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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. Patience Phyl! There is a little dog out there that the universe has earmarked for you. One more avenue for you is to contact TARS in Melbourne. Although they are an accredited rescue, they actually do a lot more linking than rescue. Linking being linking up people who need to rehome their pets with people who want a new pet. Just find the contact details for Michaela on their website and telephone her with the details of the type you seek. It wouldn't surprise me if you suddenly get a heap of more information please replies from all that emailing you have been doing! The universe has a way of doing that sort of stuff!
  2. Oh dear with that description people may assume that you are a puppy farmer. Would you be able to add "desexed is fine": to your advertisement?
  3. I just remembered the 5 yo Cavalier girl in Woodend: //www.petrescue.com.au/listings/537824
  4. That was quick! They only released that video yesterday!! Obviously it helps to be in a breed community of some kind to get the inside word on these things!
  5. @Phyl. Maryborough pound in Victoria now has a Tibetan Spaniel available for adoption. He will need some vet care for an eye condition. Here is a link to a video by the pound (he is the second dog in the video). To discuss adoption, please contact Central Goldfields Rehoming. I see that you are in Gippsland, I may be be able to help with transport if you wish to adopt him. @mita LOL I guess this is the tibbie you mentioned above. I must have missed where OP will only look at girls. Oooops.
  6. I have had heaps of rescues running over my deck, all sizes from mini toy to giant breeds and have never had one catch a nail. I vote with mingaling - the boards have been laid too far apart. You will need to either relay the deck, or keep the dog in snow boots.
  7. Yes I've said that if she gets the dam scored she can register the litter ( I suggested limit register if the dams scores were poor).
  8. Couldn't believe a comment elsewhere from someone indignant that their state body refuses to register a litter because the dam had not fulfilled requirements for the breed - in this case no hip and elbow scores had been supplied to the ANKC body. They seemed to feel that they were being ripped off - I couldn't fathom that an ANKC registered breeder could be unaware of health score requirements for their breed. How could you even pass the prefix exam without realising that these exist for some breeds? My first thought was this was certainly not someone aspiring to be a breed guardian as all ANKC breeders should aspire to be but was just a money grubbing greeder. Then I thought perhaps I am being overly harsh and they were just ignorant of the requirement. I'm not sure. What do others think?
  9. You need immediately to contact the body (DogsNSW or DogsVIC) that issued the papers and talk to them about it.I assume that the microchip numbers do match? Also contact the lady in Melbourne whose name IS on the papers. If someone is using her prefix illegally she will need to know. It is possible that the man in Sydney has a breeding term arrangement with the lady in Melbourne but the fact that he introduced a different coloured bitch as the dam is something that the registering body needs to investigate in any case.
  10. First place to start is a complete health check by your vet, with full blood tests to eliminate any medical conditions that may have caused the behavioural change. If there are no medical causes found then you will need to have a behavioural assessment as suggested by Caz above. I agree completely to keep her apart from other dogs until this all sorted.
  11. They are also collecting data to pinpoint genetic markers so that breeders will in future be able to use DNA testing to select out animals with severe BOAS. This is a fascinating video and well worth a few minutes to watch.
  12. @juice Congratulations on your new stag puppy! Can't wait to see photos!!!! (Subtle hint there...)
  13. If you are thinking terriers, look into the Australian Terrier too. Fantastic sturdy little dog, you can get away with very little maintenance of coat if you don't want a showdog look. Loyal to the whole family, a liitle less barky than most terriers but fantastic mouser/ratters.
  14. Karen is a valued committee member of the major Frenchie breed club in Australia. Her opinion is quite clear presenting the video above. Her breeding program is the same as any ethical breeder - do not breed from stock with extreme health problems. The best breeders and judges are already educated. The shoddy breeders are only in it for what they can con out of the gullible public and don't care. We need to educate the buying public NOT to purchase from unethical breeders, but to insist on a pedigree of long lived healthy ancestors. Once it was easy to identify shoddy breeders, they often charged a lot less then the ethical ones. Unfortunately this is no longer the case, and unethical breeders putting dogs together without regard to health are often charging more than the ethical breeders. The shoddy breeders produce many many more puppies than the ethical ones, so impatient buyers don't need to wait. If the buying public demanded their monies worth, the shoddy breeders would soon have no customers and the vets would no longer be seeing so many brachies with extreme problems.
