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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. Vic government seems so intent on stamping out the breeders it can find - which are the ethical law abiding ones instead of clamping down on puppy SALES which would quickly identify the major culprits. What the puppy farmers do to these poor dogs and bitches is obscene.
  2. Have you tried soaking the dry food before serving?
  3. There is a 7 yo Anatolian ex-guard dog (abuse has been claimed but no details given) currently in Heathcote Victoria desperately needing foster care. Are there any LGD people willing to consider fostering with the aim of rehabilitation? Alternatively, are there any LGD people in Victoria willing to coach a foster carer by phone etc? @WoofnHoof Pm me if you can help and I will put you in touch with the rescue involved.
  4. to the forum. I first saw your post when it was in an inaccessible place (LOL) and could not reply. I have sent you a private message regarding a newborn litter from an excellent NSW Dane breeder which might suit you, if they are not already booked in advance. You should be able to access the message by clicking on the envelope symbol at the top right of your screen.
  5. Bit difficult because there is no scented item for dog to track. If you took it to the spot that the dog was last sighted it could pick up and follow the scent of a person or wild animal instead of the dog. People with tracking dogs please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
  6. There are interesting articles and reports in the magazine, which you don't see if you only look at the office insert (called the Gazette) but you can have a sneak peek at the Gazette contents here:Dogs Vic Gazette
  7. I bought him one of these previously also, he didn't like too much because he couldn't get comfy on it so went back to the concrete arghh You may have to train him to use it as suggested by Scrappi & Monti above, but I am thinking that if he really found it uncomfortable he might need a larger size?
  8. As far as I know, the usual way to start entering trials etc with an Associate Registered dog is via membership of an affiliated club (e.g. obedience club) but I don't see any reason not to strike out on your own. Your agility friends are very likely to have full membership with their associate dogs and can probably guide you best. :)
  9. Try getting him a raised bed like one of these. Gives good support and the air circulating underneath means it doesn't get too hot. Place it on the concrete where he normally sleeps.|
  10. I wonder if you are thinking of this piece on eggs by Dr Bruce Syme? http://www.mypetware...gs-eat-raw-eggs
  11. My lot get fresh eggs about three times a fortnight. I put a whole egg (slightly cracked) in whatever their dinner is that day. Most of them eat shell and all. :) Except for the Diva puppy,who has decided that eggshell is not for eating, it is for batting around the floor to leave slimy egg white snail trails.
  12. Sounds you you really need to organise yourself a road trip to see the parents and the puppies!
  13. You're welcome. Good to get another bit of info - so you are seeking a greyhound sized stag? Mostly the hunters go for the taller dogs, so I haven't seen too many at that size, but they're most likely out there!
  14. I'm translating that as "I can't see FB when I'm reading DOL"... So here is the spiel on Shaggy "Have I got an awesome treat for my facebook friends! Introducing SHAGGY a 5year old (estimated) Irish Wolfhound X. He is a sooky boy and absolutely gorgeous! Sadly, his history is unknown as he was dumped after hours at a Country Pound. Despite this, he has a beautiful nature, he is gentle, loves to be with humans, he is an absolute gentleman inside the house and is very eager to please. He is progressing well with basic training, walks O.K with just lead and collar and will continue to benefit from further training and socializing. Shaggy quickly became great mates with our foster boy, an Amstaff and gets along well with ALL of our 4 female Great Danes. Horses and chooks on the property don't seem to concern him either. I believe Shaggy is ideally suited to a family or single person, as single dog or with another dog companion, sharing the majority of his days with his owner. Loud noises eg Thunder, doesn't concern him. Shaggy has just had all his vet work done and will be ready to join his forever home early 2017. What a Happy New Year that will be! Shaggy will be NSW registered, is desexed, vaccinated, microchipped wormed, frontlined and is heartworm negative. Shaggy is currently residing @Joryassic Park in Cobargo on the south coast of N.S.W. Please scroll through Danestree.com on facebook for further photo updates :-) Email me for a Potential Home Application form-[contact details edited out] Adoption fee for Shaggy is $350" Here are a few of his many many pics on the site:
  15. Back in the 1960's and 1970's, six weeks was actually the norm for rehoming. I have no idea why all those dogs didn't become raving lunatics, but very few did. Then when parvo etc. altered vaccination routines, eight weeks became the norm. Then actual science was done which demonstrated the benefits of pups staying with littermates and dam until 8 weeks or longer. Good breeders no longer rehome puppies under 8 weeks old, some set the bar a few weeks higher. Yes, you can rear pups from 6 weeks to be well socialised etc. But the point is, it is not indicative of a good breeder to rehome at that age. Yes, responders here poured shit on the breeder, which was well justified. Booking a holiday (paid for with puppy sales money I wonder?) to commence before your litter is 8 weeks old demonstrated nothing but comtempt and total lack of care for the puppies they bred. For that reason, I would confidently assume that the breeder has not health tested the sire and dam or taken due care in selecting the healthiest and best temperaments to breed from. Therefore, I would not recommend taking the puppy because to do so would be to support bad breeding. Supporting bad breeding can leave the supporters stuck with $1000's of dollars in puppy health or behavioural training bils [plus a LOT of heartache. However, many puppy buyers vote with their hearts and not with their head. so I can understand (but not support) that point of view, even if it is basically what drives the puppy farm industry to be so lucrative and uncaring. I agree DDD. it is very sad indeed.
