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  1. Hi Guys, I have 3/4 Labrador, 1/4 Chow Chow Black dog named Molly. She's not quite the size of a lab, probably 1" shorter and doesn't have the big gut they have either but so a greyhound barrell chest type where she thins out as you go down towards her tail. Yes she does have the chow chow gum spots. In the last couple of weeks I have had trouble walking her. She knows as soon as I put on my shoes, grab the football and then the leash that we're off and like all dogs she'll jump around like a moron all excited. Once out the door she runs off as usual excited to be out. Usually she would just walk around sniffing everything in site all the way to the MCG and back again with no problems but lately we've got no more than 50om away from the house and she refuses to walk any further even if I try and force her by pulling on the leash (she usually walks free with the leash still attached). She doesn't seem sick or injured...she still eats like a pig and jumps around when you let her inside etc but she did have some gastro about 2 weeks ago which cleared up after 2 days. What should I do? I don't mind the odd walk myself when the sun is out... Thanks
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