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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. Never done it myself, as I have trolleys. But I have seen some magic done with crates that have an add on board/lid covered with pyramid rubber - instant grooming table (depending on the height of your crate lol). And why not be even more clever and add a wheeled platform that the crate/table can sit on and it is then magically a trolley that you can pile all your stuff into and push to your spot! Well, in my defence, it IS a bit of a daydreaming thread!
  2. How about a baby gate or two, so that she can be inside where she can see, hear and smell you but won't be underfoot? She has lost a way of life and probably bounced around a shelter/pound and a foster home or two and had a scary airline flight to boot, so she understandably could feel insecure. You will then find it easier to reward her for being quiet if you can give her a pat as you pass the doorway and can show "ignore" body language if she is crying to pass the gate. All these interactions will help her adapt more quickly to letting her know what your expectations are than her being outdoors out of contact. If the layout of your home allows for the baby gate(s) set up also giving access to the yard so Perry also can come and go that would be ideal.
  3. Allergies can develop to certain proteins after a dog has eaten them without issue for years. I can't recall that I've heard of salmon allergies before in dogs, but not impossible, surely. I did have a cat that was allergic to most fish but she was that way from birth. Hives and a swollen face would make me suspect a contact allergy or a sting or bite rather than a food allergy, but it still could be a food allergy. Anyway it is fairly easy to check - have some anti-histamines on hand from your vet, choose a day when you can supervise him all day, toilet him only on leash that day so you can ensure that he doesn't stick his face into something in the garden and deliberately give him canned fish (try sardines or mackerel rather than salmon). If nothing happens, then you know that whichever fish you fed him was safe. Repeat on another observation day with the fish oil capsules. If still no reaction, try the canned salmon next time. If still nothing then you will need to look elsewhere for the allergen.
  4. That looked great - except for -grumble, mutter, grouch - the popup ad to join groupon. I couldn't find a close button or link to shut the stupid pop-up, so I read the product description in 5 second glimpses. Course, by the time I actually finished reading it, it was sold out. I never claimed to be the brightest match in the box.
  5. Is there any neighbour or someone in your vicinity who would be willing to drive you there in return for fuel money? That would save your hubby taking a day off, which he might need later. Quite often if you ask on a neighbourhood shop window or FB page, there are volunteers happy to help just for the change of scenery. I don't know your exact situation but though it might be worth a try - if you are rural the local post office usually knows just the right person for these sorts of things...
  6. Make him wear a belly band. More work for you as you will have to take it off when he goes outside and put it back on when he comes back inside, but it will help to get him back into the habit within a couple of weeks. Also it will prove whether or not he is the culprit. All my male fosters wear belly bands for the first week or two. Bitches wear britches.
  7. They can't use their purebred/registered dogs for crossbreeeding, but are free to cross any other dog they like, with whatever they want. So they can only breed crossbred to crossbred? Is that right? Which would exclude most of the F1 crosses currently being touted as so-called "designer" dogs. So if the add was for a first cross of purebreds, or even of one purebred to a crossbred, they would be in breach of the regulations, yes? Not necessarily. If they used un-registered purebred dogs they could do what they liked. Not in NSW. Our COE prohibits Dogs NSW members from breeding any dogs not on the ANKC main register. Quote section 12 "A member shall not knowingly permit the mating of any dog or bitch which is not registered on the Main Register of ANKC Ltd or with an organisation on the listing of ANKC Recognised Working Dog Associations/Kindred Bodies as being eligible for registration on the Sporting Register. (07/13)" Thank you for that dancinbcs, so they only time that a DogsNSW member could advertise crossbreds they had bred was if it was a once-off, accidental mating? I will have to go through the DogsVic rules and regs again and see if there is similar paragraph.
  8. Bless her! Young boxers are so energetic, like coiled springs - even temporary paralysis won't stop them!
  9. Oh, that's been around for years - it's called a brain. But it does get tiring filtering all that BS out, I do agree!!
  10. And how will that stop another attack like that of poor little Deeon? That dog had no history of rushing or aggression to people and was safely confined in its own yard. 'Tis cheaper to knee-jerk legislate than find the funding to educate dog owners and child carers about managing interactions. Wreckit has it right - the laws that are already there are not being enforced, why add new ones that will be ignored in the same way?
