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Everything posted by Sankari

  1. She's looking great! I weighed Charlotte at kepala today, she now weighs 24.2kg which is another 1.2kg gain since last week. She's looking heaps better and looks like a big teddy at the moment her coat is massive except for one leg of course!
  2. Oh that'll be fun Pointees! Charlotte behaves herself in the car, she lays down and goes to sleep within 5 mins
  3. Welcome back Shel. Looking forward to seeing you and Bronte Lucky you farm sitting, i'm green with envy!
  4. So we've got 14 dogs or 15 if Kirty brings Phoebe as well See how you go and if you need a hand i'll be there Pip
  5. That sounds fun Pointees a Bush walk except would just need to plan it well so its not crappy weather. Oh a river in Werribee? Where's that. Are there any ducks there? Charlotte would love to go in the river!! Hanging rock is too far i think unfortunately, theres only so far my father will drive me!
  6. I'm hoping to actually remember a blanket for Charlotte to sit on sunday! I always forget it. My memory card is empty so i have loads of room for photos Good idea to bring the big esky Lappiemum.
  7. Went over to kepala this morning for a swim for Charlotte, this is the second week in a row the fridge has been out of order. Something to keep in mind for Sunday in case anyone brings things that need refridgerating perhaps bring eskies??
  8. True! but not including the kepala meets I have been known to do anything rain hail or shine we're wherever the fun is!
  9. Yes, I am offering my services! I only get to groom ONE dog as required, it's not enough! Speak for yourself Evolving, I am crazy enough to take dog swimming in winter
  10. I had one of my previous dogs' anal glands removed when they were getting full and infected every 2 weeks! She had Faecal incontinence for 5 days following surgery but after that she was great. Keep in mind she was nearly 4yrs old at the time and I probably wouldnt do it on a puppy, I would wait til it's a couple years old before exploring the option. I wouldn't hesitate to do it in the future to any dog of mine because it did nothing but the world of good. She did sometimes have constipation but being a dog not allowed raw meat or bones and being on a very strict diet had she been able to have them we wouldnt have had the constipation. We tried various foods and supplements to help with the Anal glands which all failed hence the reason we had them removed. I did give her when she was having some problems some fibre which helped her excrete a little easier. Some dogs their only option is to have them removed IMO. Have they been infected or just full and requiring the vet to empty them?
  11. I'm sure Bob will just protect the new Lappie like he does with Echo except now he wont know what to do because he'll have to protect 2 little sisters!
  12. Hydrobaths are pretty easy Pip. I've been using them for 5 years (I used to be a dog groomer). Most dogs are ok with the dryer if you start it off on low and work your way up. I'm actually going there tomorrow and plan to bath her after the swim because the chlorine plays havok with her skin so i usually bath her afterwards from the indoor pool lessons. I didnt last week and her skin played up and she had some rashes which has settled down now. If you like I could easily do her for you I love bathing dogs
  13. Hope you can get someone to come so we can all see Buffy again under much better circumstances! Hmm so far only 2 Pointees? Maybe you should rally up your pointee friends! Evolving I think the socialisation is very important so do what both you and your breeder feel is right
  14. Charlotte's leg still looks funny because the leg is cream and the rest of her is dark gold Looking forward to next week. Lappiemum: I am looking forward to your lappies' cuddles too! Bear is exactly that, a big bear! Charlotte's making sure she is getting extra cuddles now, i'm guessing to make up for the last several weeks. Evolving: Hopefully it all pans out as well as you hope and Bob just lets them be pups! CF: Cant wait for the usual knock over from Dexter! I've missed him the last 2 months.
  15. Yay! Hopefully she loves cuddles. You better check my bag as i leave Evolving It's a shame Echo wasnt a cuddle bum. Will be a good one this time i think! Appologies in advance if my dog is a looney bum, she cant help it when she's been a caged animal for 6 weeks! She'll be over the moon when she sees she gets to play with other dogs again next week. She's doing well but like Pip I may need to have her on lead for certain periods to give her legs a break for a while.
  16. Will be good to see you Evolving and I do expect to get to cuddle your puppy!
  17. Just wanted to add my brownies are not only low fat, but they really do taste like brownies! You wouldnt even tell they actually are low fat! Also without hijacking the thread like i did a few pages back thought i'd post this video of Charlotte at Kepala last monday.. I took this at Charlotte's swimming session. I could only get a short one because the memory card was full! She was doing well. And of course what is in her mouth? A Ball!
  18. I'm surprised being Rabbits I bred they didnt stamp at her for stealing their food!
  19. That's a downer MM. Hopefully you can come next time.
  20. That's good, looking like a good one again I will be booking a swimming session for after lunch that day rather than come two days in a row! Yes we shall say the Pointers, Lappies and goldies are equally cute
  21. Yes, Pointer puppies are cute! At this rate there will be an influx of Pointers and Lappies at kepala meets! We need more goldens, one is NOT enough!
  22. Lappiemum, that email you sent me yesterday for some reason i cant see any of the photos
  23. That's a great name for a Lappie! Pointees: look forward to seeing the pics!
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