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Everything posted by RiverStar-Aura

  1. Don't let him p*ss on parked cars. This is a huge peeve of mine and doesn't just refer to entire males either! I've never owned an entire male either but I have a feeling never taking him to a park is little over the top; I've seen plenty of well behaved entire males playing off leash. I do commend you for asking these questions to help you be a better owner. Perhaps talk to your dog's breeder too.
  2. If be a bit worried if the sheep decided to charge and bowl him over hurting him. He did insanely well for a Peke though -- never would've thought a ball of fluff would enjoy sheep herding!!
  3. Just a word on the Nexguard ... The info inside the packet suggests that dogs need to chew for best results. My dogs have no idea what chewing is (I think they're part duck!) so I just crush/crumble the chew into their food. I don't know what would happen if swallowed whole, probably nothing except being more easily digested? I just crumble to be on the safe side.
  4. Oh yeah, Kirah's really a 600 dog in a 300 dog body. She's only just in 300 too -- if I have her re-measured she'll most likely be a 200 dog :laugh:
  5. Happy National Dog Day from my two crazy agility pups! Edit: Kirah's not in the distance, she's just an overachieving 300 dog! :laugh:
  6. I just want to let you know how sorry I am to hear this has happened. Your poor pups, family and yourself. Don't beat yourself up too much over this as unfortunately these things can happen. Fingers crossed that dear Pudding keeps improving and so too do your others.
  7. I think what a lot of ute drivers fail to realise is that even though the dog can only look over the edge, if it falls back/bum first, it'll still end up hanging over the edge of the ute. I don't understand the whole tie the dog on the back of the ute in suburban areas; there's no need. Farms fine because the dogs are on/off all the time to work the cattle/sheep etc but in the city ... Put the dog inside the cabin.
  8. I'll be most likely spending all day Sunday there with friends. There's going to be 5 of us squished in a RAV4 so I'm hoping there's enough boot space for the stuff we all buy/freebies!!
  9. ZOMG!! He does the straight legged paddle walk!! Squeeeeeeeeeee!! I needs to get me a Ping!
  10. I love the definition of his leg muscles from those photos! Just so lovely! Are you planning on doing agility with lil Ping too? Looks like he'd be amazing!
  11. This was Zeus on his final run of the day at Sutherland -- after I had to leave the ring to collect him
  12. If the dog you saw buggered off away from the ring and was "yelled" at by a fat blonde chick then yep, that was us :laugh: I was also with a very noisy little turd Aussie Terrier who had issues with the wobbly dog walk :laugh: It was a fun trial but I didn't have much luck! Thanks for the comments -- I'm still on such a high because of how Zeus went yesterday. I can't wait to get to training tomorrow and do more work!!
  13. I just have to share my excitement/happiness. I've been trialling with Zeus and Kirah since the beginning of the year in both ADAA and ANKC but have really started getting down on myself. I compete only for fun but I've been disappointed in Zeus for a while. For those who don't know, Zeus is my intrepid explorer Beagle x JRT who is so independent and smart that he follows his nose, which have, in the past taken him on epic adventures across a 4 laned highway to McDonald's. :/ We've worked with Steve of K9 Pro to no avail (mostly through my own lack of regular and consistent training) so he's no longer allowed off lead at this one particular dog park, which is the McDonald's culprit. Zeus LOVES and thrives in agility; he's a beautiful, lean and agile dog with the build and smarts of a kelpie. We've been in training for nearly a year but I've been struggling with his focus and nose following. As soon as he's leash/collar free, it's so long mum I'm following my nose. Eventually I managed to gain his focus and he's awesome at training; trialling has been another adventure. I'd have him lined up for the first jump beautifully, release him and it's bye mum! I'm exploring the ring, smelling the surrounds, finding the canteen, checking on other dogs etc. Well ... Not yesterday! Zeus didn't place or earn any qualies, but I don't care. He DIDN'T RUN OFF ONCE!! Not once in any of his 4 runs and I couldn't be prouder!! I was waiting for him to vanish, hell I EXPECTED him to, but he sure showed me!! It's like something has finally clicked for us! I'm not expecting him to never run off again, that's a wee bit unrealistic, but I feel so much more confident in that my training, OUR training, is paying off. I'm so proud of my gorgeous boy and he's just blown me away!! Totally a Saturday to remember!!!
  14. Hard to believe that your gorgeous lil Neko is 2 already! Don't want to know where that time went! Hope she enjoyed her roast and you your toast and soup! :p
  15. I just bought one from eBay called the Ego Pet Kar9 barrier for my Hyundai ix35. It's fantastic :)
  16. Steve at K9 Pro. They've just (well kinda just) moved to Londonderry.
  17. Oh T You and the gorgeous Zeddy will be in my thoughts tonight.
  18. Hope I'm posting this in the right place. Nipper is a 12 month old Border Collie cross rescued from a farm before his owner shot him. He's desexed, mircrochipped and vaccinated and is also currently being taken to weekly obedience classes. Nips is full of beans, energy and love and wants nothing more than a family who'll love him as much as he loves them. If anyone is interested or knows of anyone who would be interested, please PM me. Edit: Nipper is located in the Illawarra.
  19. I've got my fingers crossed that True fits in perfectly with her new potential home. It always astounds me at the number of beautiful dogs who end up in rescue. Good luck True!!!
  20. Such a sad, sad ending. I hope her memory lives on as does the wonderfulness of her final selfless act. RIP Helen and stray
  21. I understand the motives behind not wanting to take found dogs to a shelter etc, however, these people don't understand that they could quite possibly be making the finding process a lot harder for owners of missing pets. Many dogs are now microchipped so getting in contact with owners of strays is becoming far easier. My dogs don't wear collars in my backyard so if they were to escape, I'd be completely reliant on someone having them scanned for a microchip. If they weren't taken to a vet/pound to be scanned I doubt I'd ever find them and I would be furious to find out of someone was holding them without having them scanned. I've even gone past having just local registration and they are listed on CAR (Central Animal Records). It's a national database and people can google my dogs' microchip numbers and they come up as being listed with CAR. CAR will then get in contact with me on the finder's behalf and let me know they've been found. It's not a very effective service though if people don't take the time to have dogs scanned for a microchip.
  22. My dogs have always and will always travel on the backseat. For trialling the dogs are on the backseat (with backseat buddy set up) and I'm still able to fit the 3m x 3m gazebo, a gazebo mat, 2 x wire dog crates (folded up though), a collapsible chair and anything else I need. Even though they're small, the Getz has an amazing amount of storage space!
  23. I've got a 3mx3m OzTrail and I was able to make it fit in my Getz. Stand it in the front passenger footwell and let it rest on the seat. Edit: my Getz can fit anything -- it's like my Mary Poppins bag!!
  24. I generally don't mind because Zeus, my 500 dog, is still in Novice and nowhere near close to winning/ qualifying; I'm still working on him not runing off to sniff things when I say go. :laugh: I agree with you OSo because a lot of the BCs I watch compete in 500 tend to knock bars or get so super excited they start circling and barking at their handlers -- their brains have pretty much leaked out their ears by this point. I'm happy just plodding along at mine and my dogs' pace -- not doing agility to win. That I'm saving for my next dog!! *wink*
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