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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. Frenzied's boy is totally gorgeous but there is definitely some mastiffy breed in there, Dane or something.. Juice is basically seeking a wire haired sighthound. :)
  2. He's not there now... I can't believe the Maltese crosses in there... are they all surrendered or may some be reclaimed by owners if just lost?
  3. Yes I bought one! It does have a timer, variable temp control and 5 stackable trays. I bought roo steak and a couple of chicken breasts to make dried treats but before I had the chance to thinly slice then, my %^*&^$%$#& Siamese got around the child-proof lock on the fridge and removed them!!! Pug puppy happily assisted in the opening of both packages - the cats started on the chicken while pug puppy played wiith the roo steak. I arrived on the scene in time to see foster staffy dragging the roo steak through the baby gate and that was the end of that. I cut the remains of the breasts into chunks and shared them amongst the tribe. I have to replace the child-proof lock before I purchase new meats to dehydrate - dragging a heavy bin in front of the fridge door is getting old very fast!
  4. Great news! And once you know what type, then you can modify his diet to alter the pH in his bladder to decrease the chances of more forming.
  5. Have you seen Shel's blog on this? Absolutely brilliant. Makes the point that rescue is the real loser in this case.
  6. Your vet can give a short course of cortisone for relief. Have you tried a Calendula Tea rinse? It has helped many. :)
  7. Oh dear, alpacas in the duck paddock would be a disaster then! Perhaps you need an emu to kick the living daylights out of any fox brave enough to intrude! Although I've no idea if your young trees would survive the emu either...
  8. All good now thanks. Friend has arranged for rescue to hold the grey for her until after Christmas when her her normal transporter will be available. :)
  9. Speaking of Petrescue, this 2yo guy looks like he might fill the bill. Fostered in Kurri Kurri, which apparently is the "Gateway to the Hunter Valley" Ed the Wolfhound cross
  10. PC have you thought about getting a livestock protection dog that has been bonded to ducks and geese? Some of the very best breeders in the country are active DOLERS Or perhaps keep an alpaca group in the duck/geese paddock?
  11. Yup. I see them all the time. Of course, now that I'm actively looking for someone there won't be any! I can always assist with transport from Central, Western and North Western Vic to the Hume Highway near Melbourne to meet a transporter. :)
  12. AWDRI do have some awesome volunteers, but unfortunately the family that started and who still control that rescue are not good representatives of the rescue world. Not a group that I ever ever work with again.
  13. Juice stags are a dime a dozen in rural Vic. Puppies available almost constantly and heaps of adolescents in rescue. If the Armidale pup doesn't work out, would you like me to keep an eye out for you?
  14. Most small animals vets are quite experienced in this type of surgery. Better for him to come home where you can watch for adverse reactions than to be crated alone in the clinic at night.
  15. 100% agree with this. It is essential to identify which type of stone (there are two main types) before a logical decision can be made on treatment. Talk to the vet ASAP to query what type of stone. You can't really choose a correct diet (to alter pH to prevent future stones forming) without knowing if they are struvite or calcium oxalate stones. Struvite are more likely to form if pH of the urine is above 7.0 and can usually be dissolved eventually, but it may take months. Calcium oxalate stones, on the other hand, are more likely to from in acidic urine and always need surgical removal. Because you vet has given you the option, they are probably struvite - the concern there is that large enough stones may cause a life-threatening blockage, especially in male dogs. One thing that you can do in either case is encourage him to drink extra fluids.
  16. Has your Mum tries Rescue Remedy with him on these occasions? The alchohol free one for pets, not the human one. Other things try are Adaptil sprays or I have had good reports of Gelsemium from homeopaths (I haven't tried that one yet). I would actually try these things before trying the medication. As for your once a week question, according to this link Trazodone is often given just before a known trigger, so that part should be fine.
  17. I posted in Rescue but thought I might find better luck through General. Lots of people travelling for family get togethers this time of the year. Friend in Geelong has just adopted a senior greyhound to replace the one she lost to old age earlier this year. Her usual transporter is in hospital for surgery and the others are pretty much booked up this time of the year. She would really like the dog before Christmas and is willing to pay a substantial amount towards fuel costs. If you can think of anyone doing that trip who has room for a quiet senior grey please PM me for further info.
  18. Good price! Great find! You will need to place a piece of plywood on the top if you want it to double as an extra lounge table through, cover or not! Poor Thistle does look uncomfortable at the moment in there. I would be giving her all meals in that crate (door open) to help her with that. It does look extra roomy for a crate for trials etc. Once she is really comfortable with crates, and if she becomes more reliable and less reactive you may be able to graduate to a slightly smaller crate for trials and events.
  19. I was taken to Cheap As Chips today. New store has recently opened in Ballarat so we went for a sticky beak and OH wanted the office chair on special. I tried soooo hard to convince myself that I need another soft crate when I saw the catalogue, especially because of the pull out "run" on the side - that would be magic in the shade on a hot day at sports or something. Unfortunately I hardly ever use the ones I already have so couldn't justify it, even though it is about 30% off this week. Might be just as well that my car is at the mechanics for a week, or I might not be able to stop myself LOL. If K9 Pro did one with a pull out verandah like this one I definitely could not stop myself!! Sharing in case anyone is interested. Only one size crate, sorry it is 91 x 63 x 63cm. Oh and I did check out that round dog bed - cover zips off for easy washing and the packing is firm but snuggly. No idea how long it would stay that way, though. Good size at 70cm diameter,
  20. Sometimes it is a genuine battle to ID the organism responsible. Not all antibiotics work against every bacterium type. Sometimes a medication will seem to work briefly but will be followed by a flare up of symptoms because a different bacteria has multiplied to fill the gaps left by the treated one! Other times it is a quick fix. If you have a less common or resistant bacterium, it can take months. The only way to be 100% sure which baddie you are fighting is to get a swab cultured which may take more time (and money). In the meantime you can try to aid the medication by modifying his diet so that the pH levels inside his bladder are less palatable to the bad guys. I have heard good reports of cranberry additives as well as non-filtered apple cider vinegar added to the diet. Don't forget to add probiotics after the course of antis to help repopulate the good bacteria in his gut.
  21. HMMMM I suspect not every breed is represented. Aussies should have been there with the Border Collies and Kelpies and ACDs. I totally failed at getting Shibas. The closest I get could get was Basenji and Chow. (Corgi was also represented LOL)
  22. Border Collies were easy but I had to do several tries before i could add Kelpie to the top row. I was totally dishonest, of course.
  23. LOL I can usually manoeuvre these things to come out with my favourite breeds. You just need to think about what the one you want is best known for and answer accordingly. With this one Pug was in the top line, and Australian Terrier in the second. *does smug dance* Mind you, none of the other half-dozen breeds on each line have even been on my wish list LOL
  24. We have a special agreement with New Zealand, Requirements are pretty basic and you should not need a broker. Check out the rules here.
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