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Everything posted by PooMother

  1. Well just on this what if you ahve to board your dogs? All kennels I ahve spoken to have said with pups must be fully vaccinated, whcih to them is 3 vacs with last 2 having KC cough. Interesting my vet and a couple of others I called have said with Nobivac a 2nd one is reccommended. I have had my pups 2nd vac last week with Nobivac and was told another due in 4weeks same with my older boys all had to ahve 3 when given nobivac? Also advised this too given parvo was and still is pretty rampant at the moment. Not looking at boarding the pup but if say over easter I go away pup must have had 3 vacs and thats with all kennels I spoke to (when asking about boarding my boys) ETS Nobivac as in KC component
  2. NSW legal to import if you have a license illegal to use (only if you get caught or dobbed in)
  3. Arent the spot ons supposed to be waterproof?
  4. According to Dermcare, Permoxin binds instantly so no need to seperate. Just don't go spraying it directly on the cat! I've been using it on my dogs for years and have two cats. It's really the only product that works when there is heavy flea burden. Shame it doesnt work on cats as I am having real issues with them at the moment, nothing seems to be working, spot on, capstar, ACV. Dogs are all good. Cats are inside cats aswell but not inside inside as such just out in their room which is the double garage/office room
  5. Sorry to hijack but as you are up sunny coast way what do you use for ticks? I am asking as we are coming back up to visit kids and grandkids and Im bringing my pup who will be 13 weeks and as they live bush (Carters Ridge) am trying to work out what is best for her whilst up there. Strangley enough when we lived out at Lake MacDonald our old girl got tick poisoning and was treated successfully and then never ever got another tick or flea, bizarre I use Permoxin. I did use frontline, was crap. Doesn't even handle fleas up here. For just fleas, I use advantage but when ticks appear I do weekly sprays of permoxin (with water, not metho). NO I never found frontline to work either. I have Permoxin already here but have never use it, bought before I knew it was bad for cats and we have a few. I will make up a bottle and take with us.
  6. Sorry to hijack but as you are up sunny coast way what do you use for ticks? I am asking as we are coming back up to visit kids and grandkids and Im bringing my pup who will be 13 weeks and as they live bush (Carters Ridge) am trying to work out what is best for her whilst up there. Strangley enough when we lived out at Lake MacDonald our old girl got tick poisoning and was treated successfully and then never ever got another tick or flea, bizarre
  7. Lol looks like PF red tabby maine coon
  8. Thanks for the replies. I know my old girl steals the dogs food but the other 6 have eaten around 5kg over the week from a 15kg bag. I didnt even think they would tear at the bag when I put it out there, such a dork. They will be little porkers lol.
  9. Hi we put a new bag of EP into the garage and dint think anymore about it till today when I saw the cats had opened it and have been having a field day. If cats eat dog biscuits is it bad for them? Think I read somewhere that if dogs eat cat food its not good for them but not sure about the other way around? Does anyone know if the dog food has stuff in it that the cat food doesnt that could harm them? They have eaten quite a bit of it which surprises me since they get fed twice a day ina yncase with fresh food and their own EP biscuits???
  10. Hmm, is the vinegar okay for cats too - as they share their water dishes. She only has usually one or two fleas on her - which is enough to cause the red spots and itchiness. I think it is most likely that she picks them up when we go for a walk, I don't think they are in my yard, or else she would have a lot more I would think. How long do fleas live without being on a food source? Is capstar the tablet that you have to give daily? I will look into the evening primrose oil shampoo too. On the subject of the sentinal spectrum, I am really annoyed that it doesn't clearly state on the box that it doesn't kill adult fleas! The info leaflet inside does if you read the whole thing to find it - but the box says controls and prevents fleas. False advertising if I've ever seen it! I do have prednisone from the vet when she had hot spots last summer - I try not to use it too often though as I know it's not particularly good for long term use. I also have neotopic cream to put on, which she immediately licks off! What would be the dosage of claratyne for a small dog? She is 5kg. Thanks everyone. Yes my cats have Apple Cider aswell. Capstar is about 15.00 and you can get it from Big W etc, they come in a pack of 6. It is a fast knockdown so to speak but you can not use it as your only treatment. If he only has one or two felas this should help within I think it says 30mins but you will need to get soem other form of treatment also. The thing is although you may think there is nothing in your garden fleas live in sandy areas also and lay eggs etc just becasue you cant see/feel them on you doesnt mean theya rent there so I would treat the garden aswell. I dont get fleas jumpoing on me so to speak when I walk out but I know my guys still get the odd flea or few. My biggest eye opener was when I had the carpets steam cleaned......my cats and dogs had been treated as normal and I didnt notice any scratching etc and couldnt see fleas but within a day of my carpets being steam cleaned we had fleas jumping on us!!!!!!! The heat and vibration had apparently set off eggs or something, well so we were told so we then flea bombed the whole house tiled areas included and now do so every 6 months I was mortified to say the least
  11. Ah thats who I was thinking of but couldnt remember so didnt say so I didnt look like a dumbo lol Thank you
  12. Thanks for all the responses - appreciated :-)
  13. Hi Ausgirl, Welcome Alot of Dolers use Apple Cider Vinegar in their dogs water (or if they wont drink it in their food) I use it in both water and food, not as many fleas as normally on them I must admit. I also use Advantix and for a quick knockdown I use Capstar tabs. For the itchy (PF border collie has severe rashes etc ) we got a shampoo called Evening Primrose Oil Shampoo (vet grade) it was amazing how quickly the itch and redness stopped, redness subsided greatly after first wash. Anyway we only wash the dogs in this now. Flea issue well trial and error I guess, some products work well on one dog but not on others. Forntline does nothing for my dogs which is why I use Advantix during tick season and Advantage in winter. You will also need to treat her bedding and garden areas. There are alot of good threads on here about fleas and what others have usesd done, just do a search and you should be fine. Good luck I know how frustrating it can be
  14. I would be very interested aswell to hear how it goes, thanks for the info
  15. HI I personally use Ester C tabs but am asking for a friend about the powder. Do any of you use the powder vitamin c and if so what kind and where do you get your supplies please? Thanks in advance
  16. http://www.richardsnotes.org/archives/2005...contact-points/ Try googling I did and found this link. I have a 40D also but never had that prob well not yet anyway
  17. I have found all of your posts of great help to me thankyou. I am thinking I need to do a course to learn properly how to use my 40D and then go from there. I would love an array of lenses, and whilst I am not intending to go professional I have always had a keen interest in photography as a hobby but have never been able to take it up, well until now since OH bought me the camera when we went overseas. That lens you are talking about LukeW sounds great and I would love to own one along those lines, there are soooo many lens it just confuses me. Maybe now I am on holidays I can read the booklet that came with the camera and learn some more, but if Im honest Im more of a hands on person than read instructions lol. I am still trying to find pics to show you some of the areas I thought may need a different lens but after all this reading it is probably the photographer who doesnt really know how to use the camera:-)
  18. and a little more.....i looked into it when i bought my 2.8L USM (Only) lens today that set me back $1600+, but man i bet it is gonna be worth every cent when it arrives Excellent cant wait to see pics from it.
  19. Right Ive looked at this site and now I am totally confused
  20. Ok I need to set the budget somewhat higher then by the looks of it :-)
  21. How far away were you for the action shots? Which are great btw
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