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Everything posted by RiverStar-Aura

  1. Wow that just blows my mind about their weights. Even at 8 weeks they're heavier than Kirah who's full grown! But they'll be 8 kilos of fun; I just adore how fluffy they look as babies and nothing makes me smile more than the antics of a boofy Rottie (regardless of age)!
  2. Since I've never owned a large breed before, I'm curious to know what weight a Rottie pup is on average at the rime of leaving home. I'm used to getting a 2-3ish kilo 8 week pup!
  3. Here's my pick! She has just the most gorgeous, soft, almost sad expression that I want to give her great big hugs!! Oh and I can't resist all of their squishy, crinkly noses!! So stunning!
  4. Could you maybe make a cape for her using a black sheet and a witch's hat out of black cardboard? I just googled a photo of a Basset Hound dressed up as Sherlock Holmes! So cute!! :D
  5. So many quirky likes/dislikes here; I love it!' I love the Norwich Terrier but would never want a Norfolk Terrier. Prefer a BS Terv over GSD. Would LOVE a Parson Russell not Jack Russell. Hope to own a Foxhound one day but not a Beagle again. And I want a Saluki just because!! :D
  6. I'm so sorry to read about little Danny getting worse. I have my fingers crossed that the guys at SASH can help him out. Be kind to yourself DDD because you're going above and beyond for this little guy!
  7. Allerzeit you're reeeeeeeeeeeally making me want a gorgeous Rottie pup now!!
  8. I'm wondering if you've had Danny looked at for IBS (I'm assuming you and the vet have it covered though!). A friend of mine has a cat who chucks up regularly every night and has been prescribed Metrigel daily for the rest of her life. Your poor bubs and you. Here's hoping things start settling down!!!
  9. When can my dogs and I move in? :laugh: Looks really good. Don't forget some comfy blankies to chuck in the cubby for bedding!! :)
  10. Life would be so much simpler if animal meds only came in liquid form and fruit punch flavoured.
  11. I wonder too if Danny has worked out that all these different foods mean tablet time. It's probably not a case of him not liking the food you're offering but the fact he knows there's a tablet hidden in it. Dogs are annoyingly smart and perceptive like that! :/ I second trying ice cream, honey, peanut butter or all of them mixed together if need be! I love me a good peanut butter and honey sandwich and so do my dogs! :laugh:
  12. Nope. Any mess my dogs make, I clean up. They're my dogs so I look after them. All she sees is the 'waste of money' but I see it as the entertainment value and the fact that I'm sure she'd rather them rip up toys than her gardens!! It's just weird and I think it stems from the fact that she still has very old school ideas about pets which came from growing up on a farm where dogs and animals served a working purpose so close bonds weren't really formed. She says she loves animals it's just that she doesn't form a close attachment to them and doesn't get upset when it's their time to pass. In much the same way I struggle to understand her lack of bonding, she struggles to understand how close to the heart my animals are and was confused over how devastated I was over the loss of Poochie. I've learnt my lesson though. I'll keep all plushies out of sight when she's around therefore she won't try and rouse on the dogs for gutting them. If she's outside it's all boring rubber 'backyard ornaments' for them!!
  13. Mine have has prime cuts of human grade porterhouse steak and eat better and more frequently than I do. When it comes to looking after myself regarding healthy eating/exercise etc I don't care but when it comes to my dogs, they get the best of everything. :laugh:
  14. Dame Aussie that's exactly what I told mum -- that I buy them to get destroyed. She replied that it's a waste of money. There's no winning with her. I love watching Zeus's sh*t eating grin when he's so proud of his efforts!! I don't give too hoots that he kills his toys.
  15. I just had a weird argument with my mum about me letting Zeus rip the stuffing out of a soft toy. She believes I should put a stop to it but I really don't see the problem. For those with destructo dogs, do you honestly care that they take pleasure in gutting their toys?
  16. Ditto. Leash up and alter course to avoid. The last thing you want to be responsible for is a riderless horse ending up in traffic. Ditto for me too. I see it as being no different to a horse and rider on the road. We slow down and pass quietly with wide berth so putting the dog on a lead until they pass seems logical. It's to do with the safety of ALL: dogs, humans and horses. I also know that Zeus and Kirah both love to chase horses because I walk past a paddock every so often and if the horses are just grazing it's all fine, but if they start moving Zeus especially barks and lunges at them and whines.
  17. I don't know if this helps at all but the eating of lizards usually gives my terriers the runs. Have never had puking but they do get ill bellies after the kill and digest.
  18. The entire video I'm thinking that the brindle boy is a bloody trouble maker!! Can't help but pick on his sisters but it was nice to see them ganging up on him towards the end of the video!! :laugh: Gorgeous grey pups Rebanne! I think I love the little patchwork girl the best!
  19. The way I see it, if you're willing to spend $2500 on a probably badly bred Pom, you'd be better off putting that money towards flying a purebred, health-tested and papered one interstate instead. Even then, you'd probably find you'll have change from purchasing the interstate pup.
  20. I just found a pedigree maremma listed on GT up for adoption from Pet Rescue QLD. He looks lovely and is just on 12 months old. Just an odd coincidence this article appeared just as I saw his ad! http://www.petrescue.com.au/listings/315673
  21. I think the Blue boy was the first born Tdierikx; I know Allerzeit said "first born boy get blue collar" but because he took so long to come out, I'm guessing he was also first born! I still can't believe how shiny they are and I know it's very early days yet but do you have your eye on any of the little ones yet? Definitely thinking I want to get my hands on a Rottie pup!! :D
  22. Huuuuuuuuuuuuge congrats to Allerzeit and the gorgeous Nova!! :D Rottie babies!!! :D
  23. Wire or Smooth? Both breed types aren't what I'd call 'overly popular' so you might have to get in contact with a few VIC breeders and be put on a waiting list. If you go to the main DOL page and do a breeder search for FT breeders in VIC only and start there.
  24. I know a lot of DOLers recommend Kikopup YouTube videos for training ideas so I thought knowing she's doing a seminar in Sydney late October might be awesome news to share. The seminar is part of a larger one held by the Association of Pet Dog Trainers and is being held at Panthers (Penrith) October 24th-26th!
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