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Everything posted by GoldD
Great site and love the reminder idea - I will actually use this!! One thing I would prefer would be when you go into a drop down menu that the information box came up on the item your cursor sat upon rather than having to click to actually go in to see the information. Does that make sense? Great job and well done to him....
Welcome back Jed Great to see you posting again and hope you improve in leaps and bounds!
What Breed To Recommend To Young Family?
GoldD replied to ZAUBISTAR's topic in General Dog Discussion
I am biased with two goldens but perhaps this would not be the right choice for them, not that they are high maintennance coat wise but the amount of hair they drop might be an issue. Otherwise goldens suit all their requirements and would be perfect. They have beautiful temprements and my experience with my two is that they are great around kids, come on my daily runs, and love the water.....(perhaps love the water a little too much!!) -
May I please have 4 medium and 1 small - thank you
Teebs, I am with you and agree totally......some dogs bark uncontrollably, mine like to chew.... It's manageble and it doesn't bother the neighbours. Yes I learnt the hard way and one day we will replace my curtains and not be on first name basis with the local electrician but until then, we have adapted to their little fettishes!!
Sounds pretty much like my place - well what's left of it!!! LOL And I wouldn't swap them for the world! (Well maybe my cafe curtins back........nah....)... Thanks Teebs, glad to hear there are others here just like my boys (willing to admit it anyhow! LOL).... Edited to add - and crazy, but they are both trustworthy inside, never a problem, but I dont trust them for more then 30mins.
Ermmm, they like plastic! LOL No, kidding aside, they are just a little destrutive, no worse than others - they just choose their "toys" well....
Bub - I have to laugh - my two goldies are 2 and 1yo now.......They are both very well trained but are slowly eating my house! I kid not. I dare not tell you their destructive ways as I dont want to scare you nor get told what I am doing wrong by others. Suffice to say the electricians ask us "What have they got to this time?" when we call ($700 in the last 6 months). We once had stunning cafe curtains surrounding our deck (who knew it was fun to shred zippers and swing from the plastic as it flapped in the wind, goodbye $1.5K). Offers to look after my doggies when I go away have totally dried up, godness knows why...."Did I forget to tell you they like to chew?" But they are beautifully natured trained (believe it or not!!) boys who just have a little devil in them.....I'd never swap them for the world and it is slowing down. THANK DOG!!!!! Added: I think I would prefer them to drink and smoke -------please.......
I've got 3 boys After reading your thread Teebs I cant wait to get home to make sure the little fella doesn't have his little fella out again like your poor boy did, and thanks to ellz I'll be checking on hair that may have gone inwards, although he isnt long haired and he does get a trim in that area, but hey after last night I am ready for anything. ;)
Thank you Teebs - amazing what vegetable oil does - I cant believe I just did that!! Went back in, thank goodness! LOL That'll teach the little pom X to hump the goldens!! Ewww...... I need a cigarette and I dont smoke!!
The pleasures of having a boy. Our 3.5yo has his penis and a "lump" stuck out.....how do I get it back in. He looks uncomfortable and is just standing there.... Help please LOL
Introducing An Older Puppy To A New Puppy - What Age Is Best?
GoldD replied to katemacca's topic in Puppy Chat
I have golden retrievers and Dies was almost 1 when I bought Axle home. Both are boys and Dies is desexed and Ax is entire. Never had a problem with two same sexed dogs. I may have been lucky but I seem to have hit the jackpot with temprement (sp?). Dies fell for Ax immediately and we haven't had a moment of conflict. RE Parvo - both dogs we aquired in the midst of "Parvo" season in our area. Dies was fine but when Ax came home we didn't exercise Dies until Ax was fully immunised. We did a lot of training, games and Dies was exercised with puppy play. It was a long wait to get out and about and Dies missed a month of swimming at the beach but catching parvo wasn't worth the risk IMO. There you go, hope that helps, and goodluck!! -
You know what - I honestly think some dogs are just erm......farters! I own one at the moment, he's not over the top, has a perfect diet, but when he sits with his tail out....whammmoooo! Our last GSD was one too - we got her from the pound and figure that we knew the reason she was handed it for adoption, god love her. She could clear a room....we tried everything! Good luck giraffez with the Artemis - fantastic food IMO....
