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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. My first thought was if the councils are to provide this info, its accuracy would be suspect. Most of us are aware that very many individuals are misidentified by council staff and even vets, sometimes from reasonably well-known breeds. And a dog one classifier calls a bull breed X another would call a cattle dog X so even types can be suss - an unclipped poodle looks like a terrier to some. From my own personal observation over the years I would say that the general trends are very different in the average city pound than they are in rural area pounds. But one would hope that for those areas where most dogs are chipped as young puppies, there is at least a good chance that more of the descriptions will be accurate (well on the dam's side anyway LOL) if they are based on the chipped information. I, too, would like to see the breeders info permanently on the chip.
  2. Will the one catalogue cover all shows Gael? So those who are entering multiple days will only need to pay for one catalogue is that right? ETA - DOH for me if there is only the one number for both shows then obviously yes, but I will leave this post for the clarification for others.
  3. I agree. I thought persephone's response was agreeing with and supporting you, J835. Could you please explain why you thought it was sarcastic? That would be of interest to me (and I'm sure to many others reading this thread.)
  4. :love: Yay! These awesome pics have their own thread now!! Love them! You are an awesome photographer and capture all the individual personalities!
  5. So glad that I am not the only one who sometimes impulsively posts their happiness at a situation before reading the whole thread. I agree with Tris - there are more dogs in need than there are good homes, so a case like this, assessed properly, I would rather see PTS so that the home can go to another dog (with no behaviour problems) that would otherwise have been PTS just because there was not enough room at the pound.
  6. Alas I shall not be able to attend after all, wishing you all decent weather and a great day!
  7. Well I don't need to access accomodation there so I wouldn't have a clue!! LOL!! Any Ballarat area accomodation is pretty much booked out for ages in advance be it caravan park or swanky hotel, I do know that much. Here is a list that google came up with: Pet Friendly Accomodation in Ballarat area
  8. Merry Christmas to all - great to see you again Linda - going to be out and about at the shows again with Little Bob are you? Looking forward to catching up! Here you are everyone a virtual card for you:
  9. :thumbsup: I don't have to worry anymore - have just heard from club secretary that our breed is now going to be indoors due to the forecast!! Yippee! The SWFs are coming indoors too, so I guess that means plenty more room outdoors for otrher peoples gazebos LOL!
  10. If you are right Sway, then my chances of shelter for the day don't look good. Attached is the map I received - click on to read (I assume).Big-Day-Out-2011-Layout-2.pdf Not to scale, obviously! ETA actually looking at he map, the businesses seem all arrayed around the edge, none adjacent to rings so I'm still not sure...
  11. Okay my breed club is having a comp in conjuction with this public showcase of ANKC dogs, I am looking the set up map supplied by Dogs Vic and reading that they would like clubs not to set up more than two or three gazebos to conserve space but they also say that there will be plenty of room to set up??? I am confuddled. I want to support my club but I am not going to drive all that way and stand about without shelter, especially since a drizzle is forecast. My club has ring four booked all morning, then the SWFs have it in the afternoon. I am not on the club committee or anything, just entering the comp. Will I have space for my gazebo adjacent to ring four? Anybody? ETA - not a problem anymore my breed club has moved indoors!!! Library and Museum will be open on the day. Dogs Vic office will be open 10am to 3pm. Staff will be happy to scan ID's on the day for those of you that are renewing membership plus they will accept lodgemts of paperwork (but no actual processing will be done on the day). Various kids stalls - face painting and maybe a jumping castle.
  12. I don't feed the one in tomato sauce because of the high salt content. I only feed the mackerel in mackerel sauce - the tomato sauce one is usually available but the other is often out of stock for some reason.
  13. Got my numbers for Kyneton Ag show today at last and in the same mail were the numbers for Daylesford Ag on the 26th. (Take a bow Pat!) Daylesford numbers: Group 1 ends with 108 Group 2 ends with 199 Group 3 ends with 302 Group 4 ends with 361 Group 5 ends with 478 Group 6 ends with 589 Group 7 ends with 660. Sweepies 9.15 start followed by breed judging (no earlier than 9.30). Feel free to add the Ballarat numbers if you get them first, thanks. So who is going to be at Daylesford, who at Sovereign City KC at Ballarat and who else is doing both? :D Edited for typos.
