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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. Hi all, my brother is being moved from his Housing Trust home in Adelaide (Walkely Heights) as the property is riddled with salt damp. He and his GF have put a lot of improvements in in the time they are there and the Trust has agreed to move them all to the other place that has been allocated but they will not commit to the workmen keeping the gate closed so all dogs are to be evacuated for 1 week from the middle of this month I think (around the 16th?) My mother, also in Adelaide in a retirement village, is taking their chihuahua cross for the week but is too frail for the SBT puppy so they have been looking into boarding the puppy (10 months old) but would like something closer (and less expensive) than the AWL which is where the pup will go to board if all else fails. I suggested they try their vet, but they have tried and apparently only cats are boarded there. Any suggestions?
  2. Are you saying that at 21 weeks she already has the height of an adult greyhound and her paws are twice the size? Likely she will look like a giant greyhound as an adult do you think? You just never know what will pop up in the genetic lottery of cross breeding - maybe when she finishes growing you will be able to see the other parts of her mix and maybe not. She has a pretty face in the pic!
  3. GRRRRRR. Owners like that should be shot. Plus they haven't bothered to update her chip details. Heaven only knows how or if they keep track of their skin kids too Great job on caring for her until her people finally bothered to look about for her.
  4. God it is terrifying isn't it? Most apparently recover fairly quickly (few weeks) and it's like nothing happened. When it's new it can be hard for them to eat or drink so the most important thing is to keep them hydrated, I nursed my old girl at home but every case is different. Try feeding them in elevated bowls and hand feed if necessary at first. Keep her confined so she doesn't try to wander and stumble everywhere, keep up the the meds and report back to the vet any changes etc. One warning though my girl actually was well on her way to a complete recovery at about the 10 day mark when she had a really bad reaction to the steriods used in treatment and nearly died. She did pull through that eventually and we changed to an NSAID course, but weird things had happened and neuro damage had set in, so she had a permanent head tilt for her remaining years.
  5. No tips but.... a username like yours and you are asking us advice about masonry???? :D :D
  6. When I was a kid we used to occasionally be given chocolate soldiers as treats and my grandmother would call them "Popoffs" which years later I found out was a reference to the German operetta "The Chocolate Soldier". Anyway, so why not register him as Chocolate Soldier and let them find the call name they want (I don't recommend "Popoff" unless they feed him really badly :D ). I like Sarge as a call name, but I really like Corporal too. ETA I should read things properly first. :D He is already Chocolate Chip!
  7. Heads up for anyone interested: scroll down this page for details
  8. They will have to go to online entry if cheques are phased out, surely? Other states are using it ok.
  9. Not something I would recommend as the cervix is slightly open and chances of picking up an infection at a dog show are much higher than if she was kept at home. I wouldn't be taking her to a dog park or anything like that while she was in season for much the same reasons. Everyone has to assess the risk in their own way - 1 point off a title I would be tempted too! ;)
  10. I am actually west of Ballarat, north of Geelong ... but Brat is my closest regional centre. Gee do I get to become an honorary Booler then? (Or is that an offensive term? ) For Lacy's insides I would try adding a good two or three tablespoons of cooked mashed pumpkin to her dinner, it is the best fermentable fibre IMO and really helps with intestinal issues. It won't interfere with any meds and is not expensive and can't do any harm even if I (and many others) are wrong about it's digestive health qualities! Good luck at the Eye & Ear Tenties, they were very good to me there when I had the implant surgery late last year!
  11. Alternatives to the springs I have used for joining panels flexibly are: (a) fencing clips (you will need a special clip applying tool or a LOT of patience!!) which are available from your local stock and feed agent in various sizes. (b) spring steel clips sold in electrical stores for cables and narrow conduits and (c ) cable ties. The fencing clips are fast, and firm but do not withstand repeated folding/unfolding stress, great for a puppy pen you are going to leave in place for several weeks at a time. The spring steel clips do withstand stress but are buggers for slipping in my experience, not enough to let the dogs out but enough to make the folded pen/crate/gate "untidy" if that make sense. Very handy though for locking panels to make baby gates. The cable ties I have come to love as they make reconfiguration so easy - one snip and they are off! I am wary of puppies chewing them though.... The springs that come with the panels are soon mangled and useless in my house - I reconfigure so often!!! Edited to add a pic of the spring clips:
  12. It was lovely to meet you all, especially Tentie's "parcel"! I never thought I'd be lecturing people about bees at a dog show though! Lesson #1 check overhead for hives before setting up all of your BBQ gear under inviting shady trees! ;) I stayed over at my friends' motel cabin, she got delayed (well, fell asleep on the train from Melbourne and went way past the station she was parked at!) so I had to take the dogs there, feed them and settle them in the trailer etc. So came back on the Sunday (I had left the gazebo up overnight anyway). That sea breeze kept it nice until late morning, and then it got warm so we decamped. She took the dogs home and I went to return home and got as far as Mortlake when the thermostat seized. Four hours later, hmmmmmmm what fun, up and running again but got home safely and bought a new thermo this morning. Partner following me home said I should enter the dog trailer in agility it was leaping about everywhere - I was fighting crosswinds half of the way. It's such a worry about Lacy - sending puggy healing vibes for her,vhope she comes good quickly. ;)
  13. We were thinking the same...but nothing on VCA website to say cancel...Saturday will be ok at 28, but Sunday a tad warm 36...surely they will shift baby puppy sweepstakes from lunch on Sunday to earlier or later?
