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Frodo's mum

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Everything posted by Frodo's mum

  1. looks like she is going in for the kill
  2. she is just stunning so looking forward to watching her grow and her ( and your ) adventures as she does
  3. LOTS more pickies Playing with Izzy
  4. shame I traded my car in for a smaller one 12mths ago mmmmmm wonder how much a sunroof would cost to get installed
  5. well done they look great, i couldn't help as don't have photoshop or even know how to use it I have to have things easy and VERY straight forward or I'm lost
  6. she is gorgeous congrat's on your beautiful new addition
  7. he is growing 20kg now how exciting for your friend, can't wait to see some photo's of him Luka isn't on the TOTW he is sure growing making the frenchie look smaller each day
  8. checking out the clam pool for the first time think i will need something bigger for him I'm sure he thinks this a a toy tree and I hide big orange toys on it for him to find and eat
  9. sometimes you would love to know what they are thinking
  10. gorgeous photo's and the horses are amazing thanks for sharing
  11. and BIGGER it was funny he tried to get down small as if to say play with me now ....I think all those legs running at the frenchies they think OMG help thank you I think he is just gorgeous
  12. Hope Ziggy is feeling better he is such a sweetie
  13. I should gte him one of those balls that have batteries and bounce everywhere thanks he sure gives me plenty of laughs at time
  14. time to go inside ...mmmmm think I'll hide from Mum OH NO I'm sprung
  15. just gorgeous pups huge congrat's on Harper to, she is a stunner
  16. he is a ball of muscle even though he weighs less than Luka he feels a lot heavier well for now anyway
  17. Harper is just stunning ...what a lucky girl she is to have been adopted by you I have been watching them grow I would have loved her or her blue and white brother looking forward to heaps of photos of her as she grows
  18. Luka is DIVINE of course..... but OMG, OMG, OMG here is my Love aka Ruby Thank you Frodo's Mum thought would let him have a short play with Ruby in case you popped back in thank you ..
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