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Wauchope Kennels in WA used FtCh & RtCh Ruvalan Homer CD CM as a stud dog in 1991 and I believe their current dogs are descended from that breeding.
Placid is not a word I would use to describe either breed
With a lot of time and hard work, they could. Would I generally recommend it? No. I didn't read the original close enough, thought they'd moved out of an apartment
I have both breeds, 3 Vizslas and 1 GSP currently. My GSP is the only one I have had of the breed and I love him dearly, but he is harder work than the Vizslas. As you would know from research, both are high energy, intelligent, people focused breeds. They can both be highly strung, but my GSP more so. I find Vizslas softer and more 'needy' of their people. They need to be with you, on you, into everything. GSPs aren't far behind though :) Both breeds can be a lot of hard work, especially in the first couple of years!! I suggest contacting the breed clubs in your state and making an effort to get to a club event and be surrounded by both breeds and see if one wins you over (or turns you off :) ). Vizslas are becoming increasingly popular and we're seeing more and more 'breeders' cashing in on their popularity and breeding without thought, including unregistered litters Please do your research for a good breeder if you do decide on a V and be prepared for a wait for the right pup. GSPs are much more readily available, although of course you still need to do your research for the right breeder.
Socialising Scared My Dog And He Cannot Be Shown Now
FHRP replied to cyrus2015's topic in Puppy Chat
Go ahead and show him cyrus2015. I'd be more worried about mental scars than physical, so hopefully it hasn't knocked his confidence too much. I showed my now 13.5 year old Vizsla at his very first show with a very obvious half healed bite from a bc on his nose and he won baby in show :) My current youngster also had a tooth mark in his head and a shaved leg from an anesthetic for his first shows (I sound like a terrible owner ) and he picked up a sweeps placing and baby in group. Both have gone on to title :) Gundogs get scrapes and scars, unless it affects the soundness of the dog or is terribly disfiguring, judges mostly overlook them. -
I hope your boy finds relief soon steppenwolf. I've not had one of mine in obvious pain from a slightly enlarged prostate and it would certainly worry me too!
I'm not a vet, so only speaking from my experience with my own dogs. My vet has said that a slightly enlarged prostate is not uncommon in entire dogs over a certain age, maybe 5-6 years old and by 8 she says nearly all have enlarged prostates. It could be Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Apart from size my vet checks that the prostate feels uniform and as long at it feels 'normal' and there are no other symptoms we haven't done further tests. Prostate cancer is rare, even more so in entrire dogs. Enlarged prostates in desexed dogs concern her a lot more and always get further investigation. My boys that have had enlarged prostate issues have had temporary chemical castration with either Tardac or Suprelorin. I'd suggest contacting your vet to answer your questions, specific to your dog though.
Protexin (Probiotic) Dosage For Large Dogs
FHRP replied to labadore's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Label on my 250gm bottle of Protexin -
A breeder can get an idea of the market from what interest they get from the public, even when they don't have puppies. Any kind of web presence makes it very clear if you have a 'market' for your breed. I have a website that clearly states no pups planned, but I get inquiries every week. I won't breed to meet that demand, but it's an indication of how popular the breed currently is, also a little scary
My limited observations from 10-12 years in retrieving trials are that Labradors bred for retrieving trials and working homes in Australia are largely UK, Irish and Australian lines. American field trial lines are a relatively recent trend to take off, and again quite different in type to 'Australian working Labs'. Admittedly in competition homes the US field bred dogs are popular and more performance breeders are using them. As has been at least alluded to already in the thread, it could be considered that the 'show Lab' is as far removed from the original standard as 'field Labs' are. Showing is directly assessing the physical appearance, without assessment of function, so physical trends and exaggerations being rewarded by judges may be perpetuated without consideration for impact on the original purpose of the dog. Just as good working attributes may be perpetuated without consideration for appearance or conformation to the breed standard. Standards change over the years, usually to suit what's in the show ring as they are the one's being assessed against it. If you want to split the breed I'd suggest that neither extremes keep the name Labrador. Show Labrador and Field Labrador?? But what about the Australian working Labs that look nothing like US field Labs but never set foot in a show ring? Or breeders that do both sports? The extremes are easy, but not all Labs fit nicely into these two categories. Why would you want to enforce limitation of gene pools in a breed that already has genetic issues? Although you're unlikely to get a breeder to cross the two extremes of Labrador, there are others that strive to produce a Labrador fit for all purposes, that is healthy as possible, and may take lines from all areas.
