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mini yorkie

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  1. Thanks Erny, I'll give it a go. Fingers crossed.
  2. Hi all, I too have a toileting problem with my Yorkie. She is stricktly an indoor dog & has been "trained" to use the "pee pads". I have had her for 6 1/2 months & she has good days & bad. She comes to work with me every day & pees on her mat, but poops on the floor next to the mat. She sleeps in the bathroom & usually uses the pad to pee on, but poops next to the pad on the floor. Some mornings when I let her out of the bathroom, she runs through the house & pees & poops wherever she pleases. I have tried picking her up when I see her about to poop & put her on the mat, but she then refuses to go & holds on for hours. I tried confining her to a small pen where the pad took up 2/3 of the pen, but she only used the pad occassionally & still messed on the floor. I praise her when she uses the mat & even give her a treat. When she makes a mess in the house, I tell her she is naughty & put her in the pen or the bathroom. Is this what I should be doing? I'm open to any suggestions.
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