Come into the GR thread, some just have appeared there FTPO....
Wow they have really grown LP (as of course you would expect them to), love my beautiful blue eyed girl Enjoy your last week/s, you're going to miss them when they go home.
Beautiful photos LP - please keep them going, I just love looking at them and there's never enough! Keep practising with that lens I reckon Gotta say Polly is lovely, I agree!
Still need more photos!! Keep them coming.......they are all so cute!!
Just popped in whilst away on hols to see if anything had happenend! Wow...... Congratulations LP, typical of Kinta to be different and need a cs, she has been testing you the whole way LOL. Such beautiful pics, looking forward to more please... Will catch up on the rest when I get back but until then, again, congratulations.... and give Leo a big hug from me.... xx
Thats really funny whitka as we have had wasps around the dogs poo in the last month - I have never seen it before, no idea why but only the fresh ones! Maybe goldie poos are yummy! LOL
We got softfall (a smaller pine mulch) spread over our backyard, I too was worried so when up at the vet asked if it was an issue. He said that obstruction was a problem with bark etc but he had only experienced it with the smaller breeds. You are doing all you can, it does pass through and for a period there my threes poos were more softfall than anything else. It is rare now to see any in their poo but perhaps that might increase with the pups teething. I will keep an eye out. Diet related, absolutely no idea, sorry. Hopefully it is just a stage...
Vitamin C Problems - Change In Coat?
GoldD replied to GoldD's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Very interesting Erny about soothing the gut..... And you are correct - the breeder recommends glucosamine for GRs up to 12 months old as nourishment and preventative for joints (the preventative is my understanding not so much the words of the breeder). He certainly does not have arthritis Ci (thank goodness). This is just her stock standard recommendation. However I must add that he was not bought home on EP holistic, Vivace, vegie pulp and pet mince was her chosen dry food. The dog food supplier did not think the extra dose of glucosamine in addittion to the EP holistic would be an issue but for the time being I am getting rid of everything and starting anew. He was washed again for the second time last night in preparation for his first show today so it'll be interesting to see how he goes. The breeder was not at all worried about him during his grooming. We'll see how we go, thanks for everyones input, I'll keep you updated. -
Vitamin C Problems - Change In Coat?
GoldD replied to GoldD's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
I know two of the littermates and they have absolutely no problems at all....The breeder will see him and groom him tomorrow so she will see him in all his glory! She saw him a few weeks ago but he had settled down a little, but in the last week - 10 days since introducing the Vit C it has taken off. But as you explained too it has also been mega hot, he has been living in the house under the evap air cond vent so that could be it too. Checked the EP food bag and no recommendations of ratios of any other foods to be fed on the bag. Spoke to the food people, she is wonderful!! She talked me through his diet and suggested my new plan of attack. She also expalined that some puppies also have "puppy dandruff". So: I am going to bring him off everything suppliment wise barr the glucosamine and work from there. Keeping EP, yougurt and glucosamine for two weeks and see if there is any improvement.... -
Vitamin C Problems - Change In Coat?
GoldD replied to GoldD's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Thanks SAS - I alternate the yoghurt and the LF cottage cheese just to spice things up in the meal department. Like a Golden Retriever really cares! He came home with a little dandruff only on the lower legs around the belly with a very wrinkly belly... Will check the bag too but he is getting 80g raw pet mince (chicken from Lenards) to 3/4 cup EP Holistic plus a tablespoon of whichever - youghurt or cottage cheese. Should he have sardines, the pet mince is left out. 1/2 a teaspoon of glucosamine and vit c morning and night which I was told to increase to 1tsp when 12 months old. ! 1000mg EPO and fishoil at night He has been under the evaporative air cond these last few weeks but I wouldn't have thought evap would do that.... I might speak to the food supplier and see what she has to say and then start from scratch again......a trip to the vet might be worth it.....never had a dog like this one. Thank you for your advice.... -
Vitamin C Problems - Change In Coat?
GoldD replied to GoldD's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
bump......any one? I must be doing everything right I guess....weird dog!