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  1. Sorry I forgot to mention. This is for raw foods :)
  2. 1..2...3....go! Just doing some research for a dog food project and would love to know your thoughts!
  3. I haven't read the other posts but wanted to share my experience. I have a dog to suffers from colitis flare ups. He can't have raw chicken, fish, roo or bones of any type. If he eats any of these things he becomes a very sick little dog with explosive bloody stools, vomiting and you can see he is in pain with very bad belly aches. He was on a prescription diet and probiotics for 6 months before I slowly introduced normal food to him. He hasn't had any problems for the last 12 months and now eats a diet of Fetch It Fresh Beef BARF and Canidae Pure Sea. It is a matter of finding out what triggers the colitis and steering clear of all foods that upset the dog. None of my dogs get bones because I can't risk him digging up a buried bone. I can't recommend probiotics highly enough!!!
  4. Yes I know, sadly none of them have similar ingredients to this. I understand you have to be extra careful with your dog's diet though.
  5. Cavnrott, I would have assumed that animal fat (or in this case chicken) is in most if not all dry dog foods? This particular food from memory is 14% fat so I wouldn't call it fatty. I actually purchased some because I was looking for lower fat options for my little piggies :)
  6. Thanks sas, I thought you were meaning there is something bad about those ingredients
  7. Excuse my ignorance sas but what is wrong with chicken fat and pork meal? I got a couple of bags for my dogs, so far so good. My 'delicate' dog who is very sensitive to chicken and fish proteins has had no digestive problems at all :)
  8. So came across this in the local shop https://www.holisticselect.com/product.aspx?pet=dog&cat=5&pid=83 Deboned Turkey and Lentils with NO potato and grains. Thought I would share for anyone looking for a grain free food that doesn't have potato in it as I am unaware of any others.
  9. Ok thanks for the info. I guess my friend was wrong about it being a new standard. Was just interested as I heard America has strict standards for pet food but Australia there are not as strict regulations.
  10. Hi all, I have been told that there are new (not sure exactly how new) standards/regulations for producing and labeling pet foods and meat in Australia. I always thought that we didn't have standards here so was interested to have a read. Does anyone know where you would find these new standards? The only info I can find online is a standard that you have to pay for in order to view which is odd. I don't think many pet owners would pay for them! Also do pet food and meat companies have to comply with these standards or are these just guidelines?
  11. Thanks Sags but the small/medium Advance dental have peices that my dogs would hoover down and the large breed only comes in a bigger bag. My dogs won't touch Eukanuba.
  12. That's assuming the dog chews it of course :)
  13. It was a vet who recommended I add a few pieces Danois and he has other patients who do the same. He is confident it will make a difference.
  14. I went and purchased a bag of RC Dental today. Mixed results. 2 dogs chew it and the dog I really wanted it for inhales it and he is only a small breed! Does anyone know if the TD bits are larger?
  15. Thanks very much for all of the replies :) Plaque off may be good but because we have a few dogs that drink quite a lot each day I don't think it would be as cost effective as adding a few bits of dental kibble to the dog who can't have bones dinner. Pie, that is great feedback thank you! Sags, the Advance Dental comes in a huge bag and because I only want to add a few pieces into the current food each day I think it would last me years.
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