  14. Hi guys, cross-posting this from FB with a couple of minor changes to avoid the spam spiders picking up the contact details: From Melbourne Animal Rescue: Transport needed for some kittens: From Hamilton (rural VIC) to Geelong (Melb would be great too but Geelong is workable!). Please either email melbournerescue @ gmail .com or TEXT Courtney on {I've removed number it will be on their facebook page} No rush for this to happen. Just in case you know someone who could do the trip or coordinate to do part of it. Hope everyone is enjoying this weather!!
  15. You can break your back choosing a name only to have something completely different stick later LOL! My aunt once spent weeks poring over name books and asking opinions of all and sundry of a glorious posh name to call her Persian. On the day that this ex-show Grand Premier arrived she had Sir Lancelot all picked out, and a young cousin took one look at him and announced "Look at Mr Funkypants!" which cracked everyone up and to my aunt's despair for years, Mr Funkypants he became forever after!
  16. Checked today expecting them to be there, but nope, not yet. Pretty sure cheque has been banked, though. If no numbers by tomorow will check.
  17. Shhh! Don't tell anybody, they'll rush and the shelves will be empty again! It often goes out of stock for ages. When it's in, like now, I run around to all the stores in driving distance and fill my cupboard. It's bursting atm.
  18. Love our Weekends in the West, puglvr!!!! (Ask your sis if we can camp in her backyard next time!! )
  19. Foster earlier this year (ACD x Tentie pup) ate the collar from one of my Pugs...all that was left was the buckle, D-ring and rego tag. Little bits of twisted collar turned up his in poop for a week afterwards so I knew who the culprit was. Same dog destroyed three beds (chewed to smithereens). I have a kelpie X foster here, who has, over the course of several months, eaten an entire couch. The couch was my old Mastiff bed, housed in the Taj Mahal in the bigdog run, she has flayed it and eaten the cotton cover, then chewed and disassembled the entire wooden frame, and then shredded the foam that was inside into little crumbs. I gave her a trampoline bed with a heavy canvas cover and she flayed that in twenty minutes flat. My pugs mostly don't chew much except food, but my boy Cheddar does often mistake biros for food and crunches them up. If I don't shut the bathroom door firmly, they will all raid the wastebasket there and gleefully distribute used feminine hygiene products everywhere..eeeewwwwww...
  20. RP I spoke to Tenties on Facebook yesterday. There was no mention of surgery, and was able to use the 'puter obviously. :D That's a relief!! Thanks JJ! I will have to find her on Facebook. Could you PM me her FB link please and I'll send her a friend request?
  21. Yes it's from licking. The saliva creates a nice moist enviroment which various bacteria and/or yeasts thrive in. Do a search on "home made tear stain removers" and try a few until you find the one that works on your girl.
  22. Has anyone heard from or spoken to Linda (Tenties?) She's not posted for a while - I'm just wondering if she had more eye surgery and cannot currently see to use a computer? Could someone do a drive past or phone her please just to set my mind at ease?
  23. My kelpie cross foster did this at first, with the mower (all dogs are put away when i have the whippersnipper or brushcutter out , for safety) but after she worked out that whenever she went apeshit at the mower she was sent to her pen and locked in she stopped doing it and now ignores it all together. If you don't have a pen and he gets out of the house then perhaps you could try tethering him? Off topic slightly but - one of my pugs used to loyally traipse after me when I was mowing and always looked like she had green socks on mowing day!!
  24. Look on the back of the Certificate of Registration - it should have a transfer form on the back and that form will include the name, address, and telephone number of the state body that has registered them (in your case it is likely to be VCA Inc, aka Dogs Vic) . Towards the bottom of the Certificate on the front there is a section "Bred by:" which states the name and registration number of the breeder. Quote that name and number to the state body listed on the back and they should be able to either give you contact details or to pass your contact details to the breeder. But maybe first you could just try googling the Breeder's name (exactly as it is on the certificate) together with the breed and you might get lucky and find she has a website...
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