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Everything posted by FrodofromAus
Just thought I would post this article written by Dr Rachel Allavena Specialist Pathologist for the website. Pathology is very important in the diagnosis of cancer and it is often bypassed (in talking to lots of dog owners). Vets cant tell what tumour it is on a visual inspection. Oncologists openly concede this fact and would never treat a dog for cancer without it. Pathology
The hard part is when a dog is otherwise well what to do. Lots of older dogs cope well with treatments for cancer. I share many, many stories of older dogs on my fb page. As for amputation there is an article written on this page about amputation from one of our surgical oncologists Treatment A couple of personal stories on our forum. Also Tripawds is a place to go with just people talking about amputation. As for radiation with soft tissue sarcoma the results seem to be pretty good out of BVSC from what I have seen them post on facebook. In terms of chemotherapy if adminstered properly by a vet oncologist there is not usually problems and dogs do well. My boy didnt miss a beat on chemotherapy. Due to an oncologist just dealing in cancer they know what to do if there is an issue as well as being up to the latest on new results with different drugs. So many different mixes that are used depending on the cancer. The previous postings relating to the osteosarcoma and it not showing up on scans and it ending up in the lungs later.........Osteosarcoma spreads to the lungs in 90% of dogs with bone cancer. It often goes undetected on scans at diagnosis. Osteosarcoma We have trials in Aus now for just this. To potentially stop the spread to the lungs Australian Trials
A new trial for dogs in NSW has just been added to the website. The trial is for dogs with the following Soft tissue sarcomas without metastasis Melanomas with metastasis Lymphoma resistant to first-line (CHOP or VELCAP) chemotherapy. Research NSW
Hi Everyone I have just added some new research many purebred dog owners might be able to help with. The Animal Health Trust UK is after tissue samples of tumours. What they are looking for is dog owners who are planning surgery on their dog to have a tumour removed. They need samples from dogs around the world. If an owner wants to be part of this it is pretty simple. Owner signs consent prior to surgery, vet takes a sample as per instruction on the website, sends one sample for pathology and freezes the other part. Once pathology comes back if it is one of the five cancers they need you contact the AHT and they send preservative to your vet for sending back to AHT. Copy of the pathology report and consent form goes with it. I urge everyone who can to get involved in this. We need these samples to get answers for ALL dogs. United Kingdom
Thanks Denali Maybe you could pass this on to other friends who own dogs. If dogs can survive because they have blood when needed it is what we all want.
Its good to put the word out to everyone. The blood can be needed for so many different ailments. The mastiff I referred to in the original post was poisoned by the Cheese Tree and he would have died without the blood. His owner was so grateful to the dogs that dashed in to the emergency when we called for help.
The blood banks are important and many pet owners dont even know they exist. In the video we used my greyhound and omg what a hoot. She just lays there with head on pillow and when it is done up she gets, has a snack and away we go. No fuss just in a days work :) Actually it is close to be due to go again. Hopefully I get the video up soon so people know what is involved. The worst thing for her was the noise of the razor that shaved her, as that she wasnt use to.
