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Everything posted by Mollyrulz

  1. RSPCA says some more coming in but don't know when. Storm supposed to come today or tomorrow and she has been on tablets since last Fri. Will monitor to see how much more reduced her sympthoms OR maybe too early for effects of drug to kick in. Although she seems a bit more "docile" yesterday...hmmm.
  2. I understand re humans v dog/animal dosage and was intending to speak more to the vet rather than prescribed human prozac. You're right - she is only 5.5kgs so pretty small...
  3. Costs me $88 for 30 tablets at the Vet ...she says these are "doggie prozac" and cannot be obtained from pharmacy but through her.... I am confused.
  4. YES I am in Brisbane and live quite close to the RSPCA Superstore...will go there this weekend and see if I can get her one. Thanks so much for everyone's support... I have started her last Friday on Reconcile and am monitoring her. At the moment, she is still a bit "hyper" but I think it will start to kick in after a week or two...will let everyone know how she is getting on :-) Maybe try and get there before the weekend as they did not have many left. :D I have tried to ring them and they have NO stock and I rang the stockist (Presitge Pet) and NO stock either. I will have to try online and see if there are any I can get before anymore storms come !
  5. YES I am in Brisbane and live quite close to the RSPCA Superstore...will go there this weekend and see if I can get her one. Thanks so much for everyone's support... I have started her last Friday on Reconcile and am monitoring her. At the moment, she is still a bit "hyper" but I think it will start to kick in after a week or two...will let everyone know how she is getting on :-)
  6. THANKS for all your advice/views... to PTS is not the solution (re Nekhbet)as I rescued her from a shelter 4 years ago to give her a chance at life. I have started Reconcile today and will monitor and will try to contact Jane Harper to see if she can help with re-training her. I also have a pure-bred Lab (almost 3 yrs old) which I got as a puppy and he has been trained to not fear storms as we played with him and offered him treats during storms etc so he is well balanced...unfortunately with the rescue girl, she came to me when she was almost 1 1/2 years old and she was not as terrified of storms in those days as she is now :-(
  7. I did some "training" with k-9 (not Steve Courtney) and he gave me a CD to play and it didn't affect her b'cos there was no atmospheric change! BUT when there is heavy rain (no sounds of thunder), she still panics and is beside herself... I will have another chat with the Vet and my main aim is to help her get over the anxiousness and retain quality of life (like a human) ... Has someone tried Reconcile to treat for 6 mths (example) and then stopped?... It's just that at $88/mth for the rest of her life is a bit extreme considering she is only 5 1/2 years old. Any suggestions ie try for 6 mths and see how we go?? After I stop, does it get worse. Corvus - saw the side effects. i guess with every drug, there are bound to be side-effects :-(
  8. It IS mainly storm related and heavy rain - showers are ok. My vet is also a Behaviourist vet and Molly is generally "hyper-active" and when she came to me, has been attacked by a Beagle and therefore very "anxious" when she sees another dog UNLESS they are dogs she has socilaised with - we walk with a few dogs and she is fine with them BUT any new dogs are not ok ....but haveing said that, she is fine at the dog park. I did ask the Vet about a "knock-out" pill I could give her when a storm happens but she seems to think that as she is hurting herslef a lot, she shd be on Prozac! I have got the drug BUT have not started it as I want others opinion on this ....don't want to "wean" her off so to sepak and I understand about her "quality of life" and it doesn't help we live in Brisbane and we are now going into our "storm season"..
  9. I have a Rescue girl (small mixed breed) and she has got increasing worse during heavy rain and/or thunderstorms. HSe scratcehs until she bleeds and she will scratch/bite at anything - including my door frame when I lock her in the room under the stairs. She also destroyed ie shredded a THICK cardboard box in that room druing the last storm we had last week. There is always a lot of blood on the floor, dorr etc where she has scratched. This includes the tiles IF I put her on a lead and attach her to my exercise bike in the middle of the lounge (thinking she won't have anything to scratch so cannot hurt herself. I have tried - putting her in a dark room where she can feel "safe", holding her and putting her in my bed under the covers, out her in her crate with a big blanket over the crate and sitting with her and holding onto her with her lead on. None has worked!! Took her to the Vet and she prescribed Reconcile (Doggie Prozac).... very expensive at $88 per month for 30 tablets which has to be taken daily for the rest of her life. IF we want to stop, she must be weaned off it. I would like to know whether othres have used it AND whether it helps ie keeps her calmer and not "anxious" when storms occur - does it make them "crazy" after she stops taking it?? I would not like her to lose her quality of life once she is on this drug AND it is VERY COSTLY if taken monthly.. Any advice would be appreciated...sorry for long posts!
