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Everything posted by foxyroxy
Good luck on your journey to this title! My 11 yearold German Spitz, Merrifox Heltaskelta has just today gained the points for his Neuter title. He is the first German Spitz to be awarded.
Well done ! My 11 yearold German Spitz got Neuter in Group at Bungendore....he has not been shown for many years as he was desexed due to a life threatening condition ...he is sooo happy to be in the ring now...just loving it ! go the seniors !
Thanks Bilbo Baggins! YAY she did it! and, I believe she is the first Pomeranian in Australia to have both her Australian Champion Title and her Neuter Champion Title!!! That little girl was just born to show! and I love her to bits!!! ;) ;) ;) congrats to Edgesmum on her dear little Pom girl,`s title ,,This little tot is the mascot for the German Spitz Club of NSw Inc....
I agree with everyone too....my little man never attained his Ch title ...he was ten points shy of it when he had to be desexed due to a strangulated hernia and testicle...he has sired several litters ...good quality pups who have done well in the show and obedience rings to date...HE doesnt especially care whether he gets his Neuter Ch or not but he loves to be with me and is very happy to have the chance of running about these show ring..and spending a day with mum ! I expect a Neuter class to be judges the same as any other class so glad to be able to exhibit him ..And enjoy his company out and about
Does it really matter if they are "clearly" pets? If it brings more people into the show ring who cares? It should be encouraged after all isn't show numbers dropping and there are clearly pets being shown entire as well..... Yes it does be it Neuter or an All Breeds Show - The judge has to sign a certificate that says "I am clearly of the opinion that this exhibit is of such outstanding merit as to be worthy to qualify for the title of 'Champion'" I agree SwaY... Does it really matter if they are "clearly" pets? If it brings more people into the show ring who cares? It should be encouraged after all isn't show numbers dropping and there are clearly pets being shown entire as well..... Yes it does be it Neuter or an All Breeds Show - The judge has to sign a certificate that says "I am clearly of the opinion that this exhibit is of such outstanding merit as to be worthy to qualify for the title of 'Champion'" Then I guess it's up to the judge whether or not to award the dog isn't it? More than likely though unless the dog has a DQ fault they will award it and I would guess they would be lenient towards the neuters as majority are pets. The owners may then decide to want to compete in the entire classes (well if treated nice enough) and get a show quality puppy. Nice to know that fellow exhibitors still feel the need to bitch about the neuters as well Neuter classes are like a stepping stone for pet owners and should be encourage to exhibited their "pet". Obviously every dog has it fault(s), those exhibited in the breed ring are not exempt from that however I don't feel dogs should be exhibited in the Neuter class if they display major faults or are clearly of pet quality. The title should be earned and deserved and IMO... I also agree that the N Ch should be earned , just like an entire Ch should be ( ???) Entire exhibits do not belong to some higher order...people desex their good dogs for many many reasons. We need to get away from that myth that you only desex your dog cos it is inferior. Are the majority "pets"? not so in my experience. I agree that poor quality dogs should not be exhibited.in Neuter.....poor quality dogs shouldnt be exhibited at all ! I dont see Neuter classes as classes for inferior animals or as stepping stones for pet people. I see the Neuter a bit like I see the gelding in the horse world...it still represents the lines behind it, it can still portray breed type and soundness....& it can be a great ambassador
Your answer is wonderfully eloquent ...thank you ! I also show more than one dog and my decision now whether to support a show or not does depend on whether they offer neuter or not.
Try approaching the local vet clinics to sponsor a NIG sash. :p our costs were covered thanks itsmeg, but I will ask the vets next year as well, good idea. I suggest to all those screaming for neuter classes you put your money where your mouth is and start approaching clubs close to you with the offer to sponsor a sash. Some clubs can afford to cover the costs, others can't, and at this point in time there is a cost to a club to run the classes. I know you shouldn't have to donate but at this stage the classes aren't covering the costs. As I said previously, OVCC will run them again next year, it is acknowledged that it will take time to build entries up but if they don't the pin will be pulled. So offer to donate to clubs, join a club or two, write a few letters and push the point. The actual paperwork etc isn't hard, it's the costs to the clubs. I have already donated for the sash you mention at some shows later this year... my point is that I shouldnt have to...it is a recognized title. & the classes should be offered...I trial in Obedience as well and it would be ludicrous for clubs not to have added the new UDX tests when UDX was available as a title just cos they figured they would get very few entries.
