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Everything posted by maggiebear

  1. Yes the noise would definitely be her main concern and it's also the fear of the unknown I think. But we did have a lot of trouble just to get her to walk through the hole in the door in the first place, then one day left her outside and then sometime later she was inside. I think she realises now that i will tie the flap up after a while so doesnt bother with the next stage. So, i will have to toughen up on the weekend and convince her to come inside through the flap in her own time, even if it takes all day. Meanwhile, might stick some shade cloth over the gap which will solve my fly problem and also get her used to something being there! Like one of the posts said, if she wants to come inside badly enough during the day when my other dog goes inside to escape the heat she will!
  2. Thanks for all your replies. They certainly are food for thought. I think i will try persuading her to go through with the leash, with the assistance of my husband!!! Lablover, yes she has been trained to intermediate level and i will be taking her to advanced classes next year. She was very timid there to start off with, especially with the agilitity equipment, but eventually learnt to love the tunnels and ramps, and away she went. Hopefully same with doggy door! Bouncyboxers - love the idea of the soft rubber flaps. Our door also is a very thick plastic and makes a loud noise when it's used so the rubber would overcome that, but what about security? I suppose that if someone was going to break in through the door it would be very easy to just push the plastic in anyway!
  3. Hi there, i have just come across this website and it is brilliant. I am wondering if anyone out there has had a problem getting their dog to go through the flap of a doggy door. I have two dogs, a boxer and a boston terrier. The boxer girl is a little timid of new things and situations, and will not push the flap open of her new doggy door. I have tried holding treats, meals on the other side, and my boston goes through with no difficulties, but she just will not. She stood on the other side of it for over two hours one day until i felt sorry for her and gave up. When i tie up the flap part so there is just a hole to walk through she does it no problems, its only the noise and the actual act of pushing the flap open with her nose that scares her. Any ideas? I am sick of leaving flap open all day and coming home to a house full of flies! Has anyone been in this situation before and how do we overcome it? This has been going on for over a month now.
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