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Everything posted by grumpette

  1. Some winter adventure photos. It doesn't matter that it's only 6 degrees and drizzly, they still swim We have also moved to harnesses for our hikes and walks, and they are loving it
  2. 3 is the most dogs that I have had at the same time. There was a 6 year age gap between Baylee, and the two younger dogs, Dee and Zeph. There was 9 months between Dee and Zeph. Dee and Zeph played together when Baylee needed a break, but they learnt so much from her. The hardest thing was ensuring that Baylee still got the chance to work and train, while I was training the younger ones.
  3. It's a good thing both boys are cute, because sometimes they are not very clever. Other times they are Einstein
  4. Hopefully the council does something to protect the daycare dogs. They and their owners don't deserve the possible drama the idiot trainer can cause.
  5. Hailey and Apollo have a definite sense of humour. They will play with the smallest stick or leave, play zoomies, do funny things to make you laugh and continue once you do. This makes training them in tricks so easy. Zeph, Apollo's great uncle was a serious dog, always a thinker and calculated in his actions. Loved people, so tolerated dressing up for things like nursing home visits or the dog lovers show, but sill serious. So yes, dogs definitely have a sense of humour
  6. Most of those videos are very scary, especially the reactive dog ones. Rottweilers hiding under the trampoline are not comfortable. And hitting away an over excited Border Collie is not proper human intervention
  7. Our vet has a 2 hr window for appointments especially for reactive dogs. Hailey is muzzled for each appointment and at the end of her consultation, I remove the muzzle and we do some trick training in the consult room. When we leave the vet, one of the nurses has extra treats for Hailey and takes the time to give them to her in the carpark. I know that Hailey is reactive and muzzle train to avoid any incidents. They know Hailey is reactive, especially under the stress of a vet visit, and are prepared to take the extra time. Absolutely love our vet and vet nurses
  8. Having been involved with Rottweilers for over 20 years, and owned 6 of them of varying temperaments, Freya is not "chilled", and the only reason that Penny is not being attacked is the fact that she is timid, very uncomfortable and diffusing the situation. If Freya was with a more confident, assertive dog, or a dog that was able to run away, there would be a massive reaction from her. Regarding the Dangerous Dog declaration, in Victoria declared dogs can't be rehomed, given away or sold. It's illegal. If they move from one council area to another, the declaration follows them. I also understand that this is now a national law. Under the dangerous dog laws it's also the legal responsibility of the registered owners to euthanase Freya, not yours as they need to notify the council. No vet will treat the dog on your say so, as you are not the registered owner. Freya is a huge liability, but she is not your responsibility. The owners need to step up and do what's best for Freya in a humane way. They owe her that much.
  9. Probably not because it is receiving shelter, food and water. If the obesity is causing life threatening medical issues, like open wounds or broken limbs that require urgent veterinary treatment, and these are not being treated, then they will possibly act and direct they owner to seek veterinary treatment by a certain date.
  10. When Hailey sits, she makes sure that she fits
  11. Thank you. I am so privileged to have them in my life
  12. She is brilliant at telling me exactly what she wants, play with me. I beg you to play with me.
  13. @Loving my Oldies they certainly do, especially Apollo who's head nearly disappears
  14. @Kazm they are the biggest posers, especially Hailey
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