No way, the 2 shows I was show secretary for this weekend had an entry of 9 on Sat and 8 on Sunday. Some groups did not have a single entry. Lets crawl before we walk. I am at a loss as to why certain clubs WONT add the neuter classes. It cant have anything to do with size of entry...surely not. That is like saying..."well, I wont add such and such a breed cos there is never any entries !" I was told via the grapevine that the administration of class 18 was a headache....duh ! cant understand that...perhaps someone can enlighten me...I shouldnt have to travel literally thousands of kms to title my boy. I cant afford it too much longer and am getting fed up. Lets hope it changes later this year ...I will say though a big thank you to those clubs who have added class 18 !! well done !!
yes TerraNik Some of them do have a really high pitched trill kind of bark that goes straight through you. their barks are as individual as the voices that every one of us have. Some are lower and some higher! on a PERSONAL note!! I'm all in favour of de-barking those you just have that HIGH pitched yap! makes the world a much quieter place! Terranik..NO FUSS Terranik ! I understand that you were really only talking about the pitch of the voice of some GS ...and I agree with you there.I am not .taking you to task on your comment at all by any means !!It is just that the GS DOES get a bad wrap ..The breed was ctriticised a while back on this forum as being too noisy and people were warned to stay away from it for this reason !! CRAZY . .The TV road test on the breed several years ago( which some of remember with horror ) mainly concentrated on the noise factor & completely overlooked the intelligent and capable nature of these dogs. Very Sad!! It was stated that the breed was not suitable for living in today`s modern society .How ridiculous is that !.... When my wonderful boy passed his first test in CD at Canberra Royal, we received a lot of very nice comments ...which was great !.. ..but some seemed surprised that he could perform the group stays in silence ! So, its cool Terranik ! I just defend the breed I completely adore.. good luck with your guys...see you in the trial ring !
The German Spitz was bred to be an alert dog and yes, they are extremely watchful . However some bark more than others and indeed. some dont bark much at all. Some have a deep bark and some have a shrill bark. It comes down to sound animal management as to whether your GS is noisy or not. I have 8 dogs and have never had a complaint and I live in suburbia. I obedience trial my dogs and they are a pleasure to exhibit. There are many other breeds who are as noisy or noisier. I will state that this is a breed which MUST be a part of the family household and not left alone out in the yard or run.It was bred to be WITH you and it is a breed that does NOT like to be ignored. It is the most loving breed I have ever come across and the smartest. I would never contemplate ever having another to do obedience with...they are much underrated ...mine have all placed in the top three at every trial and quite often won the ring. They have titled easily and quickly and with good scores in three trials . Dont be out off by some examples of noisy mittels...if you are the boss, you wont have any problem.
There are no major differences between the mittel and klein...( only size ) Oz has had some lovely kleins recently imported , so we should see them in the ring from now on. If you want to learn more about this stunning and talented breed, please visit the club website as seen on DOL
I was informed of this news yesterday. I have German Spitz as well and met Trish at Sydney Royal about three years ago. It is very sad news & I wish to add my condolencs to her family and friends
well if you are interested in this breed, how about checking out this site; Visit This Website I am sure you will be quite welcome as it is open to all
How did the tests go? My girl is still as itchy as ever so I may have to start having her tested as well...
I am sorry to hear that you are still having probems with Jedi. My girl is marginally better. ..but not enough to prevent her from breaking in stays(were we up to them !!) Wasnt the heat just dreadful at the SF? too hot for my crew to even leave the house .No way could any of them show,let alone trial... Yes, Banjo is a lovely boy.My dear friend ,Bev Hughes of Atetak, bred him. Good luck with Jedi and his health issues..it would be such a shame to see him out of the Obedience ring. I have four in work for next winter`s trialling...I hope...fingers crossed. Big job but fun.
