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Everything posted by Cockerlover

  1. :D my heart sunk when i read the begining of yr post !please t, trust trust &trust some more, that whatever happens its meant to be ,but heres praying with everything in me ,for a mirical & a speady recovery ,hugs to you & Bucca.
  2. prayers still being said ,please give us good news 2 day.
  3. I would be a bit suss if the cats refused it & the dog vomitted ,i would be starving the dog for 24hrs then put on a light diet, ensuring he has water @ all times ,if he dosnt perk up soon a vet check could be the call.i would be chucking the mince!!! a pets life /health is worth far more than the mince ,imo
  4. will be praying with you ,at least he hasnt gone backwards ,so that has to help .
  5. there is a smaller version of the coat king ,made by mars ,but a lot cheaper ,i get mine through the cocker spaniel society nsw ,havnt seen them advertised any where else .pm me if you want more info :D
  6. thanx for the update t ,so pleased to hear he made it through the nite ,its upwards & onwords now we trust ,all he love/care & healing vibes must help . go Bucca we all r bating for you & yr family
  7. heres trusting no news is good news,lots of prayers said last nite.
  8. You wil be in my heart & prayers, Sending healing vibes by the truckload ,trust works wonders ,try to stay posotive ,hugs 2u &Bucca ,come on litle pom u can make it !! us *poms* r fighters
  9. our oldies are a worry ,could be just old age but i would be finding a better vet .so many possibles imo you need experianced vets advise
  10. good news ,but makes you wonder how much food dye is in some doggie treats/food sometimes as well.yuk
  11. Hi again ,go back to super coat, if you change any diet ,do it gradually like 2third 1third if u follow me in this case i would return to super coat<& stick with it gradually introducing other foods, such as a little mince or vegies,but reducing the amout of kibble acordingly . try giving yr pup a dessert sp of yogurt with aphidoficus in it ,mixed with her kibble for a few days to firm up (if poos r runny ) & settle the tummy .good luck
  12. Green poo is not normal ! check with vet to be on safe side & DO NOT keep changing diet ,this will definatley cause upset tummy. Yr breeder should have given you these instructions & a feed chart.
  13. Cant add any more than has already been sais ! but it is a circle of eat, wee ,sleep, wee, play,wee.with huge rewards after *act *is performed. It does take time though !!!!bear with it ,he will get the message eventually ,hes only a baby .
  14. Great news ,heres trusting your puppy bring you many years of joy .
  15. omg how cute ,If she has won your heart, then imo shes the one for you!! I had a boy in one of my litters Who was diagnosed with a servere heart murmur rated ^6 which is very high !!all vets that i consolted advised to pts ! but i trusted & I gave him to a wonderfull couple who had purchased his litter bother (They fell In love with him & wanted to give him a chance in life ,knowing full well of his problem)& the fact that he may have only survived a matter of weeks let alone months, BUT here now some 18mnths down the track He is still going strong & on a par with his litter brother in all aspects !!!!! The new owners sought specialist advise recently ,because they wanted to desex & were concerned re heart condition ,he was given examination&the results of such were That he (Charlie Chance) is now rated 3#& expected to live a perfectly nomal life There is a very good chance your baby will out grow her murmur & #1 should not be a great problem ,I would be discussing with the breeder though Re payment ,If it were I <I would be placing her in yr care free of charge .
  16. Hi Hopenfox ,want to share yr secret/ have pm you thanx
  17. Hi l&l ,how old is this girl ? I have an older bitch (6yrs ) who has developed dry eye ,Imo a pain in the b**!!! my vet has tried many diffrent treatments to control this condiion & finally *we* think we have found the soluion to the problem ,but i hasten to add it has been a very expnsive trip,she is now on ointment that cost $80 odd a tube & has to be administred 2xaday for the rest of her life!!plus another ointment s as well. Dont want to put you off by any means, but feel it only right to infom you off my case ,your bitch may not have such a servere case ,have you or the previous owner had tear tests ect done ?
  18. Hi mssymoo ,I have my dogs insured with G>I>O but also have to have house & contents with them ,premion not sure, as i pay it all together,covers u for up to $500.00 per dog ,but not pr existing conditions & only accidents & ops ect ,not whelping expences or the like ,but it sure is peace of mind for a small fee. You have t pay first $100 excess.
  19. mm Please do not stop posting ,we all need to be informed, be we in vic /or where ever ,I have posted in yr other link also ,heres trusting good news re hef is coming very soon
  20. poochmad if hes lathergic ,vomiting & dioreah (sp)I personally wouldnt be waiting till morning .
  21. a small amount say halftspn of garlic in feeds minced or sqaushed up
  22. Anthony,as Ive said b4 ,u certainly do your research !!!!!great information .
  23. sometimes i feel they r all tared with the adhd brush :D possible but dont under estimate jessies inteligence!!!she won on her own merits deapite being a cocker & yr paitence in training
  24. congratulation & well done to all conserned cockersrule!!!!!!imo
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