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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. (((Cas))) Run free at the Bridge, little one with the big heart.
  2. I used the spirals plus fencing clips the first time - that configuration was a roofed pen and the spirals were only useful in one direction. The fencing clips tend to fall off with a lot of folding and unfolding back and forth etc. So now I am a cable tie convert- you can buy 200 ties for next to nothing and just any snippers, scissors or fingernail clippers will get them off; they are magic. In between uses you can take all the ties off and the panels will stack in almost no space it is wonderful!! I am also a convert for good old bungee straps as gate fasteners on them ....
  3. Yes, I miss the pic of Scruffy too! Because I have recently heard some alarming things about a disabled person supplying assistance trained dogs near Bendigo, I googled Righteous and to my relief that person's name is not mentioned and they seem an up-front organisation. Training is $29,000 per dog but these costs are met by corporate sponsors, so free to the families involved. Their website however did say that they currently have 10 dogs (all labradors) in training and a waiting list of 142 families... So, Moodychick, unfortunately unless you can become an assistance dog trainer yourself, I think your chances of an assistance dog are very slim, so that any dog you do get from a shelter or a responsible breeder you would need to consider a family member, a pet, but not an assistant in caring for your boy. I know how hard it is in a regional area with a spectrum child, you should have him diagnosed properly so that there is a chance of you getting some help or at the very least hooking up with a local support group. You do need regular breaks. Given the age and nature of your son at the moment, I genuinely couldn't recommend a puppy of any small or even medium breed. You would just end up with more mischief making on your plate with an extra body to watch over. If it has to be a small dog, then look at adults whose nature is already proven. There is no guarantee at all that a puppy will bond with your son as it morphs into adulthood and then you will have two Scruffies ... great dogs but no bond with him. I think you will need to be very patient, and spend a lot of time looking - ask if you can go and look at the local obedience club training (set it up in advance so that he can have a cuddle session with those willing), occasionally there are dog shows in your region - go to those too, and look at the different breeds and talk to the breeders. Since it has to be a small, but calm and rugged dog I really don't think that the average foxie, mini-foxie, JRT or tentie should be your first choice, because these are high drive breeds. Many of the other small smooth coated breeds are actually quite high drive, especially as puppies, and those that aren't are somewhat fragile... I would suggest that you look at some of the Highland Terriers and their derivatives - The Australian Terrier comes first to mind, very rugged, fantastic with children and quite the little Nanny dogs! The Cairn Terrier is another, although possibly a little too much coat for you? Same with the Westie - great temperaments, bit too much coat. The Border Terrier is a slightly larger breed, but again has the qualities I could recommend. Keep talking with us and letting him get more and more exposure to different dogs.
  4. I haven't stated anywhere: "...that because ethical standards aren't being enforced in this country that we should assume that every breeder is evil and shut them all down." Ok (sigh) I will spell out for you why I interpreted your statements that way. First you said that you defined a puppy farm as a "substandard breeding operation" right? Regardless of the fact that this person has agreed to all the standards as set by VCAT (with RSPCA input) you still maintain that they are substandard? Despite the fact that construction has not even begun yet, you are claiming substandard conditions? You stated that you would be joining the protest except for your distate of camping! When Julie pointed this out, you replied: To me, that is exactly why puppy farms should be made illegal. Because there is a lack of domestic companion animal legislation and enforcement in Australia. So, even though you are not sure of the definition of a puppy farm, you still want this operation shut down because it is substandard, even though construction has not yet begun and it has so far met the legal standards. All breeders adhering to the legal standards in your book are therefore substandard. I would not dream of assuming that you would prefer illegal, unmonitored, unsupervised dog breeding so therefore it is obvious that you want dog breeding " made illegal because there is a lack of domestic companion animal legistlation and enforcement in Australia". Which is an AL goal. Whether or not you support the AL goals, if you assume that any operation that they label "puppy farm" is a substandard breeding operation whether or not there is a shred of proof then you appear to want them to police dog breeding establishments. Considering their stated goals regarding domestic companion animals I do not think that is a wise attitude. This brick wall is hard.....
  5. Agreed, Zuri, but genetic aggression can happen in ANY dog of any breed - breeders in many instances will know lines that can have this tendency, responsible breeders avoid using those lines. However I think that environmental factors play a HUGE part in agression, both DA and HA. The dog that has ONLY a genetic component to their aggression is a very rare beast, in my experience.
