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Frodo's mum

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Everything posted by Frodo's mum

  1. gorgeous photo's as always I love the last one
  2. not sure if you would call these a portrait
  3. more frenchie zoomies Jolie can even manage a smile while zooming round
  4. Great photo's .....I must say i do love the crestie's ;)
  5. thanks guys I really appreciate your comments :D I have learnt so much from this photo forum and would like to thank everyone who has shared their tips etc ;)
  6. can't help you with the salmon but mine are all on life stages and all love it and coats look great...few more poops first week but all good now..think it was just the change over. I was going to try the salmon but was unsure of the 40% protien
  7. thank you sooooo much your photo's really inspire me ......not that i will ever be anywhere near as good as you....your brilliant
  8. to 2 very handsome young boys looks like they had a great day gorgeous photo's as usual Kirislin
  9. GREAT photo's...think my fav's are 3 and 5th but all really realy nice
  10. this one is a bit blurry she went flying past before I could change the settings
  11. Great photo's :rolleyes: I'm not sure I can pick a favorite look like a fun day
  12. love the shots of the cresties here is one of Jolie
  13. no had the camera for ages, just brought the lens seperate
  14. yep I'm going to stay with Canon for sure...I like the 7D and love 5D.....have been reading about the 40 and 50...that's when i started umm and arhhh as to which one plus thought it was a good excuse to upgrade by offering OH my other camera
  15. I'm thinking about let OH have my 450D and lens kit so he can have his own camera to practise with....which means I would need a buy a new camera body to go with my new lens....any suggestions on which way to go ????
  16. well done and a huge congratulations
  17. probably a silly question....but hey it's me asking so your probably use to them is the one at DWI an auto focus like the other one ?
  18. I loveeeeee that photo of Otto, he is such a gorgeous little man
  19. I have a 450 as well and thinking I would love a 5D mark 11 or a 7D...so I know how your feeling ;) it's frustrating isn't it with the focus ..but I'm getting better your photo's are just beautiful though I would be wrapped them when I was reading up on both lens it said the 7D is not a full frame camera....what does that mean ?????
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