  15. The type of brush you need for that is a Mason Pearson - pure boar bristle. They are expensive but last forever. You don't really need long bristles - the MP can do both brushing from the skin out and fluffing, depending on the way you use it. Force drying is the best way to fluff coat after a bath though. After the coat is thoroughly dry, a very small slicker brush can also fluff nicely.
  16. There are classes both at KCC Park in Skye and at the Calabria Club in Bulla. Details are in this thread.
  17. You shouldn't need to wait for a vet visit to find out which register he is on. His microchip number should be somewhere on his paperwork (vacc card maybe?) and all you need to do is type that number in to the www.petaddress.com.au/ website and it will respond with the registry name (UNLESS it is the NSW registry). Edited to add: I type too slowly: Thistle beat me to it!
  18. Also thinking further wouldn't the rescue have been sent microchip details before these dogs were placed on transport? Granted they may not have had reason to suspect that the ranger had not checked the national registries, but they should have realised it, being advised of a chip number and not a call name. So the question is did the rescue proceed with transport and adoption and not until this had been completed check the registry or did they knowingly onsell a dog that came into their possession illegally?
  19. Nice looking boy! He may be a tad underweight but his coat looks in reasonable glossy nick, so I'm not sure that his diet was all that bad.I have had dogs (and cats) that vomit after eating minced frames, but do not vomit after eating the frames themselves. I'm not sure if there is more fat in the mince somehow or if the carcass chewing starts off the digestive process more thoroughly, getting mixed with drool as it goes down or something, If you are certain that he will not tolerate chicken, see if you can get hold of roo tail ends, nice lean chewy meat there. I realise that fresh bits can be a bit hard to come by, you might see if you can order some salmon heads from the fish market, they usually come cheap and freeze well. Elevated bowls do not make any difference to the chances of bloat (unless they are too high - then the chances increase) but it does make it easier for the older giants especially.
  20. With ectopic ureta, dribbling of urine can be intermittent, so the pup would not necessarily always be wet. The condition is well known in Golden Retrievers. If stenosis is suspected, a dye can be introduced into the urinary system under anaesthetic and X-rays or scans taken to establish if a stenosis is present, but ectopic ureta is more common than stenosis.
  21. In my Shire, farm dogs are given a discount on registration but they are certainly supposed to be registered with the Shire, and if picked up roaming and impounded the owner will have to register them when claiming. Not sure what the rules are in every state.
  22. To avoid bloat, don't feed immediately after exercise - this can be difficult with boisterous dogs excitedly awaiting dinner, sigh. Also don't permit strenuous exercise immediately after a meal - wait an hour. Split daily intake into two or three meals. Also try to avoid major guzzling of water. If you have the freezer space, buy 10 or 20 kilos of chook carcasses and for one of his meals, give him two or three carcasses (assuming that he tolerates chicken.) The other meal could be a decent kibble plus a bit of mince or fish or eggs in rotation, whatever he tolerates. A lot will depend on whether his issues are actually food intolerance, or worming (or lack of it) or even the old inhale the food too fast, throw it up and try again which could be addressed with a slow feeder bowl or food dispensing toys. Photos are required!!!
  23. Let's hope that she now has a home that either understands Crested care or is willing to research and find out. Fingers crossed.
  24. @BoroniaI've just waded through all the dogs and puppies ads for Brisbane for the past three days and it's not there - could the ad have been taken down already?
  25. The states have an agreement between them for license plate recognition, don't they, so that offences committed by a driver in one state are visible to authorities in the driver's home state? Why can't the Federal Government arrange some sort of similar accomodation for microchipping? There are many examples of NSW dogs lost interstate and never reunited due to the stupid NSW microchipping laws - NSW residents are in fact encouraged to register their dogs also with one of the national databases to overcome this problem. This instance (and how many more i wonder?) highlights the danger of correctly registered non-NSW dogs being impounded in that state and the register not being accessed by NSW council employees. This leads to the dogs being illegally disposed of without any reasonable attempt to contact the legal owner, as in this case. Now an owner has found out and is taking the matter to justice. I honestly hope that this leads to a revamp of NSW microchipping laws - at the very least to insist that other registries are checked when no details are on the NSW registry for a chipped animal that has been impounded.
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