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Everything posted by Todd

  1. Hi I have a 8 week old male Golden Retriever. I understand that there is no set amount to feed such a puppy but i have little idea on how much i should start him on. The breeder was very non specific and was saying "a handful" and so on but the pup was also competing with his brothers and sisters. I am currently feeding him a dry puppy food (Supercoat Puppy) and some decent pet mince. The bag of dry food says about 200grams a day and im feeding him about 200 grams of mince as well. He eats the mince no problems but he is only getting through about half the dry food. I am trying to split it over 3 meals so he is feeding regulary. Am i on the right track or should i back off on the mince? He weighs 3.2 kg which i think is a bit underweight for an 8 week old male. Anyway, i'm just hoping to get somewhere to start and i'll build it up as he grows,an idea of what other people are feeding their dogs at around this age. Any help would be great. Cheers
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