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
FHRP replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
Not for NSW trials, you're covered by the club :) Are both aussielover and Eyolf are in the ACT, maybe you could throw dummies for each other? I have a remote thrower, which doesn't use a charge so isn't noisy. It's the type of thrower used at RATG's & retrieving trials here, although usually without the remote part. You can only load one dummy/pigeon at a time though unlike a bumper boy which can have multiple dummies. Unfortunately I've misplaced the remote to my thrower -
I can send you a copy of my boy's results from Vetpath in WA if you want to show your vets that they do do it!??
I titre test my dogs and have only had one come back with less than high positive. I received results for my 8.5 year old dog yesterday and he had >=1:80 serology titre for both parvo and distemper. Results are from Vetpath in WA.
I have quite a few pods here The dogs like them and my youngest Vizsla loves to suck on them I have found they've held up pretty well, survived a litter of 11 pups! All parts are replaceable, so if they flatten you can get new innards. I haven't yet but my originall pod could probably do with a new middle cushion.
Dog Accident Insurance--Bone Stuck In Oesophagus
FHRP replied to Boronia's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Maybe the answer is in what they do cover rather than what they don't cover with Accidental Injury? Chicken bone in throat doesn't appear to be covered by any of these?? Accidental Injury Cover 2.1 What we will pay We will pay you the Benefit Percentage for the Vet Expenses incurred by you for Treatment during the Policy Period up to the Benefit Limits, as a result of your Pet suffering an Accidental Injury in one of the circumstances described below. You will be responsible for any Excess as shown on the applicable Certificate of Insurance. To qualify for Cover under this section of the policy, the Accidental Injury must have occurred during the Policy Period and: (a) be a direct consequence of at least one of the following: 1. a motor vehicle incident; 2. a burn or electrocution; or 3. an allergic reaction to an insect bite other than tick or flea bites; or (b) result in: 4. a bone fracture; 5. a snake bite toxicity; 6. a traumatic ligament or tendon injury; 7. a bite wound or fight wound abscesses; or 8. lacerations or abrasion of tissue, skin or mucous membrane due to external violence. -
Retrieving & Field Training Talk
FHRP replied to RubyStar's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
:thumbsup: Awesome results RubyStar and Ruby!! I'm so glad you got back to trials. Another rotten quail season over here so none of my dogs have had a chance to find a wild bird I did take my two younger Vizslas to one training weekend and they loved finding the planted birds, but we need so much more of it. Happy to report that two of my Rogan's kids, one i bred and another from another DOLers litter, are having a great time in the field though with one boy lucky enough to travel to an island off tasmania to find quail additional to local duck and quail outings! I'm hoping that they may do some field trials next year!! If there are birds My little breakthrough has been my youngest boys delivery of dummies. After months with no training (and very little before then) a light seemed to switch and he's now sitting and holding dummies for delivery. It's funny what a break from training does :) I don't think the same thing will happen with our weave training though -
Video Of Kellys Dog Weaving Through Peoples Legs
FHRP replied to sheena's topic in General Dog Discussion
It's on Lisa Kaddatz's facebook page if you're a friend. Not sure if it's on Youtube. -
I use raw mince for tablets and capsules, sticks to both well. I line up about 3 balls with the tablet/s in the first one or two and feed them in quick succession so the dog gulps the first without finding the tablet/capsule and has one or two mince ball chasers :) They would easliy eat more if offered. I never throw the mince balls as I have four greedy dogs wanting the food and none of them are particularly good at catching so without doubt the wrong dog would get the tablet
Frequent need to urinate is probably one of the most typical signs of UTI, but it is possible they don't show any obvious signs. It may be unlikely but I like to rule out medical reasons first. Personaly I would first have your older boy vet checked and then if that's all good, I'd look at behaviour modification with the young dog. You probably need to engage a good trainer. If that's not working, or it's too hard to deal with you can consider castration, either chemical or surgical. If he's surgically castrated you can show him as a neuter! Be aware that any type of castration may not be the magic fix though, behaviours can become learned, so training is always the best start IMO.
