Well i have 2 staffords and they havent a mean bone in their body.our girl especially is such a sweet and i dont do a thing wrong type of girl.
i have to admit though, i know what you are saying about people listening to the bloody media to much and not liking our breeds based on what they hear and not the facts.
I was walking my 2 down the road, i have 1 lead and it splits into 2, and an elderly gentleman was walking his maltese(thats what it looked like anyway), well he was about 10 meters away from us and while my 2 could see him but didnt really take much notice, his was going burko. so i stopped and told my dogs to stand and wait while the fella with his little shite of a dog went past, it was pulling like a dunno what and trying to get at mine. all the time, my 2 were just happy to do what they were asked and didnt flinch an eyelid.
The fella did say thankyou as he walked past but i think he was in shock at how well my 2 behaved.
Just goes to show, without the right training and attention any dog could be a potential trouble maker..
these are my 2.