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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. It is deliberately omitted as a PetRescue search feature because the designers want people to trawl through other pets in the species/size/age/area categories that they have selected. A lot of first time dog owners would put in their chosen breed and not look any further, thus missing the opportunity to consider the 95% of pets on PetRescue that are not purebred. Also because some breeds are not well known, they can be advertised as a mix and you would not see those. I've seen pure Griffons advertised as pug crosses and pure Tibetan Spaniels advertised as Pekinese crosses, and pure standard schnauzers advertised as poodle crosses. I'm sure other have seen other examples of purebreds being advertised by rescue as some sort of cross, simply because they were not aware of the breed, or didn't realise it came in that variety.
  2. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I am off to the Flyball Nationals in Dandenong this weekend AND we have also had a dog accepted to take to the flyball seminar on Monday. I have just now found out that the original plan to send the other dogs home on Sunday night with neighbouring flyballers has come adrift. So apparently we are driving back again on Sunday night, returning the other 7 dogs back to their home base near Ararat and then turning around and driving back to the Flyball seminar at the Dandenong Showgrounds. That's an extra 400km and about another five hours driving. Unless.... we find a safe place to stash the 7 non-seminar flyball dogs (might only be 6) in the Melbourne area while we attend the seminar on Monday (9am to 4pm).. They are all well socialised and vary (wildly) in size from a baby puppy mini foxie type to border collies. (The baby is not racing, but can't leave him home while he needs three meals a day.) All vaccs etc up to date and all desexed (well, not the baby yet.) In the wonderful world of DOLers is there anyone who could securely house 7 dogs for one day please? To make matters worse, I will be offline ('cos I don't have any form of mobile internet). Tomorrow I will jump briefly online and leave online contact details via another DOLer (I haven't asked them yet LOL). So this is my very cheeky last minute plea for help. If all else fails, we will just do the extra miles, but it would be nice to avoid them and therefore have the ability to stay awake for the seminar. Thanks everyone - oh, and I will also post this in Show Ring and in General so I can look like an idiot everywhere!:laugh:
  3. I'm not sure how much you could gain from that scenario? I do not find those dogs' actions at all surprising. If the only thing in the yard is the witches hat what else are they going to play with? Also it has their owner's scent all over it so of course they are going to check it out...was there more info that wasn't stated here? Were the owners instructed to play with the witches hat in a certain manner that the dogs later copied or something? The two dogs that didn't check out the witches hat did they do something else or nothing at all? I would actually be more interested in those two dogs that didn't check out the only thing in the yard, especially as it had their owner's scent all over it. I would be wondering why they didn't act as I would expect a normal dog to act.
  4. Years and years ago the ONLY shampoo for dogs available in the nearest town was in bar form. Can't remember the name of it, Fido or something (not to be confused with the quite excellent Fido brand pet shampoos available today.) I do remember that it had a coal tar version, a flea and tick version as well as the ordinary dog soap. If he will accept a soap bar, then why wouldn't he accept a travel container of shampoo? (Find an online advert of the shampoo label, print it out and stick it on the travel container). I suspect he wants to do it the same way he sees you doing it, so I doubt whether the bar soap would go down. Alternate is find an empty shampoo bottle, put a watered down shampoo in it and hide the "normal" bottle. And find this thread again afterwards to tell us what worked and what didn't. Enquiring minds want to know!
  5. I may have the perfect candidate...will PM details. ETA: Well, PM not working LOL will email instead.
  6. To me, tolerated is slightly less accepted than permissible. To me, both relate more to a breeding point of view - a dog with a permissible trait I probably wouldn't match with a bitch who had the same trait, but I might if that meant I would be cementing some other really excellent traits that I was seeking. A dog who had a tolerable trait, I would never, ever under any circumstances match with a bitch who had the same. I would avoid using that dog unless there were really exigent reasons and then I would take a lot of care to ensure that I couldn't find that tolerable trait in the bitch's ancestors.
  7. I don't agree that they should be marketed as pets - as sporting companion dogs as well as working dogs perhaps, but the connotation of "pet" really is not inclusive of the extra needs of working lines. There are many working breeds that have non-working lines, developed for reasons where lower drive and higher sociability is required, and these will often make good pets in the traditional sense - which is first and foremost a companion animal. Many working lines live quite happily in the homes of their owners, but are still used for daily work. In the sense they share the hearth they may be considered pets as well as workers but their needs are to work and they will find themselves jobs (that their owners might not like) if their need to work is not met. Basically it is all how you define "pet". In the eyes of Joe Public, "pet" is not a dog that needs brain and limbs worked hard each and every day.
  8. Congratulations on breeding her and on choosing a fantastic co-owner!
  9. I remember this website on the Sighthounder page but I don't think anything has happened on that page in the last couple of years. Or the associated FB pages. There was a DOL thread when it started up way back when. We get a few "stag" hound hunting mixes out this way, the odd puppy will go through rescue but the adults don't make it out of the pounds very often.
