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Everything posted by grumpette

  1. Good advice fuzzy82 - it shouldn't have to be, but you have to use common sense when it comes to your dog's safety. Sometimes common sense and avoidance don't work because of the stupidity of the other dog owner. Today I was walking all three of mine, all on lead and perfectly under control, and we had stopped to talk to a good friend and her kids (the kids would not continue to walk home until they got a pat :D ). I saw a guy approaching us with his heeler X on lead, so I moved over and put all the dogs on a drop. Well he diverted and continued to walk straight for us intent on letting his dog meet and greet mine I asked him if he could keep his distance and my friend stepped in front of the still dropped and calm dogs. Thankfully he diverted again and passed at a distance. I mean who the hell is stupid enough to allow their dog to greet three random large dogs at once Later that day I took each of them, one at a time, to the local market and they got to play with a gorgeous brindle staffy X, a kelpie X and a SWF with no drama or trouble
  2. Baylee (Rottisliebe Bold Baylee) aka Old Chook, was named after Bailey's Irish Cream because she is black and tan. I had decided on this name way before she was born (she was supposed to be a he), much to her breeder's horror, hence the unusual spelling of her name. I think it is a great compromise. Dee (Rottisliebe Devil by Design) was originally named DeeDee, but the OH hated it as it sounded like the radio personnality, so she got abbreviated to Dee. We just could not think of another call name for her that began with D. Zephyr (Rottisliebe Eleventh Hour) better known as Zeph was actually named by the local vet nurse who was present during the whelping. His name means gentle westerly wind, which is rather appropriate considering he was conceived in the week after the 2009 fires, he now lives in Kinglake and the westerly change was anything but gentle on the Saturday. He came to us for some socialising at the age of 4 months supposably for a week and never left. I guess some things are just meant to be. :D
  3. Oh Jules she is just stunning. I have a soft spot for CKCS :)
  4. The above highlighted section is a concern that I have about temperament testing in a pound environment. Just the same as with training and behaviour modification, once a dog is past it's threshold and is so stressed out that it shuts down, it's true nature or behaviour will not come to the for. I have a Rotty here that has a huge prey drive. She will chase kids, bikes, small animals, large animals, in fact anything that moves, but she will also shut down when stressed, so this behaviour will not come to the for. It is a concern that the stress of the pound environment will mask many behaviours that the dogs' possess, and thus not give a true indication of the dogs' character. I also have a concern about the effect that the absence of the owner in the testing room may have on the behaviour exhibited by the dogs. I have a Rotty here who is a registered therapy dog, but I think that he would fail the temperament test because he can be a cocky shit, who is full of confidence, and he may come across as aggressive under some stimuli. Consequently, it is a concern that the effect of human interaction is not taken into account. The dogs' behaviour and reactions to the various stimuli could be very different with and without the owners, which means their reactions could be very different to the same stimuli in the home environment compared to the pound environment. Just a few thoughts that I am having.
  5. Some piccies from the Expo Zeph working Forbidden love or is that lust on Zeph's behalf. Poor Kia
  6. We had 250 people, at least 10 dogs (two in crates the rest on lead), about 6 cats, numerous other pets like rabbits and reptiles, and several birds including one loose parrot, all crammed into a fire station when the Feb 09 fires came through and there was not one fight or injury to any people or pets. All were quiet and calm. It is possible to have people and pets in an evacuation centre.
  7. Done. Pets need to go with their family, for the welfare of the pets and the people. The sooner the powers that be realise this the better for all.
  8. We would love a visit and smooches, but I warn you that he will be naked, no costumes this time. Well maybe a bandana
  9. MM they will love all the attention you can give them
  10. The Rotty Club will be there :D Zeph and I will be there on Sunday.
  11. An absolutely much loved gorgeous boy. Thank you so much for sharing Buddy with us :)
  12. If you want it to heal with no gap you can use steri strips to keep the two edges together. Stopping the head shake and scratching is the hardest. Good luck with it all.
  13. The girl dog in our household is the master manipulator of the poor boy dog. When Dee and Zeph are in the backyard chewing their bones Dee will deliberately run to the fence and bark if she has finished hers. Of course Zeph will leave his bone to join her at the fence to see what is going on. Mean while she doubles back and steals his bone. He has finally cottoned on to her motives and will run to the fence with the bone in his mouth to see what is going on. Maybe he is not as silly as we thought.
  14. A very belated Happy 8th Birthday Emma. And a very Merry Christmas to you SC and Emma. They are fantastic photos and I am sure they will be cherished. She is such a cheeky girl, which is brilliant to see. Remember Emma, don't bite the hand that feeds you :laugh:
  15. I agree with Dyz on this one. I did not know whether to slap the parents, especially after they got the poor dog to drop again so that the child could come back and jump on her again, or rescue the poor gorgeous dog and take her away from the moron owners. That poor trusting dog. Our job as owners and guardians of our breeds is to protect them, not subject them to abuse. Stupid moronic parents do not deserve such a brilliant dog PS for Kirislin
  16. May looney Emma be around for a long time to come :D Thanks heaps for the update SC
  17. Thinking of you all and hoping like hell that Emma has rallied and is enjoying life to the full again. Huge hugs and positive vibes coming your way
  18. Oh Julie I am so sorry to read that PACERS has had to close down. It was a fantastic concept that was driven by some truly awesome people. Be very proud of all that you achieved and the number of people and animals that your gave assistance to. I thank you all for your kindness and dedication. May you all enjoy a well earned rest.
  19. OMG Scooter and Elsie are such gorgeous characters. Fantastic photos.
  20. Wobbly I am so green with envy. What a great place :)
  21. Yep, Kepala is God's gift to the Dog world. There should be more places like it.
  22. tlc they are absolutely beautiful photos. You have a fantastic talent in being able to capture the joy of the moment. I have admired your photos and your dogs for a while. It is a pleasure to view your work. Thank you Thanks for the lovely comments everybody. And for sharing your gorgeous, charismatic canines. I am sure they keep us young with their antics. :D
  23. Swimming is also a favourite activity with our clan Even if you have to encourage them into the water to begin with :laugh: They love it to the point of despair if there is no water in the pool
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