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Everything posted by MolassesLass

  1. ;) That was awful, though better than the tire incidents I witnessed with the whole structure falling over.
  2. I have no ideas but am hoping someone does. My young male BC constantly mouth licks my male Bullmastiff and Duke doesn't tell him off 99% of the time but it clearly annoys him. Nothing I do has been able to stop it. I've begun to think that there's nothing I can do to stop it, that only Duke can stop it.
  3. A forum search for "spay incontinence" will give you some past threads to read through as a start.
  4. All my dogs are super glad they don't live with you guys - ball is life!
  5. Old information for Qld. The associate register (for desexed non-ANKC dogs) was introduced a few years ago. There is also the sporting register for entire (or not) working register dogs.
  6. Yes I think you helped me understand them as much as I need to, thanks.
  7. This site has a quick table of proteins in meats. This site is much more comprehensive but also complicated (use the top right search box to find what you want and it will list the protein amount in the nutrition table). Sorry I can't be of any more help.
  8. From the site: ETA: This means nothing to me, it's just what they say, perhaps someone can translate. It also says they're unlikely to work for dogs being fed raw/high protein diets.
  9. Glemaray Pet Spa Canine Hydrotherapy Australia Canine Fitness Centre The Links Pet Services Canine Cubby
  10. Thanks for relating your experience PandaGirl. Anita, do I understand you right in that you are saying you think it can happen but it doesn't always? I agree that other human traits can be passed on to our dogs to their detriment.
  11. Do you think people who are aggressive by nature (confrontational, always spoiling for a fight be it words or physical) will naturally have aggressive dogs (following the alpha's lead)? Even if well trained by the owner and thus well behaved and not aggressive with them they have underlying aggressive tendencies that would make them more likely to fight with each other or other dogs?
  12. The BC club of Qld runs lessons I believe, get in contact with them here.
  13. The above herbal treatment did nothing for my girl unfortunately (it was also very nasty smelling).
  14. All the studies I have read found that if a bitch is going to become hormonally incontinent it will happen no matter what age they are desexed at. The bitch I have who is incontinent was spayed at 2 years. Her mother was done at 5 with no problem and she has 6 sisters done at 7 weeks and one at 18 months and none of them are incontinent either.
  15. Ah ok, thanks Laffi - I'm disspointed I won't get to see you there.
  16. There is "Basic Agility Training" listed on the Booking a Course page but when you click the link to get information it takes you to the page you linked which doesn't list the course.
  17. What does the basic agility course encompass (there's no information on the site, only for the other courses) and is the dog required to know anything to start?
  18. If it were my dog I would feel this can wait until Monday (unless she deterioates). It could be spay incontinence but it could be other things like a UTI. Spay incontinence usually requires drugs for life, dogs I know on them take around 1 tablet a fortnight now it's under control. Your vet will go through all this and give you more information when he sees your dog. In the meantime some apple cider vinegar on her dinner or in the water bowl is good for the urinary tract. ETA: There are other topics here if you search for them, they can give you more stuff to read.
  19. Seems to be a commonly held belief on the internet: - Source - Source - Source
  20. ANKC rule books can be downloaded from here. Some information about how trials are run: DogsVic - Introduction to Tracking ANKC Tracking in Australia
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