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Frodo's mum

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Everything posted by Frodo's mum

  1. thanks for all the comments guys he taught himself to play with the pot just scooped it up one day and that was it here is an old video of him when he first started doing it hope it works just click on it...I think
  2. sitting out in the sun turned round to see Frodo strolling past
  3. great photo .. have fun with your new camera and take lots of photo's
  4. wow ....great photo's guys ..well done
  5. thanks I think he is pretty darn awesome to thanks everyone else for your comments...I'm glad my boy could give you all a laugh
  6. great photo's everyone sorry was going to comment on each of them but haven't had a computer for a few days..so will get back later week 14 Jolie
  7. ok thanks for the update GG I'm really interested in the Bison and Lamb one though I feed Canidea and they really like it
  8. dogfan...Joey is gorgeous such a pretty colour I know what you mean about birds blabbering my Georgie never shuts up..even when he is covered for the night
  9. KK09....love the frenchie face off Helen....great photo ...I have a blanket the same as that crazy crestie....gorgeous cat i have always wanted a siamese evolving.....Echo looks very pleased with herself for making you chase her MTD.....want a beautiful sunset ....mine never seem to turn out as nice as that looking forward to everyone's week 14
  10. I saw that as well as beef and fish I was interested in the bison and lamb as doesn't have chicken in it
  11. if you look up the canidea website they give out the retailers I see in the US they have a new flavour Bison and lamb
  12. thanks for all the comments guys..he's a funny boy for sure Mum where is the fence ..I don't want to run into it again
  13. there is a new treat out they are called fruitables and they contain no wheat,corn,soy artificial ingredients,colour or preservatives mine have the pumpkin and banana mix and love them they are only small about size of 10 cent peice I guess
  14. Helen..it is funny how some dogs can amuse themselves with anything ( like some kids I guess ) people think I pushed the pot on his head and took photo's..but he scoped it up one day by accident on his and and bounced and jumped about and has done it every since :D crazy Cresties... yep ruby is mine she will be 9 yrs old next month :p Shell...love the photo's of Mow Anniek..another great photo Cody...Frodo is the clown of the family without a doubt lic....gorgeous photo redangel.....Luci looks so cute behind the plant
  15. yep....would love a few more of him to keep me entertained....guarentee laugh everyday ;)
  16. thanks everyone, he's the funniest dog I have ever had
  17. week 13 ouch... for those who don't visit the frenchie thread frodo loves to play with a pot on his head I love the one of Chazer with the scarf..really nice scarf to
  18. persephone LOVE to giant catapillar it's amazing when you start with macro how many things you notice that you didn't see before I have seen so many spiders killing things feel like I'm in a horror movie sometimes :D
  19. first of all I thought it was a bee on a fly.....had wrong lens on so went and got macro thinking they would be gone for sure by the time I got back but they were like it for ages....I didn't think bee's "did it " in the open like that either... feel free to show the photo to anyone who might know what they are or what they are doing :D
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