Thanks all for the replies, yes that's what I suspected as well, keep her training ongoing. The first puppy class Shyla was very anxious and would not stop barking during the class (mind you we only had her for 2 days, so I reakon she was a bit freaked out with all the change). But come graduation she's totally changed and was happy to play and tumble with one of the the other puppies. So I don't want her to revert back to being anxious.
Another reason why I'm doing all this research is because I'm having a baby at the end of Jan, so I wanna make sure that Shyla will listen to me when she gets bigger.
Thanks Diva, I will look into the training schools in the area for the kindy classes. A guy at a pet warehouse place suggested Steve Austin, and I looked at the forums and he seems well recommended, but is it worth the trip to Dural? I think it takes 1 hour to get there.