. There is zero chance of him sleeping in our room, crated or not. My husband would prefer them to be outside in kennels. He thinks I've gone soft since the dane arrived as it is! I would have them sleeping in the lounge at least but for the cat thing. Floyd would go off his tree if he was crated with cats wandering around, not to mention the stress on the cats. I'm also a bit wary of making substantial changes to the cat/dog management strategy because I don't want to stuff it up. I've been juggling the cat/dog needs for 8ish years now so the habits are hard to re-train in me - and of course, if I get it wrong then the cats are the ones who die. (I do dream one day of re-integrating dogs and cats but obviously not with the hound around) I am contemplating different bedding strategies in the laundry, we had different beds in there last night and he only got up once for a wee. I'll certainly give the vet visit serious thought, I hadn't really thought of it in a medical issues light. Arthritis is a possilbilty at this age - but I forget he's 9 sometimes, he doesn't really look or act it. thanks for your thoughts Pollywaffle :) Maybe it is age. Hope you find some answers for your boy too. We'd have to get another kennel and I'm not sure how the dane would cope with that - she was a house dog, so never been kenneled outside. And she's not even attempted to go in the very large one that we have. I prefer at least having them in the laundry so it's warmer and more protected.
  4. I did try leaving him outside in his kennel but that resulted in him barking at the laundry door, wanting to be let in with the other dog. I don't humanise my dogs - but I don't know what other word to use to describe what he does/how he behaves? As in he does what he needs to do to get what he wants . I'm not sure how to re-cast that in a non human word using light.
  5. Yeah, I hate that I have to 'reward' him by going and fixing the problem but I can't just let him keep on barking at night. He's a young 9, in good condition and I'll keep an eye on him but I really don't think he's getting dementia, he's pretty sharp really. I think the manipulation thought is spot on. As a pup he was equally stubborn - screaming and tantruming to get what he wanted. I was able to manage and sort out the behaviour back then, but those strategies don't work at 2 in the morning!
  6. He's got a double layer fleece coat, sleeps on cot mattresses with blankets on them, there's another large dog who sleeps in there with him and he used to sleep outside in an insulated kennel, so he's had it better in the last few years than ever before. I've never had a dog old enough to have dementia, if it were the start of that kind of problem what other symptoms would present?
  7. I can't let them sleep inside as he would kill my cats (dogs and cats live in separate sections of the house). I don't mind if he needs to go and wee every now and then - it's the carrying on when something/anything doesn't suit him. Oh his hearing and sight are perfectly fine, let me assure you (ask the neighbour's cat). And yes, it's only at night that we have problems. With a citronella type collar, is that suitable for overnight? I've never used one, but I'd be worried about it not being under supervision if that makes sense.
  8. Ok, so I've been contemplating this post for a while. I am currently having issues with my 9yo greyhound and I need help/suggestions/anything really. To preface this I have to say he is the most stubborn dog ever and he's getting worse as he ages, in my opinion. My problem is that he's barking in the night time and he does not respond to verbal correction. If I try the ignore the bad behaviour thing, he just barks and barks and barks until he gets what he wants. I can't let that happen at 1 and 2 and 3 in the morning as you'd understand. He sleeps inside at night in the laundry, with my dane. He has fleece pjs, sleeps on a cot mattress so it's certainly comfortable enough. So some nights it's fine, other nights he's just a nightmare. Wants to go out 'bark bark bark', the other dog is in the spot he wants 'bark bark bark', the blankets have come off the mattress 'bark bark bark', anything at all 'bark bark bark'. So I get up and fix the problems because if I don't he just keeps carrying on. If I attempt a verbal correction, he just ignores me (seriously if he could flip me the bird, he totally would). I'm at a loss about what to do and the broken sleep is a real issue for me. So, brains trust - please help me. What can I do?
  9. So how about we extend the shooting for this theme for another fortnight from today? Then we'll choose a theme per month? I'd love to see people still participating
  10. I'll happily keep going in whatever format we decide on, glad you're still here Piper :)
  11. Oh sadness. Sorry things aren't going well for people. Is there anyone left? I did wonder if once a month might make it easier for people to continue if they felt like it? It's been challenging but enjoyable, so is anyone else interested in continuing?
  12. I'll second Snook's oh no. Maybe you could do guest ones? If a topic really appeals to you from time to time? Otherwise we'll miss you
  13. Glad you've got some answers, not fun having sick animals. Hope she improves on the new diet!
  14. Oh I love him FM! Thanks for all the pics :)
  15. Is Indy ok CC? Vet every night sounds serious Bummer Kerrie, I always look forward to seeing your shots. Hope you're feeling ok.
  16. Apparently my comprehension skills suck at the moment! Thought we were supposed to post yesterday, posted, then realised its not til the 19th, so unposted! Oops. Hmmm wonder if I can get anything different done in my newly discovered extra time.... It is a tricky one, this one. I get freaked out a bit easily and worry about being sprung if I even try for strangers on the street. Seems like we're all in a similar boat though!
  17. Depends on what you mean by 'brain' Rozzie! He is an excellent food thief, very adept at getting what he wants (ie the best dog bed) but not overly trainable in a traditional sense. His problem solving skills are excellent though!! :laugh: I found him with 2 front feet on the table yesterday, so he could more effectively eat the leftover food there.... Swap? :D
  18. I'd swap the stubborn, cranky old man hound for nearly anything! No one's offering though.... I think that's because they all know he's a stubborn, slightly cantankerous old man hound!! :laugh:
  19. Thank you so much He is still gorgeous! How old now? And does he still play with the frenchies? Give him a cuddle and an ear rub from me :laugh:
  20. Thanks for sharing. So many talented people!
  21. Awesome shot! Frodo is such a character, love him :) But I do believe I am suffering from a lack of Dane photos
  22. So would that discount performers? I don't know them, and I haven't set it up but it's not just a random person out in randomsville. What do we think? For example I went to a concert today and there were dancers interacting with the kiddie crowd (yeah kid's concert - but awesome!). The man had a fantastic expressive face, so I grabbed a couple of shots just in case i could include them. And yeah - scary but interesting theme choice....
  23. That list idea sounds great RallyValley, makes it easy to know when your turn is (and gives you time to think of a theme!). And the added plus of not making it all kja's work.
  24. Love looking at your pics kja - so amazing. Love that fish frenzy the best :) It's such a beautiful world that you get to see.
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