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Everything posted by supercharged
We are in Bowen, got through Anthony and now this.....the joys of the tropics. Just had a text on my phone suggesting self evac from the area and then a call on the landline with the warning signal and the same message - they are concerned about the storm surge that will acompany it too. Stay safe everyone, keep your dogs inside with you.
Oh my gosh! Where do you live and I wanna come too! I just paid $60 for a microchip and $95 for a C5............im in north QLD!!! I feel so ..........violated!
That's exactly why I socialised the heck out of my boys when they were puppies. They don't care if they get rushed as long as the dogs aren't going to kill them. Takes a lot of the anxiety out of getting them out of the yard. That is the problem there thought Corvus, you never know when you ARE going to get a dog that DOES want to hurt you or your dog. I too am so sick of being rushed, I have a cattle dog who is friendly enough to tolerate (to an extent) and a PWD who at the moment loves everyone thank doG! But when will the day come that an accident happens and we come across a nasty one - who attacks my loving friendly dog and turns her into a terrified fear biter?? Sorry about the dramatics but do you know where I am coming from? Its not nice to be worrying if today will be that day...... I dunno socialisation will only get us so far then you rely on the dog having positive experiences for the rest of its lift, it sometimes only takes one BAD experience to undo all you have done right....... JMO:) I feel for you 3 woofs, been there, doing that at the moment.....
I've seen the method done properly and without stress to the dog....HOWEVER that's not what the video is about. Exactly! It was not done properly in this vid, the reaction of the pup shows that on the run back to the judge - he/she was scared. I still believe it was not the judges place to touch the dog - the handler should have done it.... IMO
I came across this too on facebook, I would not have let her handle my dog in that manner not appropriate nor helping the poor dog to learn the right way to behave in the ring...... Disgusting!
I had a large cattle dog litter with two runts a few years back, one ended up average cattle dog size the other grew over standard after her tall father! You just never know.
Had exactly this happen to us - my big blue cattle boy used to rush the fence, no barking but hackles up (we were on 2.5 acres fully fenced), a lady with a border collie used to walk every day, female dog off lead which used to toilet on our easement and then ruck up the grass like a male....our boy took a great dislike to it. We receive in the mail an order to keep our dog away from the front fence and to stop him getting out (this lady tried to report that our dog had left the property to harass her and her dog?!) or the dog will be declared dangerous (he never hurt a fly in his entire lifetime mind you), ranger then turns up and tries it on with the hubby - who politely told him to get his facts straight and get off the property! All because our boy was apparently causing her fear by running to the gate! Its gonna be fraught with danger in policing it......
ta for the link! It looks interesting, I already crate train all my dogs but this puts a spin on it. I am going to give it a whirl!
Okay so now you have me wondering - what are these crate games?? can anyone send me a link or direct me to a book or DVD? Sounds interesting and very useful.....
+1 here, it is terrible - every month we open the CCC mag to count how many a certain person is taking and to analyse the re-occuring prefixes.........how it that not puppy farming???
Favorite Photos Of Your Dog...
supercharged replied to poochiemama's topic in General Dog Discussion
Two of my kids with our newest addition - tub time!!! Jessie invited herself much to the delight of the other two.... -
You can screen till the cows come home and still end up selling to a dodgy person who has made themselves look like a great home. Well done Christina on what you do with your pups, I have just invested a lot of money into a rare breed and will also be looking into doing the same. Health issues can arise whether or not you desex, its a bit like the lottery I believe. I am glad to see people are taking puppy farming and the like as a serious threat to our comminity and attempting to reduce the problem rather than turn a blind eye and pretend it can't happen to them. I used to be a very trusting person until someone abused that trust and used one of my puppies for all the wrong reasons under a desexing agreement.
Exactly why should we seperate them when they are enjoying themselves! We live between two old people..........I had a visit the other day from one telling me I should seperate them because they were fighting, I suggested she actually watch a game and see what was happening. But they persist several times a day for up to an hour at a time, what do you do then?
I don't know so when you get the answer let me know! I have a cattle dog bitch driving me crazy with barking during play - her playmate does not utter a sound (male) but she does not shut up the whole time.....
I finally discovered that most pet owners simply don't understand or appreciate the work breeders have in breed development........they just think we throw two dogs together and wha la! The perfect pup arrives. Many people will just tell you what they think you want to hear, I now do not trust anyone but me to hold onto a potential show/breeder that I may want to use. It was a sad day my OH said to me you can't trust anyone in this charade......made me wonder where humanity had gone.
I tend to agree with this, I would never put a bitch out on breeders terms in an ordinary pet home, it's just too risky especially if you don't know the people concerned. The bitch may have a mongrel litter, the people may find that having an entire bitch is too inconvenient and have her desexed without telling you or they may just decide that they don't want to part with her when the time comes for her to have a litter. Sure you have a contract in place, but if the bitch is desexed what's the point of it, what's done is done. And do you really want to have the hassle of trying to enforce the contract if things go wrong because there's absolutely no guarantee that you'll win. If you want a bitch to breed from, the best thing is to keep it yourself unless you are absolutely 100% sure that the people taking the bitch will meet all the conditions and uphold their side of the contract. Believe me people will promise anything when they take a puppy, but fulfilling those promises is a different thing entirely and the fact that they've signed a contract is irrelevant. BITCH STAYS FULL STOP....... Have had a lovely bitch desexed before it came time and was never told until I asked how she was going, also had a dog moved on without my knowledge and this lady was supposedly a friend! Keep her there have your litter and then rehome if you want to.
Approx Cost Of Removing A Male Dogs Wholeness
supercharged replied to a topic in General Dog Discussion
About the same here........for a cattle dog of about 24kgs -
Definately vet visit.......in over ten years breeding cattle dogs I have never had a "dwarf" but the does not mean it does not happen Maybe another medical condition causing it, had a friend with a little bitch pup that never developed properly and started running backwards all the time, domey head shape and really small eyes, she was pts at six week check due to some disease.
Ahhhh so I am not the only one to utter those immortal words in the middle of the night.......whew!
Problem I had with the zapper collars was running another dog, the dog would bark get zapped and then attack the other dog because she thought he had nipped her! Never worked like I had planned and when she really got riled up she just barked through the zaps, working breeds
OHHHHHH YEAHHHHHH! Love it! Thank god he finally was caught out, lets just hope all involved get their share...
I can relate to that! My old girl at the same age we nicknamed Komatsu (after the digging machines) for her ability to dig in just about anything. We tried for months but week after week in a rental property mind you, we had a nine hole golf course happening! Did the dog poo thing, tried chilli pepper, tried Dog Off products etc etc.......nothing worked. In the end we just resigned to the fact she would outgrow it and she did after about two years. A simple thing we found that reduced the intensity was to keep on top of her nails - I mean weekly clipping to keep them as short as possible - can't dig properly with short short nails! She was never interested in clam shells, well she was until the treats were found, then the lawn was better to get the grubs out. Now, I have a new digger another six month old!! Gotta be a phase for some, they were both ACD's. Weather the storm try the clam shell (you can always fill it with water instead!) or a section of the garden that seems to be preferred and if you find something that works let me know! S
Hi there, Larger chunky pieces will make him chew slower and also work his muscles, gums and teeth better. Chicken frames, marylands, meaty chunk of lamb, beef and roo tails are great. My cattle dogs are the same, necks are hoovered like spaghetti and even small wings are not safe from being swallowed whole. Supervision regardless of the meal is important. Cheers S