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Everything posted by Staffordgirl

  1. I am so sorry for your loss Thinking of you and your family at this tragic time
  2. Poor boy Sorry to hear about his injury from the broken glass. Hoping he has a speedy recovery :rolleyes: Some people are just inconsiderate idiots who cause lots of problems for others and don't seem to care at all!
  3. I can't believe I missed this! What an absolutely disgusting thing to happen. I feel so sad for this man and his family Poor dog I hope the woman concerned is feeling very, very sorry for what happened. Sad thing is though that she probably doesn't care and is, in some strange way, trying to turn it into his fault or his dogs fault to make herself feel less guilty and lay the blame elsewhere I hope the man and his dog recover
  4. I am so sorry Caesars mum I have tears from reading your post. RIP Olympus Thinking of you and your family
  5. It's great to hear that Izzy has improved! Hope she enjoys lots of pats and cuddles for a speedy recovery Georgieboy: You are so right - Staffords are wonderful companions
  6. How disappointing for you and your family Didles ;) Wishing you all the best with finding another breeder and hopefully a new pup It sounds as though things went a bit strange towards the end. I hope the vet does follow up and the breeder gives you your deposit back. I hope all of the pups littermates are okay.
  7. I hope Jane had a great birthday. Hopefully you will see an improvement and now that she is a big girl she will hardly chew anything!!!
  8. Just wanted to send some good wishes to you and Hannah. Hopefully she is back to her usual self very soon! Take care of yourself too
  9. What an absolutely gorgeous boy! Love the photo's
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