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Everything posted by NewPup
I honestly have never heard a noise like hers before, doesn't even sound like a dog, like a lion or something, she was screaming the WHOLE night, I just tried to put her in there again before so I could do some housework and off she went again. I think she just wants to be with me the whole time, as now she's cuddled up under my chair. I had Diesel in the room with her, he was quite freaked out about all the noise. I don't know if I'm just emotional from having no sleep, but I feel like I want to take her back, I can't have a pup that screams when I leave it alone. It's making me sad looking at how gorgeous she is, but I've never heard anything like this before
Yeah I was thinking she might be better in my room, though there isn't much space in there, and I don't want her to get too used to that! Poor little thing, I hate her being distressed, I'm completely stressed out too, wondering if I did the wrong thing getting another puppy now So your dog was that bad the first night? I must have been lucky with Diesel, he whined for a little bit, but after we ignored him he stopped and that was it really, nothing too major.
I brought home my lovely little english staffy yesterday, all is going well. Older dog has accepted her, but is a bit protective over me. I put the puppy, Chilli, in her pen last night and she was making such a noise, banging on the wire and screaming, during the whole night she was only quiet for about two 20 minute stints. I understand that puppies whine at first, but this was crazy, she screamed the whole night, I'm expecting a call from the neighbours any minute now, she sure has a set of lungs on her. She was whining so much that I couldn't even wait for a time when she wasn't whining to take her to the loo, so had to take her out even though she was whining. Her pen is set up inside in the lounge room, she has a comfy bed, water and lots of things to entertain her in there. I don't know what to do? I ignored her all last night, but she literally screamed and carried on the entire night. I can't have her doing that again tonight Any ideas would be very welcome! thanks
All going really well, Diesel (adult) has taken really well to Chilli (pup) they have both been really good and were asleep next to each other under my feet. I've put Chilli in her pen in the lounge room with some toys to give Diesel some time out and she is whining her head off... I'm such a sucker, I have to just ignore the noise, she sure is making some funny little dinasour noises right now!!
Thanks for the encouragement, very true that I need to show leadership aswell as love, I have an adult dog already, who's a very good boy, but I do think I spoil him too much, have been trying to implement the NILIF system since reading about it here and then looking other places online. Don't want him (and me) to set any bad examples!
I am so excited, getting my pup a week earlier then planned, as I've managed to wrangle leave from work a week early! We're picking our little english staffy 'Chilli' up on Sunday, wahoo! We've been keeping it a secret from friends and family - going to wait till she's settled in, everyone will love her. She is such a cutey. Any tips for the first few days? I have to be strong and not give in to the whineing at night, that's my weakness...
Cheapest Places To Buy Eukanuba (syd)
NewPup replied to NewPup's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Hi Gomez - haven't tried that, but the name rings a bell from looking at online stores the other day for the big packs of eukanuba. I don't mind spending the money, if he'd eat it! Guess it's worth a try. Is Eukanuba not good for them? I just don't want to chop and change, as that's part of the reason he's become fussy Tonight he wouldn't eat them again, my cat ate his biscuits instead, our tiny little fluffy cat ate them, and he didn't! I was just about to take them away and he's given up and he's eating them now, well ate half of them... that's a start! -
Cheapest Places To Buy Eukanuba (syd)
NewPup replied to NewPup's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks for the encouragement, with feeding he has me roped around his little finger (err.. i mean paw?) I have been giving him loaf and he gets lamb off cuts and chicken necks as the treats in with the loaf, and now he won't eat the loaf, or pet mince, or any of the other packaged meats, beacuse he holds out till the next meal time when he gets bones or something nice. (you don't need to tell me off, I know I caused this way of thinking, I really wantto fix things) So the last time he ate a proper meal was Friday night, and he may of picked at a few last night as my boyfriend fed him when I wasn't there, bowl still had biscuits in it when I came home, so can't be sure. Just keep on at it? Even if it gets to a few more days? -
Don't worry everyone (I know your just caring about the pup) the dogs won't be left unsupervised till they are ready, and until Chilli is big enough to handle any rough playing. Cazxxz - I know you were just trying to give advice, but I was actually quite offended by you implying I can't trust my dog not to bite. I'm not going to encourage any breed bashing, and perhaps I shouldn't bother responding, but my dog has always been left alone with friends dogs (and cats) through all his life and he has never caused any trouble. Anyway, I'll leave that subject alone, just had to defend my beautiful boy! I am interested in the NILIF method though, have been reading about it here and other places online, I have started to introduce it with Diesel, hard not patting him if he comes up to me though!!