  10. Appollo Archie Armand Bailey x 3 Balou Bandit Banjo x2 Bardigrub Bart Barton Baxter Bear x2 Benji Benny Benson Bertie Billy Bing Bluey Boss Boxer Brady Brock Brockie Brody Bronson Bruce Bud Bundy Caleb Caramel Carl Cash Champ Charlie x 4 Chevy Chip Coco Cobber Connor Cooper x 2 Cowan x 2 Cuba Dakota Danny Darcy x 3 Dashx2 Deakin Deek Dean Declan Delgado Deputy Diablo Diesel Digby Digger Dinky Disco Douglas Drifter Dumas Dylan Ebon Eddie Elijah Elliott Edge Esky FlashBazil Frank Franky J Holden Gandor Gimmick Greedy Gus Hail Harley Harrison Harry Henry Hudson Hugo Ivan Jack x 2 Jake Jasper x 2 JayDee Jethro Jett Joe Jonty Jordan Joshua Judd Juggie Kahn Kaiser Kasper Kaos Kiba Kei Kippy Kisho Kobe Kyzer Leroy Lestat Logan Luca Lughie Lukas MacKenzie Max x 3 Maxie Mel Merlot Merry Milky Milosh Minook Mistral Mogwai Mr Darcy Mungo Murray Nammu Napoleon Nelson Nigel Nipper Noah Nova Nudge Nugget Odin Ollie Onslow Oscar Oz Payton Piikki Porsha Punch Quick Raffy Ralph Rambo Randy Reeve Rex x 2 Riku Riley Ripley Roary Rocks Rolly Rookie Rory Rove Rover Roy Jones Jnr Ruff Ryan Rupert Rusty x2 Sam Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow x2 Silas Snitch Sonny Speed Spencer x 2 Spike x 2 Sport Spud Stanley Sterling Storm Sully Swanky Tazz x 2 Ted Teddy Tey Dog Theo Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby Tub Tusca Tye Tyson Ulf Wade Wags Walker Walter Watson Weave Will Willy Woody Zac Zedley Zephyr Zeus
  11. Thanks for all the advice ;) Didn't go last nite to the park b'cos of the rain but will see if he does it when I go tonite. IF those people are there, I will say something to them as I pick up after my dogs and they shd too. All the ladies who go in there pick up after our dogs even at that time and without much lights! These 2 fellas (partners of course) feel it's "yucky" to pick up their dogs poo.
  12. Spoke to my Vet (Vet Asst actually), and she said to not let him go off-leash in the dog park OR to go to another dog park which defeats the purpose as I am sure he will still do it if he has "already had a taste for it" .....if you know what I mean! Then she said if I let him in, perhaps to follow him around and see if he does it again and to correct him ie take him away if he does... Doesn't make sense to me - I guess what I shd do is let him in once more and see if he still does it and then if he does, no more dog parks for him. I will also speak to the owners and see if they will pick up after their dog - cannot do much if they don't want to. Has anyone had dogs who have started and then stopped?? the Vet Asst actually said that "once they started, they will keep eating other dogs poo"... that is NOT good news!!
  13. I have asked them to pick up but they don't seem to care - they never used to come around that time but have done so recently as their dog (who is a VERY ENERGETIC 2 year old Samoyed) needs to 'release his energy' and my Lab (who is 34kgs) can take "been rough" etc with him as some dogs in that park don't if he comes earlier. FYI - park is new to the area and we all know each other as we live around the park. IF I went in the afternoons in the weekends, there are more little dogs and it's my choice (due to work etc) that a few of us meet at that time ... the other 2 ladies are also a Lab owners so there are 3 Labbies who play very well together. I will get him a muzzle and see if I can stop this behaviour ... he has BARF mixed with a bit of kibble in the morning (still trying to finish off his "puppy" kibble as I bought the large bag !!! ...and he also has carrot, apple & ONE dry biscuit when I get home... his dinner is 2 chicken necks as he gets more food in the morning. Am I not feeding him enough ... Vet has said his ideal weight is 34kgs as he is a big boy and he has maintained that weight for some time as I am always cautious of what I feed him. IF I give him Thrive D, it MIGHT stop him eating other dog's poo?.... I am still bewildered by why he has started this habit now??
  14. My Lab who is now 17 1/2 mths old has recently started to eat other dog's FRESH poo in the dog park!! I have not changed his eating patterns nor food so I don't know why this has happened... we usually go around 7.15 pm to the park as been fulltime at work, I can only get there around that time. We meet some other "regulars" who are also late like us due to work commitments! The other owners' do poos and he doesn't pick up so my Labby has decided that "fresh" poo tastes quite good with the other owner commenting, "he must like what my dogs eat"... DISGUSTING! I told my boy off but he seems to be attracted to it! What can I do to make him stop as I pick up after him if he poos in the park but not other people which is how this probably started! Will a muzzle help?... any advice appreciated!!
