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  1. Thanks for all the replies. Ok, I will PM Kavik, hopefully they're open for summer. Will do a google search on dog training.
  2. Thanks all for the replies, yes that's what I suspected as well, keep her training ongoing. The first puppy class Shyla was very anxious and would not stop barking during the class (mind you we only had her for 2 days, so I reakon she was a bit freaked out with all the change). But come graduation she's totally changed and was happy to play and tumble with one of the the other puppies. So I don't want her to revert back to being anxious. Another reason why I'm doing all this research is because I'm having a baby at the end of Jan, so I wanna make sure that Shyla will listen to me when she gets bigger. Thanks Diva, I will look into the training schools in the area for the kindy classes. A guy at a pet warehouse place suggested Steve Austin, and I looked at the forums and he seems well recommended, but is it worth the trip to Dural? I think it takes 1 hour to get there.
  3. Another question, when do we start training/obedience classes, at what age? As there haven't been any replies, maybe I can use the training classes as dog socialisation as well.
  4. My partner says the mum is around 50 kilos, so that's where I assumed her adult size to be. Her final round of vaccinations are for next week, so next week we'll be fine as we still got one more puppy class to go to, graduation. But hopefully, after that I would have found a place to continue her socialisation. We see some dogs when walking them, but no group socialisation as such. Here's some photos: Samson Shyla
  5. Hi All, I have an 11 week long-haired german shepherd named Shyla and we are currently taking her to puppy school through our vet. We have an older dog already (Samson - 12 year old chihuahua half maltese) and we still use the vet in Alexandria as we like it there. We have moved from Alexandria to Bankstown 2 months ago and I don't really know the area. We were told that it is vital to continue socialisation after puppy training, but I'm not sure of any places in the bankstown area. With Samson, he's just happy to go for a walk but find him a bit aggressive with bigger dogs, which I don't want to pass on that trait to Shyla, as I don't think I would be able to hold her back once she grows into a full adult (supposedly up to 50+ kilos). Does anybody have any suggestions on where to go and how often should we be taking her to get socialised? Thanks for your help Len
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