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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. He could have recently been traumatised by something. Have you observed the trigger? Sighting of a bicycle, a type of vehicle, a cat, some kind of noise? My bet is that the behaviour is not random but is in response to something. Does this happen when he is being walked together with his outgoing amstaff friend or only when he is being walked alone? If you walk in a different direction (e.g. cross the road) does he accompany you or will he only move if you move in the homewards direction? Will he continue to move past his home in that direction or will he insist on returning home? It will be helpful to find out if he is refusing to pass something or if he is fleeing to the safety of home, before any suggestions for modifying this behaviour can be offered.
  2. Handy when trolls identify themselves by their actions. Please don't feed the trolls, people.
  3. Hugs, Jules, I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for giving Joey a life filled with love. Run free at the Bridge, darling Joey
  4. Another Tibbie that has charmed his foster carer...it is just as well these guys are adopted fast or they would all be foster failures! I speak from experience! I am thinking though, that a terrier type would make a hardier companion for a staffy, even the small ones are like little steamrollers in play!!
  5. I knew you were the sensible type and glad the pricing helped your bf to come around. Well done on the decision to neuter them both and on committing to obedience - and they are both gorgeous you have every right to be besotted!
  6. Of course, most levels of government and the multi-council pound management types say it cannot be done, Calgary model and the like is a silly romantic dream. Well legislation has NOT been used to achieve no kill here: http://amrric.org/news/no-kill-east-arnhem
  7. Oh, seld, thank you so much - isn't she stunning!
  8. The Police Association has always called them members, and some service police have that habit also. "Officer" seems sort of American to me, I guess it depends on the usage in your state. The article says that there is an investigation happening into this incident. What it doesn't say it what the investigation was that the police were at that address in relation to - I wonder if it was something to do with hard crime and if that is why the police were so nervous that a gun was drawn and the poor hapless dog shot? Not that that is any excuse. No doubt there are a lot of decent people living in Wendouree but it does have more than its fair share of criminals and bogans. I really wonder that if it was a more affluent suburb and a large dog had rushed barking out the front door whether the same thing would have happened? I suppose we will never know. RIP poor dog.
  9. Andisa you have missed more than the OP I think. Go back and read the first post - carefully. They did not miss the signs of the bitch being in season. They were not considering a litter until the bitch was over 2 years old and were not sure that she would ever be big enough to use their dog on. The ONLY reason they would have considered letting the pregnancy go ahead was if the abort would be riskier than carrying to term. So they came in here to ask if the abort would be more stressful. Simple advice without judgement, which is what was requested, is mostly what they got until the last few pages. I do applaud your passion and share your values, but when passionate people don't read the question properly they won't get listened to...you catch more flies with honey and vinegar. People are not going to listen to those who don't listen to them and can you blame them? This is not only directed at you Andisa - there are others who do not appear to have carefully read the original post either.
  10. I actually tried this, but then found I had to see the posts in order to hide them, so I got bombarded anyway. It would only be useful to people who constantly trawl through their news feed so that they don't have to see a post more than once. You could try asking her to put YOU on a special list, like "non animal rights" so that you don't get bombarded. If she says no, then you can choose either to unfriend her (and ask another relative to share any nice family pictures that she posts), or you can decide to make "you are so gullible, these are the actual facts" comments on her AR shares until she either unfriends you or start looking more closely at how she is being manipulated. Well, we can dream...
  11. OOOOPS...so many apologies to Perry. No excuse, I knew there were two bitches - just a stuff-up. Throw her an extra ball or two for me, please!
  12. My Mastiff was my heart dog. I've seen pics of long coated mastiffs, but never seen a pied...can you try again with the picture please, I would love to see her!
  13. Without going into all the things that you need to consider before deliberately breeding my advice would be to go straight to the vet who can provide a "morning after" type contraceptive injection. It is far far too risky to allow the pregnancy to continue given (a) she is still a puppy herself and (b) she will very probably never get large enough to have a 22kg stafford boy as a suitable breeding partner. So if you do the injection this time then we still have another 18 months then in which to convince you of all the health tests/x-rays etc that need to be done on BOTH dogs before they can be cleared for responsible breeding and even if they pass all the tests the likelihood of them being suitable to mate to each other is really quite low. Breeding is actually quite risky for bitches always and it is heartbreaking to lose your beloved dog due to whelping complications or to post-partum complications so it should never ever be something that is entered into lightly or without consideration of the possible consequences. You strike me as a sensible type of person and so I suspect that Juno will be eventually desexed anyway (once you have talked your boyfriend around) but in the meantime definitely she should have a mismating injection to ensure that no pregnancy ensues.
