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Frodo's mum

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Everything posted by Frodo's mum

  1. ok went troppo with macro today bumble bee covered in pollen ladybird
  2. well done persephone great shots ping more inventive than ALL my dogs action one's
  3. I shall cover my eye's when I check tomorrow and just peep through a small crack oh I mean small crack between my fingers ..not referring to your photo
  4. you will never guess what !!! I got more dog action one's today
  5. thanks Kadbury that is very nice of you I know I get carried away but guess luckily I don't post ALL the photos I take each day have a rest in the sun
  6. well better add one more Luka was swinging the ball round by the rope and let go ..
  7. well I think he will be taller than my mini stallion ...will have to try for a photo thanks Aussie3 thank you ...I know to tend to overload with the photos
  8. some amazing photo's ..well done everyone got my macro out for the first time in ages ...nothing to exciting but thought would post
  9. and don't faint .... a NON doggie photo
  10. great photo's everyone Luka was swinging the ball round by the rope and let go of it Izzy and Jolie chasing a pot round the yard ..they were flat chat but doesn't look it
  11. not like mine fly through the air much do ears up in mid stride count Oh, yes!!! Soooper Frodo !!! :) it's his daughter Izzy ....like father like daughter
  12. for everyone sick of looking at Luka photos ,.....sorry ...MORE Ruby and Luka Rosie and Luka
  13. took Luka for a walk through our little town yesterday he was a hit with the tourists , everyone who came over to see him he sat and shook hands with them
  14. gorgeous photo's ..such a pretty place looks like enjoyed the holiday to
  15. trying to get Izzy attention Look at me over here look behind you
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