  6. To me, that is exactly why puppy farms should be made illegal. Because there is a lack of domestic companion animal legislation and enforcement in Australia. And because it is irresponsible to breed dogs for commercial purposes when there are thousands who are abused, neglected, abandoned and euthanased each year...and none of this is being addressed by our government or our legal system. And because I'm pretty sure the concept of a puppy farm breaches a few Universal Animal Rights (it's been a while since I read the Charter, so have to get back to you). And because I'm an animal lover and I can't bear the thought of animals suffering in any way. OK, hypothetical. If someone breeding for the show ring or for the agricultural community happens to somehow make a profit on selling puppies does that make them a commercial breeder? There are excellent working dog breeders with large numbers of happy healthy dogs in their kennels - would you automatically have them shut down and the dogs impounded (and likely euthanised) just because they don't live inside the house? Do you realise that kennel planning laws in many places forbid dogs being whelped and puppies reared inside a residence? In my view, there is too much emotion in your post and not enough sense. Provided that the dogs used for breeding are health scored in the problems common to their breed and all puppies are properly socialised, microchipped, vaccinated and placed with care and with a breeders' support guarantee why would you want to shut the breeding establishment down? If they are providing healthy, happy good family pets where is the problem? Do you assume that every family with more than 3 children are overbreeding uneducated bogans? No? Then why assume that every large scale breeder keeps their dogs in filth and unsocialised etc.? Let's assume that all breeding is outlawed. Within 15 years the pounds will be emptied and there will be no dogs available to be family pets. ALV can then tick off another goal achieved. You can pat yourself on the back for having helped them achieve that. I do know that there ARE large scale breeders in this country who do not provide adequate care in many ways. I would prefer that these people were forced to adhere to existing ethical standards so that adequate care and socialisation can be provided. If they were required by law to health test and only breed from suitably rated stock or only breed from Clear By Parentage stock (depending upon the condition) and if they were required to adhere to reasonable staff/dog ratios etc then they may find that breeding is simply not cost efficient and therefore leave it to those with a love and passion for it. However love and passion alone is NOT enough and you do need to be educated, which is where decent by-laws, properly enforced, should come into it. Also I would prefer that all puppies be permanently chipped with the breeder details so that we can collate the facts about where the pound population comes from, and so that tracing genetic disorders can be more transparent. I really shouldn't bother knocking my head against a brick wall. No doubt you will just repeat your statement that because ethical standards aren't being enforced in this country that we should assume that every breeder is evil and shut them all down. I feel sorry for those who have fallen for the hype and want the baby tossed out with the bathwater...
  7. I am extremely wary of very small dogs with owners who think they are 'precious' and allow them to snap, snarl and, yes, lunge and bite and after you have saved your dog, child or self from their sharp teeth, claim that "Oh, he/she is just playing and wouldn't hurt a fly'. I am also wary of bogan-seeming owners who actively encourage their dogs to posture. In both cases, I am sorry for the dogs but keep my distance.
  8. I know that at the Pug judging this year, they gave out the RASV Rosettes, sashes etc in addition to the Pug Club donated ones (which they announced had been donated by PCOV as they were presented) so I would imagine that would apply to all breeds. Donated ones are extras, not replacements if that makes sense.
  9. Believe it or not they are still sorting this!!!!!! I will PM you with my mobile number plus the tranport organisers, might just take you up on that o'night accom, thanks very much. All a bit last minute - incredibly ludicrous, really, but anything to help the needy ones.
  10. Looked at your list, you've notified one vet - there are several in Ballarat, please notify them all. Only one shelter I know of in Ballarat, they would have told you there to notify the local ranger as well - did you? Please tell us more of "Ballarat's notorious: puppy farms" . I only know of one and that closed down a few years ago. Most of the stock were dispersed to other pf's interstate and in Gippsland. I hope that your friend can now be talked into an immediate spay (spay/abort if necessary) as soon she stops bleeding.
  11. Not necessarily this thread, but I take your point. School holidays ATM I think that contributes.
  12. I am doing Ballarat - Canberra this Friday (30 Sept) and returning the next day. I have a couple of different people on the Facebook transport request page needing dogs moved to Ballarat from Sydney (one JRT from Hawkesbury, not sure where the GSD is). Can anyone get them from Sydney to meet me in Canberra - preferably very very early on the Sat morning unless we can find onight accom for them in Canberra on the Friday night? If it can be done I need to get it sorted by tonight as I am leaving dawn Friday and won't have online access while away. Thanks (This is also posted in the Rescue transport Forum)
  13. Can she try the local police - they may not be able to help with transport but they will probably know who can. The local grapeviners ( general store managers, post office agency mangers etc etc) also may be able to make suggestions. Also get on phone to local vet, they can advise over phone somewhat.
  14. who have you got entered angela. The exchange student is entered, Sharon, but won't be there as she is being exchanged in Canberra this Friday LOL! Will be coming with Rhonda and a couple of her girls if I get my act together and do some baths before I leave for Canberra. You get to meet the new exchange student at Kyneton, you can look forward to 10 week old puppy cuddles!!!
  15. *Sticks hand up.* We've actually had a couple of threads like this already, maybe we should start a chat thread for the area? Not the most recent one, but the one with the most responses that I can recall is this thread.
  16. oh ho ho and the ludicrous amount of money!!! I bet that helped the pain somewhat!
  17. Awwww. You should have put a ludicrous unaffordable price on it. Poor JJ.
  18. Me, me me please!!! All yours :D :thanks: Gee, only a numpty like me needs to edit because they've stuffed a post with only smileys in it!!!!
  19. This works for me! I really like this all-in-one thread!
  20. So should we call the Fire Brigade, or is it the mundane variety? You can't get away with "That is all." in here!
  21. You feed these fish for the EFA's - the Omega 3 and 6 ratios. These EFAs are highest in the oily fishes. In all cases I feel fresh is better than canned, but it is too expensive for me (might be fine for coastal dwellers). The added oil is just a method of preserving but with the soy oil that sardines normally come in I actually like that they are being exposed to another protein, I tend to alternate in oil and in springwater. Now that I think of it, I actually drain the springwater ones but not the oil ones so I'm not sure why I bother with the springwater at all!!! With the mackerel in mackerel oil, I assume the oil just iintensifies the EFA hit. Please note for those who mainly feed kibble, the salt in canned fish might be a problem if the kibble you are feeding has added salt.
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