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Everything posted by Cockerlover

  1. firstly just have the light collar on then attatch the lead & let pup get used to dragging it with her ;then attatch yourself to the other end & walk slowly with a slack lead till pup has ajusted ;do not leave the lead or collar on when pup is not supervised;
  2. Tomartoes !!never heard of that b 4!!try adding a desert spn of yogurt with(aphidoficus)to her food it helps bind them ;but if it continues a vet check is a good idear
  3. my thoughts are with you what more can words say!
  4. HI madeoofter As a cocker owner i fully understand what you r saying ;but because of tommy:background i am dubious to advise!they are very clingy dogs & love to be heard i know!! but i feel a lot more training is required with the poor darlin!!you have done an incrdible job so far!!so please keep up the good work I am sure someone here with behavior issues knowledge will have the ansew; but the suggestions already made re the long lead sound pretty good;he will continue to sing all the time he knows you r going to him ;they r as cunning as s h rats!!!but so worth continuing with training ;as hard as it may seem @ the moment ;he will get the message evenyually ;maybe have a look @seperation anixety symptons ; sorry cant be of more assistance;but again i thankyou for all the work you have put into this boy.please keep us updated.
  5. whilst I dislike the word RUNT; I have to agree with all the other posts; I always fall for the littlest one & 99.9%of the time they r ;as all the others have said the nicest;in courage & temprement; all good things come in small packages; good luck & enjoy your little treasure.
  6. HI luke!!welcome to the wonderfull world of cockers & dol ;i have already replyed to your post on c/f but see u here now!! your beautiful barkley is just being a normal cocker!!! he needs to know asap that u r the boss!!not him ! they love to rule the roost & with those eyes it is very hard to disapline!!but you must !!or look out ;whenever he bites your feet/pants; stamp your feet ;shout NO!then ignore him; when he settles; praise him for being a good boy ;you appear to be doing well re all other training ;He will grow out of the bitey sessions if you persivere!!wishing you all the best ;any other advise i can offer please feel free to pm me.
  7. sounds like the dreaded kennel cough !;but do get her checked by vet ;you could try giving her some honey disolved in hot water first to ease the cough
  8. Sounds like the dreaded artheritus(Cant spell sorry) there are some good products on the market; also injections available ;check with your vet ;also warmth helps maybe a heated bed :there are some available @ the reject shop on special this week for $4o .oo would be ideal for older dog ;good luck let us know how you go please
  9. Does your dog have acess to dirt? have u tried biolac coat conditinor it dosnt work over nite but does help ;like said b4 its all in the gnes though but worth a try
  10. thankyou for sharing your memories !our friends can be taken; but never the memory!they live in our hearts forever;the love of a dog is priceless!!!
  11. try good ole brilcream!! a little dab al do ya !!but in the case of a foal maybe a dab or 2LOL
  12. sending you hugs & warm fuzzies :D :D
  13. SOOOO sorry to hear of this tragedy;I know words cant heal the pain ;but know your not alone ;many thoughts are with you in cluding mine;life deals us all some blows & we wonder WHY!but time heals ;thinking of you ;sending you healing vibes &hugs ; run free little one;take care of my babies who didnt make it;(from a premmie litter)last week;they need a gaurdian angel ;)
  14. Depending on color of coat baby powder works well if brushed through well
  15. I used to buy chicken mince from leonards (when we had a local store)my dogs loved it !!
  16. I so want to thank my sibe owns me ;for the fantastic job she has done for me & so quick!!!thankyou isnt enogh; now i still have to work out how to put it on have been trying for3 days now to no avail!!!!!
  17. Congratulation on your new baby!! fleecy blankets are best; they dry real quick ;as for toys dont by from the $2shops invest in good quality otherwise your pup will just shred them!forget about wee pads; good old clean newspaper works just as well ;you may want to buy a hottie for it; now the weather is getting cooler & wrap it well in towel ;so they cant chew it; for bed time as it will miss its litter mates ;& its something to snuggle up with ;good luck & enjoy ;what breed is it bye the way
  18. Penny the breeeder should have sent the duplicate paper to her council & you will in time hear from your local council ;then the next step is to lifetime registar your pet; hope this info helps ;cheers ; ps your pup has to be lifetime registared by the age of 6 mnths your breeder should have informed you of this !!if you want more info feel free to pm me
  19. I have always sworn by protexin for my litters; if they have been on antibiotics ;but normally i give yogurt with aphidoficus;for runnie tummies excellent for firming up looose stools & settleing upset tummiesin biguns & littleuns
  20. HI penny ;you should have recieveied change of owner ship papers when you got your pup?did you get them /if so your local council will contact you ;if you didnt recieve; them I would be checking with the breeder as to why not
  21. Oh pretty please!! before i get gravel rash!!is there a kind soul out there that can help a dumb old chook; who has no idear where to start; I cant even post a pic ;let alone a siggy; but i could email some pics to a very kind dog lover in hopes!!pm me please if you could Crawl crawl!!
  22. These are all the joys of puppy ownership!!! first & formost you must let the puppy know you are the boss ;they are creatures of habit!! be it good or bad!! liken them to babies; they know no better than you teach them!!you must be consistant with your training & sleepless nights are all a part of it;do not keep going to the crying baby in hopes it will stop ;it Wont; just ignore it!!oryou will inforce the idear that if it crys it will get attention. same with tiolet training ;take the baby to its toilet spot regulary ;stay with it till it performes ;then praise like crazy; stick with it it will be worth it in the long run; only praise good behavior & ignore tantrums!Enjoy your success!
  23. HI Cassie =it binds them a little to give firmer stools; also replaces the wrong biotics with good ones !! thats my way of explaining it ! sure some one else could do a better job than me though ;)
  24. Hi ;I personally would only give tiny amounts of new foods & watch for the reaction!!If he continues to get the runs; delete new foods till he is a liitle older ;also add some yogurt with aphidoficus to his meal; about a desert sp @ each feed ;good luck
  25. I made my own grooming table with a support bar acrooss the top ;when i need to restrain (nauty dogs) I use a neck & or belly noose; available from pet net work ;but sound like your opening a grooming salon ;so my set up may be a little primative !! ;but it works
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