  16. Pity this is an older boy. (5 years) When his latest updates popped up on my facebook feed, I wondered why I hadn't pointed him out to you, Juice. Then I remembered you are after a puppy or adolescent. Also this boy is more Wolfie than deerhound and you seem to love the deerhound looks. Still, sharing him now on this thread so that staggy lovers can drool! https://www.facebook.com/JoryassicParkCobargo/ Shaggy is the boy in question.
  17. Talk to the different insurance companies. Explain that you only want normal home insurance with the public liability to extend to any customers visiting. You may have to sign a waiver that excludes any dog-caused home damage, but because your business is registered at your home address you will need to document approximately how often and how many "customers" you have visiting. Or you may find it worthwhile to explain all this to a broker and let them find the best deal for you.
  18. Basically any treat. AS well as those already suggested, try: Slices or balls of watermelon or cantaloupe, jerky, a thin layer of peanut butter on one of the layers. Pretty much anything goes. If the dogs are new to iceblocks wit the embedded treats, make the top layer with some different types of treats poking out of the ice so they get the idea. :)
  19. You will really need to build up a rapport with your selected breeder. CKCS are sadly popular with puppy farmers and BYBs, so be open to half-way measures before your get your desired foundation bitch such as first owning a dog or bitch in joint names, so that you can build up lots of evidence of trust and best intentions. It will probably take you a few years to decide on the breeder and the line that you want, make use of that time to become known and trusted. Joining the breed club AND actively attending all he club functions that you can is an excellent start in that direction. I have no idea if your state breed club has internal politics or "clumps" of members who are at odds with each other - I hope not - but it does sometimes happen, if it does try not to be blindsided by that.
  20. Makes sense to me, but LOL I can imagine the wording : " Your Cuddlehound is not covered for Breed Specific Genetic Conditions, unless we have sighted (A) DNA tests of both parents declaring them both to be NN for all such conditions; (B) DNA proof of parentage linked to your Cuddlehound's microchip ID and © both items have been duly notarised by an Authority acceptable to us. If those requirements are satisfied, we are happy to cover those conditions in your pet!" Already there are exclusions such as only one round of treatment is covered for an ailment, any future treatment won't be covered under the "pre-existing" clause. For instance if your puppy is treated for an injured joint that is covered, but years later if he develops arthritis in that joint that won't be covered because it is deemed as pre-existing due to the earlier injury. Some policies make entire body parts "pre-existing" and won't cover any future claims. For example any skin complaints at all ( excema, allegies etc.) won't be covered once a claim has been paid on ANY skin complaint ( e.g. mild demodex in a puppy) . So you do need to compare the fine print when choosing an insurer!
  21. Thanks Scrappi & Monti - (LOL changed my mind about abbreviating your username!!!) I found him this time! Juice he may be worth a visit to see. Info is Impound number 16-05205 Male pup wolfhound cross under 6 months (looks only 8-10 weeks in picture?) Date in 19/12 Available 30/12 Sale Type: Expression of Interest He doesn't look to have any mastiff type in him from the photo. Might be worth a trip to Blacktown Pound?
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