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Everything posted by RuralPug

  1. Yes. Exactly this. Many hugs I know that this is such a trying time.
  2. Yes I'm sorry I should have said rule of thumb is that if it isn't completely healed in two or three days, then off to the vet. If he's tearing his bandage you might need the old cone for a week or so. Should clear up nicely now.
  3. This is a perfectly reasonable request. I think most if us here would definitely agree, and await such validation. But we would make the proviso that the long term scientific researches are specifically related to canines - in the part, discoveries regarding human (omnivorous) diet have been applied to non-omnivorous domesticated species such as dogs with sad effects.
  4. With a price tag of $10,000.00 I cannot believe that you did not have a pre-purchase contract in place stating exactly what was the agreed purpose of the puppy and the steps agreed to by both parties if the puppy was found unfit for purpose within a certain time. The owner of this site ensures that all breeders here are bona fide finanical members of the ANKC affiliated body in their state or country, but nevertheless due diligence is still required by puppy purchasers. Agree with checking the fair trading laws in your area - in some areas, $10,000 may be greater than the maximum allowed in Small Claims Court, check that option as well. And if you think that the breeder misled you purposefully or by neglect, do report them to the ANKC affiliate to which they belong. Diva is correct, that action of reporting may not bring you financial redress, but it may prevent the breeder doing that to someone else. We do not like to hear that ANKC affiliated breeders have done the wrong thing and we will always urge that the ANKC affiliate be approached by the party that feels themselves wronged, so that affiliate has a chance to investigate their member and either clear them of wrongdoing or issue reprisals of some sort.
  5. The red staining clearly visible on his face and feet is a classic symptom of yeast over bloom. In the short term, anti-fungal topicals may help, but in the long term only diet and correctly balancing the immune system will help.
  6. Although you may have tried other doors from the same company, this particular model claims to have a virtually unbreakable flap made of thermoplastic polyurenthane rather than the usual perspex. Haven't tried it myself, to be honest. Extra large aluminium framed dog door
  7. Sorry if I'm going off topic here, but thought you might like to see Zeus the Mastiff at top speed in the agility ring: Zeus rocketing in agility
  8. I would wonder if the probably well-intentioned but not very well-researched product developers have made the basic mistake of mistaking a low protein diet for a low purine diet? I am very sorry to say that the Pug Fernando is not the best advertisement if he has been on this product for very long as he very obviously has a massive yeast problem, which needs to be corrected by changing his diet ...
  9. Geez you must have known different Newfoundlands than I have! They would leave a Mastiff for dead!
  10. It is being done. Not just dogs but seized horses and pedigree cats are being rehomed while RSPCA(VIC) and quite possibly RSPCA in other states dallies on the court action being taken to establish right of seizure. Of the irreplaceable bloodlines lost to STACD and ACD well, bad luck, apparently. It is very common to hear that people have been bullied by RSPCA officers into signing surrender forms at the time of siezure. At the very least, pets in kennels due to waiting court action should be fostered out to await their time in family homes. When that is suggested, the reply comes back that they cannot be, as they are wards of the court/wards of the state. How then, is it that these seized wards of the state are being advertised as adoptable and onsold?
  11. All the giant breeds have a shorter lifespan than average across all breeds. The heart is only designed to pump a given amount of litres of blood before it expires, and of course in a giant breed you are moving more blood over a larger area so that limit is reached faster. Most of the giant breeds are relatively more energetic as pups, so you might be better off getting a well-trained adult that doesn't pull or lunge on leash. Something to consider no matter what breed. The best breeders test their stock for eyes, hearts, hips and elbows in giants, so steer clear of any breeder that does not health test. For some reason (maybe because you "speak" Akita ) I want to recommend a Tibetan Mastiff to you. The ones in this country are generally fairly healthy. If you want away from the spitz temperament, then consider the "English" Mastiff but be careful in selecting a breeder that does health test.
  12. Wow at little Samson on your adoptable page @Powerlegs. Is it just the photo - it looks like he has had one eye almost out of it's socket at some stage and it has never quite settled back in with bruising or swelling behind that socket? Or is the other eye sunken? Together with his missing half an ear, looks like he did have a very nasty head injury when he was bullied by his hoardmates. What a sad story hoarding is - I'm so very pleased this little one will get a better life now. Apologies Boronia, for going
  13. @Powerlegs might come in handy in winter for some of the tinies that come through your rescue?