  14. Christina - I think it's the angle of the photos and her legs are not at all short in proportion to her body. I don't see any SBT or kelpie or either. I would register her her as a ridgeback cross and leave it that.
  15. Pugs are inhalers with food and will choke on whole chook necks, so I chop them roughly into thirds. In the height of summer I will give them whole necks frozen like a sort of chook icy-pole, they never choke on those LOL. I used to buy chook frames for the medium size and upward dogs, chook wings for the little terriers and chook necks for the pugs and any other shortnoses ( I was terrified of them poking themselves in the eye while gnawing on a wing). One day I had no necks and so took the cleaver to some large chook carcases and gave one third of a carcass to each pug - they actually chewed them instead of inhaling them so it has been carcasses for pugs ever since and necks just now and again for a change. A good quality kibble for one daily meal and raw the other is a great diet. As others have already said do try to vary your protein sources for the raw, mine are on a rotation of raw chook, fish, a raw vegetable/raw mince/trace minerals and fats patty and meaty roo bones. Very occassionally I will give meaty lamb or beef bones but not too often as it is hard to find non-fatty ones. Growing puppies get the fattier bones.
  16. It's great that you've found a close by playmate that she can have playdates with regularly, she will enjoy that! And even though Perry doesn't enjoy walks he can enjoy his garden while you enjoy walks with Friskie. Perry won't mind as long as he still gets his ball throwing sessions, I'm sure!
  17. I don't think that you will find that type bred in Australia with that setter type head and fine construction. Personally I recommend selection more on the character and needs of a breed rather than appearance, the best way to start reseaching is to read read read about a breed and ignore the pictures to start with. I suspect that a Bernese MD would suit your situation better than a Newf and you can always hope for a mismarked one with too much white for the breed standard. Have a closer look at the character and needs of the Bernese and compare with the Newfoundland. I suspect that you are wanting a slightly more athletic breed than the average Newfy and I think the Bernese would fit the bill. However if you really really want that look in a dog that goes with those pictures, then check the pound listings. There are huge numbers of mastiff crosses with that type of structure and colouring in the rural pounds, most of them are smooth coated but I have seen the odd one with golden retriever type coat length. Character of course would be a lottery with a pound dog, but many are absolute darlings! Congratulations on choosing to research thoroughly and the best of luck with your search!
  18. I think the clothes they are dressed in shows that a lot of thought and some research has gone into it. Dolls like this were popular years ago, my auntie still has a german made one I think.
  19. She has a DOL profile as well I will see if there is a contact number on that. :) PM'd you the details. Good luck.
  20. kirty contact http://www.afrikenji.com/rescue.html Edited to add, oops she says she doesn't do rescue atm on that page. MIght still be worth a try, but in case not the breed club is http://www.basenjiclubvic.org.au/
  21. Not all types of cancer will trigger changes in the blood count. If the type of tumour suspected is a fairly self-contained one then blood tests may not show anything. And, sadly, the other reason not to order blood test may be that the specialist feels that it is too late for treatment so does not wish to cause more distress with tests. The small fit would mesh with the growth on or very near the brain theory. If you have seen the foremost specialist in your state, I wouldn't even suggest a second opinion, just to enjoy the time he has left and do your utmost to ensure that it is quality time. I know it is easier said then done, but please try not to grieve while he is still here. He will be a much happier boy if he does not sense your distress. Hugs to you.
  22. Some things just don't get considered in those questionnaires. Bostons are a brachycepalic breed and I don't think that in QLD's climate you could get much agility or flyball done with them. I would be happy to be proved wrong, though. Although a very smart breed, I wouldn't call them bidddable - training them is a bit like training a cat - not impossible, but needs different methods!! Greyhounds need their own couch, so the scenario would probably be: hound on the couch and you and the floor watching TV. In a unit you really do need to consider how much space a resting dog will take up. I agree that greyhounds are delightful couch potatoes but I think you may be tripping over a large dog in a unit. Have you considered a Whippet? That breed strikes me as a unit sized sight hound and probably about the same biddability (new word ) level as the large sighthounds - i.e. a training challenge!!!
  23. Sending hugs...that is not what I would have wanted to hear.
  24. I'm sorry all I have left to suggest is tincture of time... it is still early days.
  25. Fingers crossed that this weekend gives him the final points for both titles! Good Luck!
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