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Everything posted by kja

  1. More first impressions on my blog I only used this camera in Bali and haven't had time to look at the images properly yet. I am happy with how it performed but I have yet to look at the images on the computer so that will be the real test and I will be adding more info here and on the blog once I get to Bali photos!
  2. It's called the TS2 in the US and something else here I can't remember, sorry! I've just put my hands on this camera so this is going to be one of those reviews that you're going to have to stop back and check for updates since I've shot five frames so far But they were impressive frames. First impressions: - it's huge. This is not what I class as a "pocket" camera - compact, yes. Pocket, no. It's heavy compared to my Olympus SW720 and Canon 1200SD; it's lighter than my Canon A series (and well smaller and sleeker than the A series). It is not my idea of a go anywhere pocket camera. Toss in the handbag or backpack and it will be fine for size and weight in everything but the smallest purses. This is a bit of a down-side for me coz I am all about the form factor and I'm a little disappointed. I thought I'd read the specs right but I was wrong. No biggie - I use two different baby cameras now and was just hoping to be able to use this one exclusively on my upcoming trip, but both this and the Canon 1200SD IS will be coming along as I don't want to haul this clunker around when we are out at restaurants and bars etc. - the buttons are happily tactile. They all feel good to use. I haven't yet figured out how to turn off the beeps it makes when you do some things, but hopefully there is a way. - typically next-to-useless instruction manual. - feels responsive so far, but I've only shot static subjects. Will be heading to the beach later to give it a moving target test. I sat down with my Oly and this one for the frames I shot and it was definitively faster to take a shot. Of course, a blind turtle with a sketch pad & piece of charcoal is faster at rendering an image than the Oly is... - focus seems to have been nailed each time. The Oly found focus on these subjects all but once (which is a 20% failure rate out of five frames) - and this has always been and continues to be a huge problem with the Olympus Tough range, they simply miss focus on the easiest subjects too often. - settings: macro, flash forced on, ISO 100, normal picture, little shaky hand on screen (again, haven't figured out how to turn this off), inside the house with no extra lights on = sharp, fast photos. These are straight from the camera to resized for web - no other settings applied in post. At 1/1 you can see excellent detail in the texture of his nose and the details in his eye. Very happy with this type of shot; the Oly did OK but not quite as crispy. Lobo is thrilled I have a new toy... I suspect there is an aggressive sharpening action taking place in camera so it will be interesting to see how this is handled at other ISOs and in a variety of scenes. So far, it's working. Can't wait to hit the beach and try to get some action shots of the girls - that will be the true test for my needs. And I'll do some indoor, low light stuff at some stage just because...
  3. How classic is that? I actually own a bag almost exactly like one that is shown in one of the sample shots for that second link $73 seems a little steep to me, though. I'm a huge fan of doing things this way and have a couple of bag bags set up so I can jury-rig my own low budget version...but for $33 I might grab one of the cocoons. Have to do some measuring...
  4. Oh the kiss on the head shot - love for sure!
  5. huga - nice catch up photos! Lola in her crate is adorable luv - very nice photo of you two...and the photo of the photo, too 58/365 - Why I won't be doing that much shopping on my holiday... Canon 40D, Canon 17-55 2.8 @33mm, ISO 1000, f2.8, 1/60
  6. 8/52 - Dora during Cyclone Carlos Canon 40D, Canon 17-55 2.8, ISO 1600, 1/30, f3.2
  7. Crazy week here. I have photos, but I haven't gotten around to getting them up here! So mine will be a little out of order (again LOL) 56/365 - my spider Canon 40D, Canon 60mm macro, f14, 1/80, ISO 640 57/365 - my spider with a snack Canon 40D, Canon 60mm macro, f14, 1/80, ISO 640
  8. hehehe love day 48, WA I have a couple remotes that look remarkably similar! 53/365 - yes, the sun does shine out of my butt, akshually Olympus 720SW
  9. 52/365 - Clouds above me heralding a new cyclone Canon 1DIII, Canon 135L 2.0, f2, 1/60, ISO800
  10. Pretty sky & rainbow! Cute doggeh, tlc!
  11. The green on that frog is amazing! And his little smile - love Very happy he's not near me, though, as frogs do actually creep me out!
  12. yay! I've had a looksee through your Facebook already :rolleyes: Hope things become more manageable from now on ;)
  13. 51/365 - Dora faster than lightning! Olympus 720SW
  14. Nice shots :rolleyes: Love Ella - what character!!
  15. 1 - reshoot and turn off the flash or move it away from the camera, if possible. 2 - have everyone in the plane of focus. This will vary with your aperture, distance and focal length. Using a wider lens focal length will help as the DOF for a given distance is more than with a telephoto lens. There is a thread in here from a week or two ago that has a ton of info and a couple of links to help. If it's not possible, I concentrate on the most important eyes. 3 - don't forget you need to process your images for display. Most people will sharpen an image and that will help with the POP. Adjusting contrast, blacks and other things in post will also help. Starting with the sharpest lens you can and a sweet spot aperture and then go from there.
  16. Week 8?! You're so efficient - my week 8 only started 2 days ago :rolleyes: Love that collar!!
  17. 50/365 - Me & my friend Sue after lunch yesterday...and before two more bottles of wine... Canon SD1200 IS
  18. Keep them both and have Week 7 Kitteh and Week 7 Puppeh!
  19. 550D for sure if you want dslr. don't forget to budget for lenses, too. The 7D, imho, is far too much camera for most users though if you're really into it and don't mind dropping a big chunk of change, go for it! Anyone can learn to use it.
  20. Budget? Compact? SLR body and lenses?
  21. 7/52 Boof & Dora Canon 1DIII, Canon 24L 1.4II, f3.2, 1/40, ISO 800
  22. Adobe always has a 30 day free trial of their products - just go to www.adobe.com
  23. luv - cute shot and cute dish. maybe play with desaturating the yellows just a touch if you aren't quite happy with it? love tango!!
  24. 5 & 6 and the last one with the tongue out! Love them
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