Cheapest Places To Buy Eukanuba (syd)
NewPup replied to NewPup's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I spoke too soon, he's back to not eating it. Both the breeder and the lady in the pet store (who is a vet nurse) said I need to leave it out for him 20 minutes max and if he doesn't eat it take it away. They said stick it out for 3 or 4 days as he'll give in and eat it, I feel cruel! also, it's not a problem with his appetite, it's just I've been feeding him too many nice things, and I've made him fussy (before someone starts down that path) Glad I didn't go and buy a 15kg bag ... damn, thought I had it sorted out! -
When I got my am staff Diesel nearly 5 years ago, I had two adult cats. Toby the cat was petrified of Diesel at first, so I kept him locked in the house until he got used to the dog as I was worried he would run away. The other cat Misty needed some adjusting, but she was quite interested in watching the pup. I think just let them get used to each other gently, I kept all three in the same area I was in when I was home, it gently 'forced' them to get used to each other, but the cats could always get away (jump up onto something) and I was always there to intercept if needed. I only have the one cat now, Misty, and her and Diesel get along great! They sleep next to each other on the couch with me, and I often see them just sitting next to one another at the front step. When I come home from a walk, Misty runs out to greet us and rubs against Diesels face. It's very cute to watch her rub against him (like the way cats rub againts your legs) So be positive, I was in tears when I first got the pup as I thought I had upset Toby so much, they all adjusted and got along great. I have a new pup arriving in 2 weeks, so I'm about to go through it all again, feeling very anxious too. Good Luck!
Hi all, I am over the moon, just saw my am staff Diesel scoff down his food, he is a really fussy eater (I know, I know, I've spoiled him and created this). I was having a look in the pet shop and started talking to the lady there about food, and she said to try the Eukanuba biscuits for small dogs, as he is always trying to eat the cat biscuits, so I thought he must like little biscuits. I have never seen him eat his meal like that, ate every single one and licked the bowl! I am going to just give him those biscuits (as well as bones and treats) as his meals, everything else he picks at and I end up throwing out. I guess I never tried pet shop biscuits, as I have to throw away his supermarket brand biscuits before he's finished them, and I thought it would just be a waste of money. They are quite expensive though, I thought there must be somewhere that sells them cheaper in the really big bags (were around $100 I think). Can anyone point me in the right direction? Anywhere on the Northern Beaches/North Shore of Sydney would be especially great. Thanks
also, regarding the blanket for him to smell, that might be a bit hard as she's a bit far away. When we came back from seeing Chilli on the weekend, Diesel had a very good sniff of us (which he always does when we've been patting other dogs). Would he remember that smell from one time? (sorry if this is a stupid question, maybe you were saying he would need the blanket for a few weeks or something)
Thanks Peibe, I was thinking when I get home with Chilli that one of us stay home with her and one take Diesel to the beach (his favourite place in the world) and then introduce them when he comes back, because Diesel will be relaxed and happy. Then I thought maybe let them meet at the beach, but as you said she won't be fully vaccinated - so that's not a good idea! So maybe take him out for a walk and introduce them somewhere neutral close by. Is this beacuse he might get territorial that they can't meet in our house? I didn't know that about the feeding, Diesel isn't really a food orientated dog so I can't imagine it being a real problem, but I'll move his bowl next to her pen for feed time. Thanks for the tips, learning a lot from reading all the posts on this site :D
I'm feeling good about the replies you've all given me, especially Kim seeing your older dog doesn't like others. We've named our pup Chilli and we pick her up in a few weeks. Diesel likes other dogs, but I just want to make sure I introduce them the best and safest way possible. I bought a puppy pen from ebay, and Chilli and Diesel won't be left alone unsupervised for a long time. Any tips of how to introduce them? Do I just bring Chilli into the house and let Diesel smell her while I hold her? Maybe I'm thinking too much into this, I just don't want to upset Diesel or have him hurt Chilli if i do the wrong thing Thanks for your advice on a completely seperate tangent, at the dog beach yesterday there were two other Diesels! Boy was my Diesel confused, poor boy couldn't be everywhere at once, must be a popular name now
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a crate? is it a puppy pen? I am about to get a new puppy and was going to get a pen that I could move inside or outside, and to keep the puppy in and the other dog out. Is that what a crate is? a pen? what is the best one for me to get and where do I get it from? Thank you
Thanks Ceasar's mum, Your two are so cute (in your avatar) I will be spending the majority of the 5 weeks off with the two of them. Christmas is always Diesel's favourite time of the year with all the attention he gets! Keep the advice coming, I was just told a horror story that a few months ago a friend of a friends dog killed their new pup, but she left them by themselves the entire day when she first got them, assuming they would be fine (don't worry I would never do anything like this) Thanks
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forums, so apologise in advance if this subject has been done to death. I'm picking up a new pup in three weeks, she is a beautiful little english staffy. I have a 41/2 yo am staff who is gorgeous and well socialised (is besties with our little cat). My pup is ready to come home now, but I am leaving her with the breeder an extra few weeks as I have 5 weeks off from work soon, so thought that was the best time to bring her home. The pup and Diesel (the am staff) won't be left alone until they are really good together, but I'm just wondering if there are any tips or advice on introducing a new pup to a home that already has an adult dog? I was told to get a pupy pen (like a baby play pen) that I can move inside or outside easily, though it would need to be strong steel so that Diesel was kept out aswell as the pup kept in. So the pup can be inside in it's own area and then we can have it outside as well but seperated from Diesel when we're not paying 100% attention to them. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated, oh and if anyone knows where to get a good puppy/dog play pen that is easy to move, that would be great too! Thank you NewPup