Carls, have you had your older boy checked for a UTI or possible other health reason why your young male is finding him attractive? Are any other entire male boys attracted to him? Firstly I'd be trying to control his behaviour through training, but I also appreciate that some desexed boys smell lovely to some entire boys. I have had a couple of dogs given the suprelorin injection (as you may have read in the other thread :)) and it did stop sexual interest in other dogs, including towards a few desexed male dogs they previously found irresistable! It didn't change their temperament in any other way. Be aware that there is a high chance that your boys testicles will shrink considerably and although I know of dogs shown while on suprelorin, I would have been worried that a judge would be concerned about the peanut size of my boys Also, Suprelorin suppresses the reproductive endocrine system by preventing the production of pituitary hormones and testosterone and I would be hesitant to do this in a dog not yet fully physically mature. Same as I am with castration. Even though my own dog has sired 5 good sized litters after being on suprelorin, I would still collect a dog before them implant if there was any chance I might want to use him at stud in the future.
You don't see obese dogs in the show ring. And, judges typically don't award overweight dogs. I disagree. I have ashamedly shown a dog that I considered verging on obese. She did not live with me and unfortunately her owner kept her far too fat at times. Despite rolling around the ring she was not only awaded BOB, she was short listed for group and won her class in group I see fat dog after fat dog gaining callenges and beyond. I have had a challenge refused on a young bitch for being too skinny. She was an 8 month old gundog breed that are commonly lean while growing and although I didn't want any less weight on her, but she was fit and healthy a growing dog should be kept lean. It was a real slap in the face as I'd just seen young exhibits in the breed before me go in considerably overweight, rolling around the ring and not a second thought in awarding the dogs. Those poor dogs joints would have been groaning. This topic comes up regularly. Not all show dogs are fat, some are even underweight! But I do believe overweight show dogs are far too common and rewarded far too often. When I want to show my performance dogs I have to spend a couple of weeks feeding them up if I want to be competitive, and I know I'm not alone there.
The proposed changes should have been discussed many months ago, before they went to the ANKC meeting for decission. Discussing what might be changing or giving opinions before the rule changes are officially known seems a bit pointless to me!? It's not long before we'll all know the new rules.
I hope you are right but apparantly leaked documents say that it is true Agility Nationals Facebook :rofl: Oh dear. Totally agree. What's the point in discussing what might be changing?
There are agility trials at CDC in Symonston on Saturday & Sunday but as Bjelkier said, the All Breeds shows are on at Epic Sat, Sun & Mon.
If you can commit to containing and managing your girl for 3-4 weeks every 6 months or so then you could consider leaving her entire. I have entire dogs and bitches and it's the boys that drive me insane when the bitch is in season, if I only had the bitch then it would be little more than a mild inconvenience and I don't consider that a fluke. The risks of roaming dogs and determined bitches has some truth, however it has never been an issue for me by using some basic common sense management. A crate or pen inside when in season and unsupervised is the way to go IMO. I wouldn't trust any fence with an unsupervised bitch in full season. You could let your girl have a season and see how you all cope. There will probably be some mess and there could be temperament/behaviour changes. You can decide if you're comfortable with managing her seasons in future, and have a few months to decide on spaying before her next season. Ovary sparing surgery and tubal ligation will keep hormones and prevent pregnancy but won't stop her seasons and they are still invasive surgeries if that's really a concern. You would still have to manage her seasons as the boy dogs will be attracted and relentles if she's taken in public. If you are concerned about your ability of keeping her secure then they are an option, however in that case I'd personally just wait until she's fully grown and have her desexed.