Stage 2 Mast Cell Tumor - Need Advice
FrodofromAus replied to Senguy00's topic in Palliative Care Forum
Chemo in dogs is not like it is with humans. If you use a vet oncologist wherein they would do all the necessary diagnostic testing they will also know what should be done to avoid any adverse side effects. My dog had no side effects at all with chemo. As for supplements you should always ask the oncologist prior to giving them anything as some supplements can interfere with chemotherapy. There is also a trial at Gatton University for Mast Cell Tumour. I do also know that there should be an announcement soon out of NSW on a further trial for this. Not sure on time frame as there is certain procedures that have to be followed so that trials can go ahead and sometimes this takes a while. Gatton Trial -
If anyone has a healthy pet the pet blood banks are looking for donors. It is really important that these blood banks have blood available so that if a sick animal needs blood they have it on hand. Earlier this year a bullmastiff who had been poisoned spent two weeks in hospital and he was saved as a result of the blood he received. We had to do a special call for blood for him as there was limited supply at the time. Please consider helping with this if you can. A list of blood banks is available. The procedure is very simple and the animals taking part are not harmed. A video will be online soon showing the process. Pet Blood Banks
Warning Toxic Plant To Dogs
FrodofromAus replied to FrodofromAus's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Absolutely sure. He threw up bundles and bundles of it. There is very little known about its toxicity and little known on treatment. The Perth Vet Specialists are one of the best in Australia (not a gp vet) and every possible diagnostic test was given as well as every possible treatment to reverse what had happened. There was no sign of cancer in him and no blockage either. I took in a bag of his sick which was mostly of vinca and lots of it. -
Warning Toxic Plant To Dogs
FrodofromAus replied to FrodofromAus's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
It just wasnt enough and I am glad Dr Ken consulted as he is the best and I just wanted him helping us. He saved Frodo from cancer with his knowledge but this time the poor boy just couldnt beat it. -
Warning Toxic Plant To Dogs
FrodofromAus replied to FrodofromAus's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Ty Kayla I am totally gutted by this. To survive cancer for 4.5 yrs then be taken out by a plant. We have a big event here in Perth for canine cancer in June and he was suppose to be by my side and now I have to do it without him. The sadness I feel is overwhelming as it was such a shock. You will be pleased to know Dr Ken even though on holidays was consulting on Frodos case and with us all the way. He took time out from his break to do this for Frodo and has since called me. The emergency team at PVS were unbelievable and threw everythig in to save my boy. No stone was left unturned and Frodo rallied over and over but it nailed him in the end. -
Warning Toxic Plant To Dogs
FrodofromAus replied to FrodofromAus's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Warning!!! The plant known by the name of VINCA is toxic to dogs. It has claimed the life of cancer survivor FRODO http://on.fb.me/1tnyw6d Please join our page, share the information and not let another dog be taken like this. Frodos legacy with canine cancer will continue sadly without him being there. Every dog owner can gain something from the website and by joining the fb page you will know where to go for info if you are unlucky enough to need it.
I am glad your vet sent the lump for pathology. A good vet will always tell an owner this MUST be done. The number one piece of advice I would give anyone is ALWAYS no matter how skilled or confident your vet is that the lump is not cancer, send it to the lab anyway. For an extra $150 or so dollars it is the only way cancer can be ruled out. So many dogs die because this is not done and by the time the dog gets sick a couple of months (depending on the type of tumour) later it is often way to late by then as it may have spread to internal organs which is why the dog has become sick. ALWAYS ALWAYS send tumours to the lab. There are many type of skin tumours and here is a list of them. An analogy. Would you go to your own GP let him remove a skin tumour and not want it sent to the lab even if your told its not cancer??? One would hope not. No different for our dogs. They depend on us making the right decision. http://www.caninecancer.org.au/typesofcancers.html#SKIN
Australian Osterosarcoma Trials
FrodofromAus replied to FrodofromAus's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Yes it would be. I have heard so much loss from people over the last five months it is hard not to be affected by it all. I desperately want to see better treatments and cures for cancer. I am trying to be on top of anything canine cancer so dog owners can have somewhere to find all the information. The site is supported by veterinary oncologists and they even answer our forum so you get it from the experts. -
