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Well this morning I can report was a little different. Puppy woke at 5.00am and I had a great bone, one for each of the dogs. This kept the pup happy until 6.15am when the older dog buried his, stole the pups and barking began. So I bought them both inside, put the older one on my sons bed and the pup came into my room and after 15mins of exploring and snuffing and rolling fell asleep until 7.30am. I can live with this! Won't be a bone every morning but maybe the wee and then back to seperate rooms of the house - it may be the go. Have taken the bones away now and will re-use again tomorrow. I think Saturday and Sunday will be "Bone Days". Bone breath stinks too I must add!!
Been there done that Chloebear, try twins....one goes and then the other! Now 15 years later it's the puppy.... :D A 10 kilo pup jumping around a bed at 5.00am in the morning - not likely! She likes to chew hair, dig and lick, as much as I like her kisses, this is not an option that lets me get that last hour of sleep I am so craving. I am stocking up on a bone supply for her. This is what I will give her when she goes out in the morning - it might give me at least 3/4 hour more. Nice big bones, so she doesn't choke!
everyone. Erny - The above is exactly right, she does go to the toilet as soon as I let her out, that is the great part. Rather than wee in the laundry, she is letting me know she wants to go out. It is the settling back in that we are struggling with. What a dope - earplugs are exactly what we need - especially the son who sleeps in the room next to the laundry. And I agree, I feel like I have turned my clock back 15 years and I am getting up to a baby again, however this time I have to get up 1.5hrs later and go to work & I can't have a nap when the puppy does! Sounds like earplugs are the go and that it is something he will grow out of - fingers crossed.
Thank you very much Nekhbet, will give that a try with my beautiful girl!
Her dinner is at 6.30pm, she goes out for toileting every 1/2 hour from there on in, she has no water from 10pm onwards (unless its hot). Bed time is 12 after her last pee. If she would settle back into bed after getting up at 5 all would be well but she barks and barks and barks. It went on for 1/2 hour this morning before one of my boys got up and let her out, not happy as they had to put her out. Then the barking at the back door began again......
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas how to get an 11wo pup to sleep past 5.10am. We keep her up until 12.00 at night, not letting her nap through the evening, put her in the laundry with our older dog (who would sleep all day/night if possible) and every morning rain, hail or shine, just after 5am the barking to get out starts. We let her out and 5 minutes later she is barking at the back door and at that time of the morning you can't ignore her - the neighbours will go nuts! We have blacked out the curtains, tried everything, stern no's, taken her out and then returned her to the laundry and the barking starts again. Any more suggestions....