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Everything posted by FHRP

  1. I have known a couple of people that have competed in Retrieving and tracking, however not got far in retrieving. Jackie Duffy in QLD has a Lab with Retieving, Tracking and Obedience Champion titles!! Where does she find the time!!!!
  2. Don't worry, I am impressed I also just found what Harminee did with my boys, and love it too Thanks!!! Will have to check this thread more regularly.
  3. oceanaussi, if you decide to compete in retrieving trials, you never actually shoot anything. You do need a firearms licence but all you do is 'fire' a primer from a shotgun. The birds are already humanely killed. I suggest visiting this site and their forum for information on retrieving trials in Australia http://www.australianworkingretrievercentral.org.au/ You might also notice on the forum that a club in QLD recently sought permission to use rubber docken instead of pigeons at trials, and was not allowed. There are far more politics behind the whole thing than I know of (as there seems to be in any sport), it is a bit of a contentious issue.
  4. Fatastic! Were there many other Setters there?? Not terribly encouraging for newbies I know in the Utility Field trials that 1st or 2nd in a Novice trial does give you Champ points as Polo's Daddy has one point from the trial he did last year I have no idea what's involved but they also offer NFD titles for the Utility breeds! I bet!!!
  5. Congrats Rob!! Does this give her points towards a FC title??
  6. FHRP

    Puppy Pen

    They are actually next to the doggy stuff (kennels, beds etc.) in my local Bunnings now! Stock seems to be replenished too. I bought the last two a while back and there are planty now
  7. Avoiding housework I found some older pics and put them together. Not great quality 'cause they're from my old camera.. and the framing could be better
  8. Ive seen them used in agility and obedience as well, dont know enough about field/retrieving trials. All i know is its a "leg" towards a title! The QC is used for a leg towards an agility or obedience title?? Never seen or heard of that!! Is it a state thing?? QC's are awarded at the discretion of the judge to a dog that completes a Novice Retrieving or Field trial. It can only be awrded once.
  9. The rule book says Personally I'd train with English commands in case you didn't get approval from a judge!
  10. The QC actually refers to a Qualifying Certificate in either Field of Retrieving trials and as I understand it, is not actually a title.
  11. Nice Vickie :D How did you do the background??
  12. Well when you're as pretty as Lily the paparazzi just can't help themselves Wonder what I can do with that smiling pic :D
  13. My lastest OOB attempt. I've not done one I've been fully happy with yet Tried a few different methods too, maybe its just me
  14. Thanks Vickie ;) Relaxed = asleep for your girls doesn't it Vickie? ;) Flynn is Mr laid back so not hard to get relaxed pics Have had lots of fun in Photoshop from this thread, but OMG what a time waster it can be!!!!
  15. Not sure if I'm a dogsport whore but I like to try a lot of things with my dogs ;) Currently we do competitively agility, obedience, retrieving and occasionally conformation. I have done some tracking in the past and when Rogan is retired from retrieving will probably try again. Dabbled in flyball. Played at lure coursing. Hope to try Utility field trials ;) I'll try a sport if it interests me, we're eligible for and is available. If the dog/s and myself like it we kep going! Have to say that many of the newer sports don't interest me at all. You'll never see my 'doggy dancing' or doing freestyle! Too much performance from the human needed there
  16. Inspired by Vickie's pic, a merge and some lighting. Not quite as good though
  17. What a gorgeous puppy Browney! I brought my Whippet puppy home on a May day that it had snowed!! Toilet training outside started straight away :D A coat was a must, as it still is with a Whippet!!
  18. Polo is from Dianne McCann - Topnotch. I actually thought it may have been Polo's dam that you were looking at, but age and titles didn't match :D
  19. I bought the book recently, but haven't read it yet Am happy to lend it to you once I have though if you haven't found another copy!
  20. I think that the fact that CD title is considered a higher title, and for most dogs harder to achieve, it replaces the CCD. A dog who can achieve a CD pass should be able to achieve CCD passes, the exercises aren't different enough IMO to recognise the lower one once advanced beyond it. As in retrieving, RRD is considered higher than NRD, AARD higher than RRD etc, however you never actually have to have the prior title. Most people I know replace the lower one on their dogs name, not just add it. Although if Rogan ever gets above NRD, I might keep them all after such a struggle :p
  21. Surely it's only if they get a pass in the Novice class though? Or is it another local Vic rule that once you've competed in Novice you can't compete in CCD? Rules say: Nothing about not eligible if only having competed in Novice, and here you can compete in Novice and then drop back to CCD at another trial if you didn't pass Novice.
  22. Not a hunter, but I don't want my 25kg Vizsla doing that between the pegs at a retrieving trial when the walk up bird goes up (a bird you fire at while walking, as can happen in a real hunt)! I want him 'heeling', but looking out for that bird Fortunately, there is no fear of him being too fucosed on my face eta. The biggest problem we had at our recent GWT training day and event, was getting the dogs (who all had obedience background) to look out instead of up at their handlers....
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