  14. I would have washed the paw in warm water, then patted it dry and used styptic powder. If the bleeding didn't stop in a few minutes, I would have thrown on more powder, which usually works. Sometimes you will need to clip away the broken part of the nail, if he won't let you do that, maybe a vet visit will be needed. If you don't have styptic powder, using a disinfectant like Betadine after washing (you need to wash to rinse any dirt out) would be the next best thing. Just be careful with bandaging the paw that circulation to the area doesn't get restricted if it swells. If you see any significant swelling or any sign of infection, then vet visit is needed, but if it's washed and anti sepsis of some kind is applied, it will usually heal right up and you won't need a vet.
  15. At first I thought how ridiculous but then I actually read the article and realised it was a media beat up again. Not actually a fragrance as such, but a scented shampoo and leave on spray conditioner which is somewhat more sensible, plus all profits are going to wildlife rescue. Originally it was a tongue-in-cheek once-off fundraiser, a major capital investment so quite a big risk. It has been so successful he has had to do another production run. Good on him! If nothing else, the article will give the products a major boost.
  16. @Scrappi&Monty it wouldn't get through biosecurity at customs I don't think. The amount it costs to get a licence to import meat is enormous so that would be a hell of a spend for personal consumption only. But technically, I suppose it could be attempted. I try not to interfere with other countries' internal affairs, just do what I can to discourage what I don't like by not purchasing from those sources.
  17. Talk to your vet about these things. If Snoopy ONLY exhibits severe anxiety at loud noises and thunderstorms, I would be asking my vet for a medication that you use as soon as the first symptoms appear and only then, not one that is given daily and builds up in his body. The amount of Lovan he is being given sounds like it should be for a dog that is generally neurotic/anxious and not one that is simply over-reactive to certain stimuli. I admit that a week is not very long, but if the changes are so severe that you are concerned, then I would be going back to the vet. If you are not happy with the response, tell the vet up front that you will be seeking a second opinion, and do so. You can always ask here to see if there are any recommendations for vet behaviourists in your area.
  18. This was 2012. I have it in my files when discussing why FTGH can be a really bad idea. Even half-a-decade later it is still sickening. Except in SA (yay for my birth state) it is not illegal to eat dog or cat meat. In all states however it is illegal to butcher dogs and cats for consumption and to sell the meat.
  19. Even if the mince contains no bone, I would say that is not only NOT a balanced diet, it is a risky one in that the immune system of the growing puppy is not being assisted. I feed mostly raw, but I am not a fan of single protein source for growing puppies. Bottom line, however, is that any diet that a dog thrives on is a good diet for that dog.
  20. A lot of people with Chihuahua experience ave been saying that she will be better in a different home. If you choose to go that route, I can only suggest that you do so with full disclosure and plan to refund any purchase money (FTGH is too risky unless it is close friend or trusted family) in the event that the change of homes doesn't work. If you do choose to PTS rather than passing on a problem, I certainly wouldn't judge you. The dog is currently not a happy dog.
  21. Before you spend money on a Thundershirt (because swaddling doesn't work for every storm phobic dog) make a temporary homemade swaddle with elastic bandage or a large scarf or tshirt etc. DIY swaddle If it helps, then by all means buy a Thundershirt as they are quick and easy to put on (compared to the bandage wrap etc.) You could try Adaptil in the diffuser, buy the spray and twist off the spray top to fill the diffuser. Or try a few drops of Rescue Remedy for Pets (not the people one) straight on the tongue.
  22. Handsome George points the way!
  23. Volunteer needed please for a yard check in Eltham area (Melbourne Victoria). The dog to be adopted is an escape artist so needing a very dog savvy person to do the check, thanks!
  24. I agree there is a bell curve on any breed, but the point of a purebred is that 90% are in the centre of the bell curve rather than the unknowns where a parent may be unknown for a random cross. I think the real issue is that the OP wasn't aware of how to train a dog not to chase chooks and cats, so logically they should select a breed that has less drive and is less challenging to train.
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