A new cancer trial has begun at four veterinary specialist centres in Australia for dogs with osteosarcoma. The drug Auranofin is being trialed to stop the spread of bone cancer to the lungs. In 90% of cases with dogs with this disease it will spread to the lungs. The reason this trial is very exciting is because it is also being conducted at the same time with four human hospitals in the Brisbane area. Many cancers that our dogs get are also the same cancers that humas get. Cancer will affect 1 in 3 of our canine companions. Mouse models of this drug have had very encouraging results. For more information on this trial including an information sheet please check this research. http://www.caninecancer.org.au/ausresearch.html Join us on FB if you are interested in any updates on canine cancer. All website updates are announced here so everyone is kept in touch with the latest news and what they need to see on the webiste. http://on.fb.me/1gHhHwr
Glad to hear he has bounced back so well. Most dogs from what I read do bounce back well and adjust to amputation. I have been the cancer path with my Frodo with histiocytic sarcoma so I know exactly how it feels for owners trying to do their best. I am glad you have gone to VACC and that you are going on the trial. We have fantastic oncologists in this country and I am hoping that the auranofin is going to be as successful as they are hoping it will be. I would love a greyhound next time around but for the osteosarcoma. Check out our UK Research page as well as we need research to get answers. Maybe you or someone else might know someone that has a dog that fits the criteria. http://www.caninecancer.org.au/researchuk.html Keep us posted and all the best. Your dog is in great hands. Lisa
Hi Salty Dog Can you get yourself to the Victorian Animal Care Center? There is a new trial going for osteosarcoma The drug Auranofin is being trialed to stop the metastasis to the lungs. Mouse models of this drug have shown it to significantly reduce the metastasis without side effects. The hope it that the results will be similar with dogs and the disease free survival rates will be increased with dogs who have osteosarcoma. This study is also being done with four human hospitals so it sounds promising for both dogs and humans. I will be making a formal announcement on our fb page once the paperwork is ready for the website. fb-caninecancerorgau If you have any questions please feel free to post on our forum for one of the oncologists to answer. Dan one of the regulars here has had Dr Ken answer his questions. Good luck. We desperately need answers for this and other cancers. It claims far to many lives. Lisa
Hi Everyone Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and I hope 2014 is a great year for everyone. I have spoken to Dr Mike Starkey from the UK Animal Health Trust regarding his cancer research a couple of days ago. He is looking for healthy dogs over 7 who have never had cancer from the following breeds to participate with this research. Boxer Bullmastiff German Shepherd Golden Retriever Great Dane Greyhound Irish Wolfhound Labrador Retriever Leonberger Rottweiler Sharpei Weimerarner If you have a purebred dog listed above and are willing to do a simple cheek swab that would be a great contribution to research. You can read more at this link and the paperwork is on the site as well. It is worldwide research open to any country. http://www.caninecancer.org.au/researchuk.html If you have a dog of the above mentioned breeds who has cancer, please also check the list to see if your dog has the cancer they are looking for as it is listed what dogs what cancers. We must keep Mike and his team busy and working hard for research. He will be providing me some feedback as to numbers he has received in the last three months. You will be pleased to know he has got samples for dogs with cancer directly from our website so that makes it so worthwhile. He has also posted on our forum responding to a question in regards of the research. He will be answering any questions in regards to the UK Research for us. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Caninecancerorgau/244099682407239 This is our fb page if anyone is interested in the site updates which are done through fb Thanks in advance for your help with this.
I have just put a new page up on my website promoting rescue dogs. If there are any rescue groups out there interested in doing a reciprocal link to promote canine cancer and their rescue group please let me know. Open to any countries as their are homeless dogs worldwide and cancer is everywhere unfortunately. Thanks in advance
I think all lumps should be tested. Vets do get it wrong when looking at them. My own dog Frodo was the perfect case with that and his story is on my website. To have proper pathology done can be the difference with your dog. Frodo would have been dead within weeks had I not had the lump tested. We were able to get the correct treatment according to his tumour type and thats why he is still with me now. Its just a horrific disease.
A new chemotherapy trial for dogs with newly diagnosed Lymphoma is being conducted at the Animal Referral Hospital in NSW. Investigators- Dr Angela Frimberger VMD Dip ACVIM (Oncology) & Dr. Sandra Nguyen MVSc Dipl ACVIM (Oncology) For more details http://www.caninecancer.org.au/researchnsw.html Please support this research if your dog is newly diagnosed with Lymphoma.
This is two of my boys Frodo and Farrell (who are litter siblings) when they are at their best behaved.