  14. I have already stuck my hand up to give Tenties a hand, we just need to swap mobile nos so you can text me when you arrive. :D Any other volunteers welcome!!! I will be offline for a while soon, but will catch up later tomight. See you tommorrow!
  15. Oh I am so sorry for your loss. Gallop free at the Bridge, darling Bella!
  16. But but but... No wait, that would have been in the younger age classes as the steward would have eliminated run off in the classes that the BOB and RUBOB were in. I guess, in theory, it means that had the older bitches not been present he would have non awarded the girls too? So I suppose there is not necessarily any inconsistency there.
  17. I bought one too, thank you so much for the heads-up! All my crates are elderly (think TAA) and disintegrating and I transport for rescue frequently so I am chuffed that I actually could afford this. This will be the first soft crate I've ever owned - I never look on online shopping sites because I don't have spare cash and I never would have known of this without this thread. Thank you!
  18. If it is Jane from Geelong, then yep, I sure do and she is an active DOLer as well.
  19. RP, I don't know much about agility. What's come up in this thread has made me curious to go look! Your opinion is a fair one about a dog's proportions lending themselves to doing certain things. And tibs have a longer back in proportion to legs, which wouldn't help long-jumping! But they can run like the wind (with hare feet like greyhounds), climb like mountain goats & change direction quickly at great speed. I've been watching, this morning, our tib girls playing with the 14 weeks old greyhound pup next door (she's from champion stock & destined for racing). The grey girl tries to get a long run to chase them, but the tibs do all the ducking & weaving at speed, & leaping up on high surfaces. When the grey gets a straight run up, she moves like greased lightning. (CW EW, Casper would love to be in this game!) Sorry for going O/T, SP, but there are interesting topics turning up....even tho' I realise agility isn't high on your list. Fascinating, looking at the various breeds. Bad phrasing on my part. I didn't mean as in the long jump, I meant as in a long career of jumping. Certainly they are not incapable, nor are daschunds if it comes to that, they are just more at risk of damage from it. I will find the study on the most viable ratio and post it.
  20. RuralPug


    A candle is lit here to help Lucky find his way to the Bridge. Run free, old fella. to you Horus.
  21. And (having confirmed with Tenties that it is okay for me to crash this party!) I will be bringing garlic bread to share! Looking forward to meeting you all in the flesh.
  22. Congratulations to all winners, especially DOLers! Would that have been Cutler's Malt? If so, he is doing very well indeed so far this year!
  23. Great Day for the Great Danes LOL!! I liked that Japanese judge from what I saw of him on the Sunday. Hanging out for the results from other groups. Just waiting for you all to get home and settle your beasts then report straight to DOL please!
  24. Well my thoughts on that is if you get a baby it's unlikely to overwhelm and older dog. They can be intense, not sure how long ago you lived with silkys but a lot of work has gone into the temperaments and now they tend to be well balanced dogs. I will admit years ago they were known to be snappy but in my 30 years of breeding them I have never had one snap at me yet. I still like the sound of a Tibbie, the ones I've had dealings with have all been very laid back. That's great news about the Silky temp improving! But it was the intensity that most concerned me and baby puppies don't stay babies forever. I agree 100% that "laid back" is exactly what is needed here, that's why tibbies would have been at the top of my list without agility in the equation. Mita, there are Pugs doing well in agility too, but their general build has the wrong ratio for a long jumping career it can really do them harm. Tibbies even more so as their legs are even shorter in proportion to the back. My opinion anyway. It's an interesting question in this thread when you really stop to think about it.
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