  11. PM really - Perry doesn't like walks? Hate to tell you, but she is definitely broken! Because the walking together is supposed to be the sharing of a pleasurable experience, I'm not sure that walking them together is going to help bond. On the other hand, if Friskie enjoys it, perhaps Perry will learn to enjoy it too? I suspect that Perry will soon get tired of not getting a reaction from Friskie, very wise Friskie ignoring the would-be bully girl! Things are shaping up nicely!
  12. Ooooh the packing up slave is sooooo tempting...hmmm someone could make some nice spare change booking themselves as a packing-up fairy. Only I would want them to unpack at home too.... brintey that's a lot of one thing!!!! I think what I would really really like is a good old-fashioned giant size Airpot so I can have boiling water on tap all day, even at woop-woop shows.
  13. They can't use their purebred/registered dogs for crossbreeeding, but are free to cross any other dog they like, with whatever they want. So they can only breed crossbred to crossbred? Is that right? Which would exclude most of the F1 crosses currently being touted as so-called "designer" dogs. So if the add was for a first cross of purebreds, or even of one purebred to a crossbred, they would be in breach of the regulations, yes?
  14. Aren't all ANKC breeders constrained not to deliberately produce crossbreeds? Should a copy of that advert have been sent to DogsNSW? Here is the DogsNSW Code of Ethics - Section 5 covers the forbidding of crossbreeding (except for the exceptions LOL) Sorry, a tad OT.
  15. Mine was a smooth dachshund (probably a miniature guessing from the ears) and I tried very hard to base my responses on my interpretation of that dog's expression (wary, stubborn) and NOT on my experiences with this breed. If I had that dog in rescue, I wouldn't pick that photo to advertise it!
  16. So very sorry for your loss, but glad you have closure - so many never have closure. Run free at the Bridge, little Smudge.
  17. So very sorry for your loss, but glad you have closure - so many never have closure. Run free at the Bridge, little Smudge.
  18. Puggy healing vibes being sent express to you, mixeduppup. Hope you are feeling much better very soon. T - does that mean you are now hand rearing the JR pups? Or did I miss something - not that that would be unusual!
  19. Far too early to talk of rehoming! Best friends, pals for years may still squabble occasionally over food or resource preference. That is quite manageable if regulated properly by the owner. What is much more important is that Perry has successfully adjusted to other senior bitches before. It won't guarantee that she will become bosom buddies with Friskie but bodes very well for a peaceful companionship to develop. Your instincts are right, you just need a little more patience OK? Pers, most likely the new senior has never had a dental inspection the vet peering into her mouth may have terrified her, and my guess would be that the vet chose NOT to stress her out unduly. If there was severe tooth decay, then there would be likely to be bad breath, so it was not necessarily a bad call by the vet not to force the issue. Easy to check for tooth pain by providing a raw meaty bone and watching her tackle it. If she favours one side of her mouth or only uses the front teeth, then it would be worth getting a dental check. Very early days yet eating wise - she will eat when she is hungry. Take the bowl away after 10 minutes and do not re-offer until the next food time. I have only had the stubbornest of fosters last more than a few days being picky eaters - especially when they can see, through a glass door or baby gate, the other dogs vacuuming their bowls!!
  20. Coat in the picture looked more more Flat Coat than CC to me. CCR have very tight curls like little ringlets. But the head in the picture of the dam seemed more Labrador like than Flat Coat Retriever, so she may be one of the recessive long coated Labradors, or more likely a lab/flat coat cross or a lab/golden cross. The Labrador was developed originally from the same stock as the Newfoundland, they went in different directions and the long coat was eschewed by the Labrador developers but it is still a recessive in the breed worldwide. I doubt very much whether those genetics are actually available in Australia though. Occams Razor says it is more likely that the dam is not a purebred Labrador.
  21. Squabbles over food (or empty food bowls) I consider normal between firm canine friends I'm glad you were on the ball. Things are progressing at a normal pace, in a few months you'll look back and wonder what all the caution was about!
  22. Yes, let them settle AND do your best NOT to be anxious or stressed about Perry's reactions - that will cue him even more to defend you against the "intruder dog". So relax as much as possible and don't make a fuss about your new addition, I'm sure they will soon be bestest friends.
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