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Everything posted by MolassesLass

  1. Back in the '80s I lived with my boyfriend Scott that had a white bull terrier (Max). Max was kept in a small courtyard and Scott only let him in once a day, in the evening. He was so excited when he came in he used to jump up and snap and Scott would punch him in the head to try to make him stop. I would tell him not to do it but to no avail. Max was manic for quite some time, and it took a long time till he settled. Scott went to see his folks in Qld for a week, so what did I do, I let Max stay inside the for the whole time Scott was away and guess what, the dog wasn't manic at all. I liked Max a lot and I thought that Scott was cruel to leave the dog in the courtyard by it's self 22 hours a day. When Scott returned, Max was put back in the yard and his manic behavior returned. It turned out that Max was actually deaf, hence why he didn't listen. I ended up leaving Scott due to his violent tendencies. Does this sound like someone that hates bulls? NO. It's the thugs that own them and don't know how to treat them that get up my nose. And the breeders that sell the thugs the dogs that need to be accountable. And yes, I'm sick of hearing, it the deed not the breed whenever there's a dog attack. So what's your solution? What would you do to fix the issue if focusing on deeds isn't the way?
  2. Because Poodles are considered sissy dogs for sissy people and so not owned by the type who like to breed/raise thug dogs. Secondly, because the most often owned Poodles would be miniatures or toys so if a child gets bitten, the wound is small and not enough to require hospital attention. Certainly not enough to create a "newsworthy" picture of a face full of stitches. That's right, I agree. Excellent! So, no more rants about breeds then, just rants about owners.
  3. Because Poodles are considered sissy dogs for sissy people and so not owned by the type who like to breed/raise thug dogs. Secondly, because the most often owned Poodles would be miniatures or toys so if a child gets bitten, the wound is small and not enough to require hospital attention. Certainly not enough to create a "newsworthy" picture of a face full of stitches.
  4. eh? It looked very much like a Bullmastiff but it's really not the point. How was it raised, what situation led up to the biting etc. are far more important in preventing these things happening again. From the TV news last night, the girl was at a family members house, it's possible the dog hadn't been around children of her age. The injury wasn't too bad considering and she didn't seem traumatised by dogs which is good (she was taken to meet a therapy GR).
  5. Hmm, the report I read said the dog had rotting flesh, not just fleas! That was the print version of the Courier Mail.
  6. Oh they look spiff. My dogs love to poke their noses up into the stream of air that comes in. Main-lining all the smells as we blast down the highway
  7. Here's a Google image search for you. (Note that not all shown are Border Collies nor smooth coated but there are many that are).
  8. I think it's more important HOW a breeder does things, rather than WHAT they do IYKWIM. An breeder could have 20 dogs of 4 different breeds, with litters a few times a year and be ethical - as long as the dogs are given individual attention, exercised, housed appropriately, cared for etc. Whereas another breeder with 2 dogs of the same breed, who have a litter once a year could be very unethical - don't heath test, don't care who they're sold to, treat them like stock etc.
  9. No! No cooked bones of any type. Cooking dries them out and leaves them likely to splinter into needle like shards that can rip the dog open from the insides.
  10. I'm a rescuers worst nightmare - I would always refuse to go without or even before my dogs. And if someone tries to remove me by force, I will have no qualms in biting, punching and kicking to prevent it. I'd rather die trying to save them myself then live knowing how they'd died. Floods aren't really as issue, not like bushfire. In the case of bushfire, I'd be leaving as soon as it is even suggested - no attachment to buildings. But a flood I'd probably ride out. Neither is an issue where I live now though.
  11. The whirlybirds are an ok option but really only work when the vehicle is moving. I prefer the ones at the top of this list. I'm not sure if this type of thing can be added to a canopy like the one you've shown.
  12. It may also be VERY embarrassing for your daughter if the judge non-awards the dog - the loud announcement "There will be no awards for <breed>"
  13. Generally "smart" goes with high stimulation needs. There are plenty of short coated breeds to choose from that aren't working breeds. What else do you want in a dog?
  14. For an ANKC registered dog, Kelpie, Cattle Dog or Stumpy Cattle Dog would be similar breeds.
  15. really? So it's normal? Holycrap *hyperventilates* what should I do? Anything? Well, it's what has happened to each of the bitches I have owned. They permanently have a little mammary tissue bump, if one had a phantom it would swell beyond that.
  16. She's a woman with boobs instead of a girl with nipples now. Nothing looks unusual in your photo.
  17. Nope, never. And nor would I deal with any breeder who has/does. I'd put an advertisement for my dogs in a pet shop window but that's it.
  18. If you are in Brisbane Council I'm pretty sure you can apply before you have the extra dog (at least that's how it was a few years ago). Info If you aren't a DogsQld member, the dogs need to be desexed and the permit has a yearly fee (on top of registration).
  19. All my BCs have been water-eaters - when I had a boat, one even ate the wash as it came up the sides! Watch out for the crocodiles!
  20. There's just as many people in the "it's terrible" camp as there are in the "it's wonderful" camp on this one. I think you've made the best decision for your girl's health and well-being, congrats. ;)
  21. A fairly common cross is Bullmastiff x Great Dane which leads to the thinner head like this girl has. But it's really hard to say at such a young age (she might be a slow maturer). I'd refer to her as a "Bullmastiff cross" (i.e. just don't bother guessing what else).
  22. It is an INCREASE in the allowances for birds for the old Logan area. Currently you are allowed 1 per 750sqm of land you have. Now you can have 2 on 600 - 2000sqm with no permit (very few if any properties are the tiny 400 lots). A smelly and/or noisy menagerie isn't necessarily cruel so the DPI/RSPCA animal welfare laws are not enough to protect people from their neighbours. The permit is not a yearly fee, it is a once off fee that covers administration fees of investigating and the cost of the inspectors to come to your property. Sure it's probably more than it costs the council but it's a one off.
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