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Frodo's mum

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Everything posted by Frodo's mum

  1. got the bubble machine out the other day..Charm and Jolie had so much fun
  2. Duh! I rushed out and bought one after seeing Frodos mums pics a few months ago, what a waste of money on my useless bloody whippets. Only Puck and Penny showed very mild interest and as soon as they got one sniff of the bubbles even that disappeared, just like the bloody bubbles! I still surpriesed your whippets didn't like it...I really though they would be flying round chasing them
  3. you will never know if you don't try get a cheap one ( hand held ) first see if they like the bubbles then get the machine one..easier taking photo's then sit back turn it on and clcik away pop into the frenchie thread to see more of them with the bubbles .....it's getting lonely in there as no one is posting
  4. oops sorry KK09 ...great minds think alike waiting Pop sorry i liked this pop to
  5. me to I would like to give it a go next year :D i loved everyone's photo's this year
  6. wishing you all a very Merry Xmas and a fantastic 2011 stay safe and drive carefully over the holidays xxxxx
  7. wishing you all a safe and merry Xmas and a fantastic 2011
  8. great photo's poor Frodo was running along in the water when he went in a big hole this one is blurred as I panicked when he disappeared here is is coming up out of the hole
  9. everyone looks so snug and warm ...great pickies guys
  10. a tired little elf Frodo heads back inside after a big play and lots of photo's
  11. How good is this photo with him looking through the bubble! thanks Kirislin..one of my many fluke photo's :D but I was very pleased with it when I downloaded it and saw it
  12. well I certainly haven't achieved any thing like you guys.....but I think I am improving I have tried to take some different type photo's to what i would usually take ( still 99% are of the dogs ) I have tried to have a go at editing....nothing like photoshop or lightroom they are way to hard for me I have played about with setting rather than stay on the same old one....mind you have had many a time I could have smashed the camera .....but....Im really enjoying myself....... here are a couple of my fav's.....like I said no where near as good as you guys above
  13. I hope to try and get a few done this month as well tea cup
  14. WOW never seen anything like that before .... photo are amazing .....you take some really incredible photo's
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