No, I haven't tried that. I'll keep it in mind. did the scratching issue resolve itself??did you enter the SF Obedience?? or any other trials??? also another unrelated query...why is the Keeshond eligible for Herding?? `cuse my ignorance please..I am very interested in herding. I bought a Koolie who i thought would be a moral to herd but nah! not in the slightest bit interested !! I could just imagine a little German Spitz herding.
I am starting him on Groomer's EPO shampoo, EPO food supplement and EPO spray conditioner. I'll let you know how we go with it!! Jedi is fed a BARF diet (as is Ahsoka) and so he just gets other meats. Mostly lamb, goat, roo or beef. I don't feed dry unless we are going on a holiday and we have no where to store their raw food. The only kibble he can have is Eagle Pack Anchovy/Salmon. I hope we can solve the problem too... Have you tried Missing Link? I have heard that is great we have a flea problem here on the cost all year round this year this year I might add cos of the mild winter. I have not found ANY product that works on fleas for longcoated dogs. I think my girl is allergic to flea saliva...that is her problem. A big problem. I have noticed a lot of dogs scratching at shows lately what to do !!
It is awful having a dog with allergies for OB. He works so well for everything else and his stays are rock solid, but the itching just gets too much for him sometimes. Our last trial he scratched in the down stay in the last SECOND! I almost died... He was on 1st place with a 97. ;) Poor Jedi... I know what it is like to have an itchy dog and Oh,my , yes , to miss out on the downstay like that ! I have been lucky so far but my young girl is a very itchy little critter. I will be interested to hear of this new shampoo you are going to use. She shows great promise but I also wont use steroids etc and antihistimines dont work for her either. What do you feed instead of chicken? Do you use dry food at all? I do hope you can solve the problem ..to have a good dog like that capable of great scores ...ggrrrrr
The girl the picture is not a grey sable but her brother was. There is great range of sables in the breed, mittels and kleins. Germany is more strict than what we are here in their acceptance of colour variation. Pic is of my foundation bitch , Champon Atetak Feelin Foxy CD, the first and only mittel bitch in Oz to have dual titles in Comformation and Obedience. she was still working in the trial ring ( CDX ) at the age of 11 1/2.
Mmm if only German Spitzies came in the same colour as Keeshonds... I could just tell people Jedi spawned a clone? Or that they must be hallucinating... or that it's Jedi and he shrunk? OR he could just stand under Jedi and hide his head... "What do you MEAN my dog has 8 legs??!!!" oh but GS Do come in any colour !! I have had wolf sables but not exactly grey ! I have a brown and fawn sable at the moment and my trial boy`s grandmum was a dark wolf sable. ..an 8 legged Keeshond is an awesome concept ! BTW what is your boy allergic to ? I have a similar problem and I am worried about stays in the future. The dog cant stay if it cant stop scratching. Are you using any medication that is effective ?
hey, anyone who is dedicated enough to set up a Keeshond to trial deserves to have a mittel and join the very cool group of spitzy triallers ..(proving spitz breeds arent just spectacular and glamorous !) what`s one more dog?? mittels fit into small spaces !! ooops sorry to spell your name wrong last time !! good luck with Jedi at your next trial ..wooohoo for the Keeshond !!! where will you be so perhaps I could cheer you on? my mittels wont be ready till next winter.
Famous? I don't know about that! But yep, that's my Jedi. Aww I think I might just have to add a Mittel to my list!!!! Hi Teranik Any spitz breed who trials should be famous, dont you think? Especially when that spitz breed is a Keeshond or a German Spitz !! It would be great to see you add a mittel to your list !! They are a wonderful breed to work with and train for all types of dogsports. Pic is of 4 month old baby just beginning to retrieve
Hi TerraNik Is that the famous Jedi who is trialling in CCD at the moment??? My mittels love my cat.My cat loves my mittels as she used to supervise them when they were babies. Some do have a high prey drive I guess but they really dont want to hurt the cat ..they want to play and they generally end up licking and grooming each other. But then my cat is pretty special. My obedience boy adores other dogs and people etc etc . None of my dogs have had a bad experience so I do think it is in their nature to be accepting ...however they are territorial when at home and in the car but that is not unsusual and that is OK by me !!
Hi wolfsong Was that at a show in Canberra??