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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. BB good on you - get those donations together and it costs the club nothing and they get to keep the entry money! Ummmmm you might want to check your maths per show however - or were you planning on only one group getting the $10 in group prize? EF typos
  2. tis sadly true but it was a VERY comfortable chair and half-a dozen terriers snuggled atop of you make for a comfy blanket! Sorry to have missed you JJ, Tenties probably preferred to kep the Bailey's to herself anyway! Enjoyed the shows, my puglets (baby dog and minor bitch) never got any further than class in breed, but I was able to cheer on Pugs to BIG and one BIS and several class in show/clas in group so it was well worth while. Yes, the terriers decided that the puglets were alien beasts, especially when all their savage barking produced nothing but cocked heads and quizzical expressions from the puglets!
  3. The less well known Parson Jack Russell is compared to the closely related Jack Russell Terrier here. Ok I've been under the weather so haven't been lurking here for a bit, but that's no reason for the last post to have been 6 days old . Geez you slackards :nahnah: If you want to wander in to the Noorat shows be advised that they are all being held this year on the grounds of Glenormiston Ag College. Mt Elephant Club is holding two shows (early morning start and an afternoon start) there on Saturday 10th, Noorat Club is doing the same on Sunday 11th and Camperdown Club is holding one show on the holiday Monday 12th. Being maniacal I have entered them all so by the end of the weekend I will hopefully have two very experienced puppies who will be old troopers for the breed champ show at the end of the month or so goes the plan. In between shows I will be corrupting Tenties mwahahahahah! " ETA: OK then it was 4 days. So? I never claimed to be a maths professor.
  4. Yes they will be but a different cater. Thanks, hope it's as good as we are used to lol...... Anky Better stash a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter in the caravan just in case Anky!!!:laugh:
  5. It's amazing what the genetic lottery can throw. There are a lot of terrier mixes around with all sorts of coat types and body shapes. The dog that starred as "Benji" (started his career in the series Petticoat Junction) was reported to have been a cocker spaniel (presunably American) cross poodle with zero terrier in him but he ended up with a terrier look and a silky coat. however most of these mixes are rarely F1 crosses anyway. I have a rescue here at the moment that was sold to her previous owner as an "Australian Terrier" ( which may be one of the few breeds that she doesn't have in her!:laugh: ) see her pic below:
  6. Awwwww you must be feeling so left out ;) but when I read JJ's comments they came across as several critiquing a local business so unless you are a local business (hmm egg producer? caterer?:laugh: ) it was unlikely to have been about you. I supposed that the PM's only went to those who actively participated in the discussion about the local business - hey JJ, tlc, Jess, Tanya etc. I bet you didn't know that the local Chamber of Commerce hangs on your every word, did you? Of course I could be completely wrong - wouldn't be the first time either!
  7. :) That's exactly right! We were so focused on keeping the dogs cool and content we did not take proper care of ourselves. MInd you, at one point during the recovery at the grounds we might have been over-conscientious keeping the cool coats drenched and the dogs sprayed etc. - we know because in that extreme heat one of the puppies was shivering with cold.
  8. Rhonda (Bunyong Pugs) and I would like to thank very much those exhibitors who assisted us when we suffered heatstroke on Saturday at Warrnambool when loading our vehicles. To all who offered assistance and sympathy we thank you sincerely; most especially Michael Looby (Triseter) who really went out of his way to assist, unloading dogs for us and fetching and carrying endlessly. We were both able to recover that evening, and returned to show the following day much wiser.
  9. That could be funI If we have room in the old fuddy-duddies cabin you can wait on us instead of your kids How is your pouring wrist? I really don't know how many are sharing our cabin at this point it may only be two of us or it may be full but I will PM you the name and number of our booker extraordinaire and you could always ask. I will let her know that you might call.
  10. GOSH a girl gets a dinner invite for once in a blue moon and suddenly she is wanted !! Hoping for under the trees near the scoreboard end once you clear the bulk of the parked cars? Got out my official DOL name tag to be a smart-arse with only to find I've smudged mascara or something all over it so I will just look stoopid instead!
  11. That's good news I had to walk back and forth numerous times it was a marathon nearly :laugh: Trees are gone so bees are gone I assume? . I'm hoping we can find a BBQ spot near the trees at the bottom towards the scoreboard end, tiny entry this year so wont be so many cars parked there - just follow the track around until we find each other I guess. Or phone! :laugh: Show is two days but I'll probably skedaddle home by lunch time on the sun. Will be tentie and pug babies to cuddle at the BBQ so extra incentive! Looking forward to catching up!!
  12. Crackers, that would be Beth that you spoke to ?.... we dont have the BBQ on the oval as last year she said no so we just have it somewhere else on the grounds :D As for Noorat its no good asking to enter with out the reg being back as you can not enter as reg pending anymore, i would have otherwise ;) Hi All, Well I spent a lovely afternoon down at the pen at harris st with my Cavvie she has just finished her 1st season so she thorughly enjoyed herself no one else down there, sounds like the bbq is becoming an issue as for entering young ones ex babies there is no more reg pending but if the dogs Victoria pullued their finger out we would not have to wait so long yes you can pay for fast service but if they can do it for extra money then they should be able to do the same for normal postage, does anyone know where to get silver sides for compact gazebo at a good price. Hi everyone! BBQ is only an issue on the oval off the oval it is fine and under shady trees as well!!! Hey Tenties I will be there Friday night setting up we have an extra gazebo I could set that one up under the trees nearer the oval if you like and then we have saved ourselves a BBQ space - mind you ppl will probably park it in if it is too close :laugh:. Anyway the entry for Saturday is minute so I wouldn't be surprised if judging was finished before lunch even... Bringing garlic bread to share again if I remember to buy the baguettes tomorrow. Someone told me that you could still enter baby puppies rego pending but only if you had bred them and not if it involved a transfer. I have no idea if that is correct, the Gazette trumpets every month that shows secs are not allowed to accept reg pending entries so I don't know. Monster if you have a BCF store somewhere near you they usually have reasonable prices on the OzTrail walls. :)
  13. Theres a lady in Melbourne who's great nephew shows a Westie. Great aunt takes a fold up step into the ring when it is nephews turn, and he stands on the step to lift his dog onto the table. A step won't help if the muscles are lacking...although, maybe a set of stepstairs carried into the ring and the dog trained beforehand to use them to mount to the table? You would definitely need to get advance permission from the convenor at the Royal to do this. Get the boy and dog to as many shows as possible beforehand (even if not entered) for ring practice and junior handlers.