  15. Thanks for the advice... bought some ear drops from the pet shop and he is feeling much better - keeping fingers crossed that he will sleep thro the nite cheer:
  16. My 12 mths old Lab has for the past few nights woken up in the middle of the night and shakes his ears furiously and scratches his ears.. Is that a sign of ear mites OR yeast infection? ... I clean his ears regularly - daily by wiping with a piece of damp face towel. I recently took him swimming in the Gold Coast and also a ce in my friend's swimming pool. When he wakes in the night, I let him out and he shakes his head again & again and sometimes I notice water coming out ?? How can you tell which one of it is bothering him as he has been sleeping through the night for some time now... normally after I let him out (BTW, he sleeps in his crate), he will come inside and shake a few more times, then settle down to sleep until morning. Sorry to be asking - I don't know whether to take him to the Vet or just get some ear drops?? Any advice is appreciated
  17. I opt for Innova - it's great and my Maltese-Poodle thrives on it ... coat is nicer and the best thing I've found is that she only ever needs to go do her number two's once and occassionally 2x a day ... but she only has Innova once a day and is a small eater!
  18. I vote Innova EVO ... has been great for my Moodle and it gives her solid number 2's instead of runny ones!
  19. Agree toydogs ... as Vet has said it's not critical, I will do it when I have hols as I do worry ... I'd prob be at work and worry and do half a job!! Thanks for all the advice. Have learnt heaps from this forum and my knowledge of dogs (and their beahviour) keeps growing each day. :wink:
  20. Hi toydogs - tahnks for joining in. Oops maybe I didn't make it clear... Molly only recently started and has been doing it 3 times in the past week ... I think it's not that critical and since been on her anti-inflammatory, she's done it once and after she ran around the house while playing with my daughter. I just rang the Vet and she says that she feels that at this stage, it's prob not critical yet BUT she will need surgery some time in the furute. I will read up on it to familiarise myself and hopefully she will last till about Xmas so I can take 1 mth off work to tend to her.... :rolleyes:
  21. Thanks kosti ... Molly is now about 21 mths old and she is still VERY ACTIVE.. I don't dread the operation as I know it's for her own good BUT I dread the "crating" part as she will be very upset as she has had the "freedom" of certain areas in the house (she is not allowed in the bedrooms and any carpeted areas which is not a lot as I have mostly tiled floors). That's my ONLY concern - that she will fret and I can't afford "doggy day-care"!! .... I was hoping that if she is ok (I will check with the Vet again when I see her next week and find out the "grade" of her luxating patella), we can have surgery somehwhere around the end of this year so I can take leave plus Xmas break and look after her. She is NOT limping at all ... it just recently started (the limp and in 30 secs, it's gone & she's ok).. My heart (and mind) is torn between allowing it to go on - doesn't seem to bother Molly at all, trust me! ... I am in Brisbane (unfortunately not in MEL, jkosti) - anyone know of a good surgeon they can recommend?? I am learning so much - thanks for all the tips etc.
  22. Thanks Poodle wrangler.... My vet did not recommend x-rays and did tell me that it would cost around $900-$1,000 all up if done in her surgery and Molly will stay there for 2 days. At the moment, she dislocates about 3 times a week... she gets up, drags her leg for 30 secs (or less) and then goes about as if nothing happened!! She hardly makes any sound so I don't know what's happened except that she "walked funny" ... now I know the reason. Should I go with the vet's advice as to when to have the surgery OR should I wait and see if it occurs frequently ie several times a day before I proceed to surgery? Any thoughts??
  23. Appreciate all your advice and am now more aware of the condition. Will get a crate if she needs surgery - I understand about the sedation lucknow... she is a "livewire" and loves her exercise. With crating, should I start doing that when I know she needs surgery? With the toilet training, she would not do it on a lead IN OUR backyard BUT will do outside ie when I take her for her walks (yes, i do pick up after her of course, being a socially responsible person). Wonder how I would train her to do it in our backyard?? Any suggestions ? Cheers
  24. I might get a 2nd opinion.... Also, how effective is sedation after surgery?... as mentioned, I have to go to work mon-fri and she'll be mostly alone except for my son goes to Uni. Vet mentioned that as Molly is very active, maybe sedation to keep her quiet would assist in the rehab process... Anyone has experienced that - dog not too "doozy' after 1 mth of sedation??... just curious.
  25. Don't know why the Vet went straight into saying "surgery" ... would have thought that an x-ray is required to see how serious the condition is before surgery was suggested - surgery been the LAST option?? Maybe I am wrong .... maybe she felt it and that was enough for her but she certainly recommends using a specialist for the surgery. Molly is only young - thought it affected 'older" dogs - again, I could be wrong!
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