  10. Steve, Thundershirt and Valium and nice secure blanketed or covered crate for now. Then you will have to plan desensitisation - use the loud noises tape at the very very lowest background volume - the lowest that she will NOT react to, then make it happy for her with something she enjoys, very gradually (over days/weeks) increase the volume until she associates loud noises with happy times, so they cause her no stress. The jealousy issue with your house dog is a different issue and I have no doubt you know how to manage that. Poor darling.
  11. Signs and symptoms to watch for: Any bleeding for ears or anus etc. Her eyes seems not to focus or move very rapidly not tracking anything Starts crying with pain Vomiting or frothing from the mouth or nostrils. Chooses not to eat her normal meals Shakes her head repeatedly or tries to scratch her head or ears Tries to push her head into walls or furniture If any of the above happen, contact an emergency after hours vet immediately. (I've probably forgotten some...) If none of them happen, I would just book her in to see the vet during normal office hours tomorrow for a check up. That is a significant fall for an 11 week old small breed.
  12. Airedaler. thank you so much for sharing that article. It is a wonderful and valuable resource.
  13. It's all about his quality of life and prospects. If he has more good days than bad days (I am not talking whether or not he can run, but whether or not he has been miserable most of the day) then it is not yet time. I kept a calendar, and marked off any 'bad days' for my seniors. When the bad days come thick and fast and your vet says that there is nothing more that can be done, then that is the time. I'm sorry to say that when weighing these things up, you should not place your own needs and desires in the scale at all - except for your desire to make the best decision for your pal. Hugs.
  14. That certainly brings tears to the eyes. Do you know which news/channel it was on? I think it was Imparja, which is Nine Network, but OH was switching back and forth between that and Seven Network so it could have been on 7.
  15. Yes the Lowchen does tick all the boxes. The downside is the regular clipping required, which may be a pest if they intend to travel for lengthy periods. Indeed all the breeds she has mentioned will require trimming or stripping, plus the Irish, the Wheaten and the Standard Schnauzer are fairly large and dominant types. The Westie is a typical terrier, can be stubborn, but is at least smaller! If she means the Miniature Schnauzer, that has more of a poodle-ish temperament, as does the Lowchen, but needs regular clipping as well. If they do fancy terriers, then the Australian Terrier is a fantastic small breed and it will tick all the boxes too, plus a brush a couple of times a week is all the grooming it will ever need. I would venture to say the Australian is more easily trained than any of the other terrier types shortlisted in the original post. Whichever breed they do finally choose, always look carefully at the breeder and the lines to avoid health problems.
  16. First human fatality, yes. I also grieve for all the wildlife and any livestock and domestic pets who have died in the fires as well. Watched an amazing news story on a family who were not permitted into the fire zone to save their dog, chooks and ducks. Once the danger was over they prepared for the worst as they drove closer to their property and saw their neighbours homes razed - their own home was burnt to the ground and they began to grieve for their pets. As they turned into their own driveway, however, what should greet them but the dog guarding the chooks and ducks and keeping them safe and well in the driveway! Touched a chord with me.
  17. UGH. Infection of some sort - bladder or urinary tract or uterus or vagina. Could also be infected anal glands if the liquid travelled a bit. You could always hope that she just sat in the kid's spilled dessert...
  18. Despite the sarcasm by some posters, Brandiandwe...I have to agree with others above that reasonable people will appreciate the support and concern you were showing to those affected by these awful fires. Let us hope that damage is as limited as possible.
  19. Wow! That is a lot of progress in a fairly short time, congratulations for making the time to do that and doing it so well! Please ensure that your chosen trainer uses gentle methods, preferably mainly positive methods.
  20. Funny, a couple of my favourite breed rescues posted that they would be there and I thought, darn I have to miss it as there is a flyball comp the same day. It was only today when I downloaded the running order that I realised it would be at the same venue! I will be finding time to visit sites 33 and 11!
  21. Ummm, yes. My guess was mainly based on the fine delicate bone I saw in the first pic. I definitely have to upsize from that...unless the human legs depicted in picture three are those of a dwarf, then Omar is about the size of a cocker spaniel or a show-line SBT. Most terriers have the looped over tail - in the past they were usually docked so that sort of tail is often more associated with the spitz breeds. Oh Kalhua! Yes the Tibbie stands out and I admit to seeing Chi in her eys and muzzle as well! She is a cutie!
  22. Sorry slightly OT but local farmer set up a large home made dog trap with a crate I'd loaned him... next morning we could see the trap closed and occupied - I could see a creamy hairy shape laying down and was trying to make out the breed or dominant breed as we approached (as you do) but when we got there we found that it was an adventurous two-tooth in the trap and not a dog at all! We laughed and cursed and set the idiot thing free. The bait was untouched so we reclaimed it and set it up again the following night to avoid crows stealing the bait during the day. A few days later he returned the cage, as he'd caught the culprit (a Rotty cross from the nearby town) and handed her over to the ranger. He would have been perfectly entitled to shoot her but loved dogs too much, even feral ones. I shall never ever forget that stupid sheep in the trap, though!
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