  14. I think Mr Wilson is 64!! We are heading down (separately) Friday so as to be ready bright and early Sat morn. Early start means early finish and more time to cut capers at the BBQ :laugh: ! ETA: I didn't expect to see you on line, i thought you'd be buried in entries and stuggling with the dogalogue for the ch show ;) . I must get some pics of Don on here for you then - you can have a cuddle at Warrnambool!! Hey we have room at accom if you want to share, just give Rhonda a ring.
  15. :thumbsup: Tenties I will be leaning on you to site the BBQ a tad closer to the rings this year, entry is a bit down they might be finished by lunchtime . I volunteer to help lug the BBQ from your excellent ute!! ETA - I am so glad that those of us on the dole are welcome!
  16. Commercial breeders are required to chip via a separate piece of legislation than the advertising one. They have extra laws regarding notification to councils of puppy purchasers as well and are, in theory, closely monitored to ensure they abide by all their rules. That is most of the reason for the difference under the advertising legislation. Not saying the rules are perfect, not by a long shot, just pointing out that there is no particular advantage under the actual legislation. They still have to have the puppies chipped before advertising, but most of them chip/vaccinate at five or six weeks so that the pup is out the door at the minimum allowable 8 weeks. Unfortunately, the legislation won't work unless it is properly enforced and that's not very likely....
  17. So when car insurers raise their comprehensive premiums for vehicles resident in the Warrnambool district it will be JJ's fault for driving around in such a head-turner of a vehicle and causing crashes through catching the gobsmacking attention of other drivers.
  18. Hey you guys up there over the border please let me out of my misery and explain what T & G stands for? I have the old insurance company Temperance and General stuck in my head at the moment, but that can't possibly be right. Oh and good luck to you all!:D
  19. I would definitely vote for them to be removed at desexing. I picked up a new surrender Sunday night, a crossbreed with a longish silky coat, and she has been looked after and groomed regularly but today I was tidying up her feet and discovered that she had rear dewclaws under the hair and that they have badly ingrown. One had broken off partially some time ago and I was able to clip it a little but the other requires surgery. This girl since early puppyhood has been with a responsible owner who regularly clipped the front dew claws and nails but simply had no idea that rear dewclaws even existed. This bitch is almost two years old and I'd say she has been in pain for some time with these. Off to the vet tomorrow, and will ask about complete removal of the rear ones it is a much more major operation in an adult dog but I think this girl deserves to be free of them.
  20. JJ, I am so NOT volunteering to transport a venomous one!! Good luck with that! You will probably end up going yourself. I did Mt Barker (in the Adelaide Hills) and back in a single day not so long ago and I start out much further east than you so it is doable, just so you know! Started 5.30 am was back by midnight, would be a doddle for you!;) hi am going to the wbool dog show are you entered ? i am showing monkey terriers crackers Oh you must come to our BBQ crackers we are a bunch of nut cases and have a ball! Monkey terriers? Do you mean affies? Or griffs? They both qualify for that title in my book! Not all of us socialising at the BBQ will be showing, in fact those entered on the day may well be in the minority!
  21. Hmmm I think the problem of settting up the day before could be solved if the ring layout was randomly changed and not advised until the day. :laugh: I too resent space being saved for friends though - especially when the friends don't even turn up and we are all still politely walking around the rope/tarp whatever at the end of the day! Maybe another option would be to permit all-breed committees to "hire out" 3x3 plots in the first row around the outdoor rings at KCC park and Bulla. Have the plots line marked on the ground along with alleyways between them. Plots could be numbered and only the payee who has been allotted that number can set up there. This would be an extra fund-raiser for the clubs. Clubs wishing to do this could pay a small charge to Dogs Vic to cover the costs of the groundsman doing the line marking. If all the plots don't sell it's not a problem as that would mean more free space for people to watch and assemble for classes. All other spaces could be first come first served freebies as now, but those 'prime' spaces could be used to gather income for better prizes etc.
  22. Which is exactly what did happen! And the GSDs were on the other side of the clubrooms so no clash of rings - Group 1 could have been started earlier. Yes Shazza, come the papillons the rain pelted down, soggy pekes and poms but someone up there was on our side and only light drizzle for the pugs. Leonie McRae was Baby in Group with her gorgeous puglet and puglvr had to tap her feet right to the bitter end as she was competing in Aust Bred in Show with the dreamboat Beau (poodle went IS that class.)
  23. Bitch pants are mostly required for my breed when indoors - with the odd exception most don't have long enough tongues to clean themselves due to their flat faces. That said, some do bleed much more heavily than others, and for some sheets would be insufficient protection unless there was a waterproof layyer underneath.
  24. Spreading the word hoping that you can get a volunteer to foster soon.
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