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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. That is super fantastic news! Well done! You have made a HUGE difference in her life!
  2. Excellent! Saw this on your FB page! AWDRI led the way I think, great work everybody!
  3. For some reason the Pugs think that bitey face is the game you play on your Pugslave's lap. Anywhere else the game is tug o war, or chasey, or kill the squeaker toy etc.
  4. Thank you for sharing. Truly heart warming. Who says an old dog can't learn new tricks?
  5. My current crew fanatically protect me against those evil squeakers in dog toys and will surgically remove and destroy them within seconds. Some of them are of charitable bent and go on to carefully dissect and distribute the stuffing so it is available for nesting birds. This is extremely charitable of them, as nesting birds do not often enter my home. They fancy themselves as garbage disposals and inhale any food scraps they may find on any surface, but are not vaccums (see nesting bird comment above). Cheddar my foster failure does a fantastic job of teaching new fosters how a well-socialised dog behaves. He will play like mad with dogs who want to play, give reactive dogs their space and is incredibly gentle when an anxious dog is in panic mode. For over the top teenage types he firmly draws a line when they go too far. He never guesses wrong (mind you I don't give him many chances to be wrong, most of his intros have a pen fence in the way.)
  6. In Victoria you need a wildlife license and special fencing to keep dingoes. What are the laws in other states?
  7. LOL @ Yonjuro! Yay!! Great news, Trina!!!
  8. You are technically correct, but you will never convince a Pug that going without dinner once in a while won't hurt.
  9. We told you....we can spot a foster failure in the making! It happens whenever a dog comes along that is just a perfect fit in that home - sound familiar?
  10. Not nanotechnology, in the pure sense. If the nano machines could cross air from the disc to the dog, they would also cross from dog to dog to cat to person and fairly shortly the whole world and thus the manufacturers would have put themselves out of business. Alternatively if non-selfreplicating they would quickly stop working as they spread too thinly which would be perceived as "wearing out". If you are not fond of putting chemicals on your dog, use a nit comb daily. That is impractical with many coat types unfortunately.
  11. It's very early days yet re the crate. I had a little Tibby recently, while he was with me he put himself to bed in his crate and we just closed the crate door when we went to bed. In his forever home, he has always refused to put himself in his crate and has to be put in, but he stays there quite content once he is there. I would give her a bit more time before you start training her to go in on command.
  12. I would recommend the two-legged type of food dispenser, if you have a neighbour that you trust. Or perhaps put their food bowls down in advance in a locked room, then use one of these on a timer. (You will of course, need checkerplate steel or similar on the lower half of the door to prevent them breaking down the door before it opens! )
  13. I have heard two entirely different sides to this story and I just haven't been able to make up my mind which side has the most truth - insufficient evidence on both sides. On the one hand the RSPCA ( and others) are claiming lack of care and showing pictures of horses in extremely poor condition on the other the woman charged was saying that she "rescues" horses in extremely poor condition and nurses them back to health together with her vet. The RSPCA have dropped charges but haven't said why, the woman claims they were dropped because the vet that she works with to rehab the horses was willing to testify and make the RSPCA look completely stupid. The article Aprha posted mentions a third property that I wasn't even aware of, in Cobbity. I had only heard of the Mulgoa and Winton ones. Inevitablue can you give a first hand account please? What little I have heard is either filtered through the media or press reports or is third or fourth hand.
  14. O bless you - you are doing everything right. Georgia may have even been reacting to your anxiety about Bonnie and her previous treatment. Georgia trusts and loves you and could have just been letting Bonnie know not to upset you - dogs are amazingly resilient and Bonnie will probably forget her previous tribulations long before you do. I think she might just be your foster failure, too!
  15. Very good that you have ditched his plastic feed bowl. You will also need to stop him using plastic water bowls and chewing plastic toys. Those pimples are infected, and you will need to clear up the infection as other posters have said, but do keep him away from the plastics to lessen the chance of a future re-infection. He is gorgeous!
  16. I don't personally know that road, but if it is a single lane twisting turning mountain road with a cliff on one side and a deep sheer drop on the other there might not be a safe place to stop for miles. You have to keep moving, even at a crawl, to pass any oncoming traffic and nobody overtakes... (Can you tell that I watch too much Top Gear? ) A road cone wouldn't help all that much in that situation...good idea to have one in your car for Aussie roads, though.
  17. Any chance you could set up some sort of spy cam, maybe focused on her favourite couch, to keep watch while you are out? If you could work out what is triggering the panic attacks then a tailor-made desensitisation plan can be worked out.
  18. It is a self-rewarding behaviour, I don't think that you will change it easily. Not impossible, just very difficult. Check with the local vet that it is not harmful, if not, then I would not worry too much - in fact you may become very popular visiting your arachnophobic neighbours with a spider killing puppy!
  19. I suspect he really could have stopped, but I'm glad that he is paying for vet care for her. http://www.viralnova...puppy-survives/ Julia Cesar Siqueira was driving with his mother and two other students to a university two hours away from his home. As he turned onto a dangerous road, he saw a small mongrel. He swerved to avoid her, but he knew he must have hit her because of the thud. He couldn't stop because of the road, but he figured she survived since he wasn't going at a high speed. So, he continued on his journey. You won't believe what happened to the dog. After being struck by the vehicle, the little dog was wedged inside of the bumper. She survived the impact AND the long trip. She was in his car for two hours, miraculously not falling out or becoming more injured in the process. After he arrived at his destination, he noticed that several people were signaling for him to stop his car. Finally, he was able to pull over and he was stunned by what he saw. The little pup was still in the grill. After calling a vet, was discovered she only received one broken bone from the entire ordeal – one of her legs. She has been named Vitoria, which means "victory." She's currently being cared for and the driver will pay for all of her care. Edited to remove some formatting instructions - oops.
  20. I was under the impression that raw green tripe could not legally be sold to the public in Australia due to health regulations. If you know a friendly farmer that slaughters for their own home use, you may be able to come across some. I could be wrong - there might possibly be some pet food suppliers that are licensed to sell it as pet food?
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