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Everything posted by kja

  1. Panasonic, no contest at all. After years and years of frustration with "waterproof" cameras I finally have one I adore. I personally wouldn't spend the extra on the TS4 and would find a TS3 instead, but they will both get the job done. The Olys still suffer from snail-pace focus time and they still miss focus far more than they should. And when the images are in focus, they are still kinda <meh>. I would not own an Oly again until they completely overhaul everything. IMHO the panasonic TSs are the only viable choice on the market right now. I agree that finding good reviews is terribly hard - I did (and continue to do) massive amounts of research and I lay hands on as many models as often as I can. Here's some UW shots that I've done that may help you. @12m while scuba diving Don't hesitate, just buy it
  2. Once again, thank you for letting me know you're enjoying them!! my friend Bruce looking at who knows what - I couldn't find anything cool there and he couldn't remember stopping LOL moray getting cleaned Always worth stopping to check out the sponges
  3. If you'd just switch to Lightroom you wouldn't have to fool with all the others ;)
  4. I hear ya - I picked up a 1m metal print a while back and have just decided to go funky abstract nudi on it. I'll either love it or hate it, but what the heck?
  5. and a 1m canvas (that's big!) for $49 on Scoopon WA today (24 July)
  6. thanks :) Harry's good eye has been wonky since May and it's simply never going to be anywhere near OK again. Makes me sad. But he's doing great, still seems to have at least some vision and is going about his day to day life just fine. He will sometimes have the eye open, though often only partially, but lately the norm is pretty much closed. He's still my gorgeous black kitty-boy.
  7. kja

    My Family

    Awwww, butter would not melt!! What a totally awesome cutie pie!
  8. Flies are disgusting creatures and I've never really taken the time to appreciate what beauty they do offer - until today while I was wandering around the back yard, hanging out on the phone with Telstra, trying to keep my blood pressure down...
  9. just got an email from www.myreflections.com.au and they are having a sale on photobooks for Father's Day (but you can do one for anything) Simply use the code FathersDay2012 to receive an additional 20 pages free. This offer ends Midnight August 22 2012 I haven't used them before so not sure what they are like, but 20 pages free is a good time to try!
  10. that's a lot of bunny! I love the one with his paws on his face :)
  11. ooo leopard cub - too cutie! I loved my time (too short) in Sabi Sands, South Africa - can't wait to go back!
  12. Could not resist snapping a shot when I saw Boof all cutie sleeping earlier today.
  13. Just hoping to get a simple sample of what you'd all choose if you absolutely only had the above four options. Thanks!
  14. Thanks, Guys :) Here's some more... dinner shrimp in a sponge scorpionfish face parrotfish munching
  15. Hi!! A quick scroll tells me I have to come back and take some time looking and commenting in this thread!! And catching up my own self. For now, here's my Week 29 - today's sunrise
  16. have you tried doing it yourself? I use PhotoRec (free, at will donation) and it freakin' rocks. I've recovered stuff that was years old from cards that had been used over and over and over - no way should those files have been there. It's an awesome bit of software that everyone who takes photos should have, imho, coz it's not a question of IF but of WHEN. Oh, and, of course, backups should be standard ;)
  17. Thanks, monet! Super awesome special sighting of an eagle ray - was told very rare to see and I spent several minutes with it. crinoid shrimp with eggs feisty eel
  18. Be prepared for sticker shock on tripods. It's one item that expense can easily equal quality. Figure out your needs and a budget then work from there. I rarely use my tripod - even when I remote trigger I often just set the camera on a table, chair, tree, rock or other moderately handy item :) I just hate carrying it and dicking around with it LOL Have fun with the new toys!
  19. oh no! why are you selling it? That's sad
  20. Don't have it but looks totally nifty!
  21. Thanks, All! Bonaire was beautiful. Still haven't gone through all my images but working on it here and there :) @CC - Flamingo tongue (not a nudi, it has a shell) and flutemouth/trumpetfish :) Cutie octopus One of many morays Only saw one (very uncooperative) sea horse Angelfish Couldn't resist taking photos of virtually every arrowcrab I saw! Am trying to share only the ones that have a little something extra - like this guy eating a shrimp
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