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Everything posted by Cockerlover

  1. Have to gree with others replys , as hard as it is ,you should never tell a dog /puppy off when he fails to respond to a call :D instead praise for good behaviour for coming (finally) when the far more interesting ocupation has worn off ) Pups dont learn overnite !,it takes many hours of training , Do your pups attend puppy school?might be a good idear to do so ,or read up basic puppy training, start with easy commands & progress from there . Be paitent They get the message eventually.
  2. wet your hands & wipe across fabric ,or a wet sponge also works ,as do rubber gloves ,but i find wet hands r the best
  3. The fact that oh wont allow disapline says it all !!!!imo . Cockers r to bloody smart for thier own good <& the little darling will pick up on your oh response to disapline ,therefor The little darlin has WON yet again . You must be consistant with the disapline or pup will be getting mixed messages & continue to *snack attak *your other half
  4. When ALL else fails ,grab the little darling by the scruff of the neck (as its mother would do)& turn it on its side with a very stern NO! as soon as the act has been performed . pup should get the message if you do this every time it snack attacts ,
  5. My thoughts are with you Jed .beautiful tribute to a beautiful friend ;run free Poppy ,& watch over your devoted mum.
  6. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy ,my heart goes out to you ,console yrself with the knowledge your Buddy knew what love was , run free Buddy & watch over yr family
  7. ring around local vets ,they useally run classes ,or try bark busters for contacts ,good luck & good thinkin
  8. when i dont feed raw i use bonnie ,have tried many more Expensive brands ,but my guys thrive on bonnie & poo produce remains firm a lot of butchers sell pet mince very cheap ,just add vegies & rice to make up a good slop
  9. My thoughts are with you & your family Run free,Turbo ,look over yr loving family.
  10. :rolleyes: Sorry to be the bearer of this news!!puppies/dogs /gardens /FORGET IT
  11. My thoughts are with you ,such a tradgic loss . Run free beautiful girl ;hugs for you all
  12. OMG what a beautifull tribute, to one so special, im sureyour best friend will be forever watching over you ,take care of yourself .
  13. My heart goes out to you ,I know what you are going through ,having just lost my own young heart boy sometimes they are to special to stay on this earth & are neded in heaven to help the angels Run free Charlie ,ask for huckie he will play games with you . look down on your mum & keep her safe .
  14. Well phrasedSandgubber , I couldnt bring myself to say it , having just had my heart boy released to rainbow bridge, in the name of love & devotion ,for the same reason as op
  15. hi Angela ,deeepest sympathys . I have pm you
  16. A season is far better than anything more sinister !! just make sure she is kept well away from horny males
  17. sorry to hear Henschke has injured himself ,cant offer any other advise than that alredy given, but do offer healing vibes for a quick recovery
  18. I wouldnt be clipping the coat,but as others have suggested, a dam good brush & a good going over with a coat king should help
  19. My heart goes out to you ,having just made the dession myself to have the boy of my dreams pts, only 10days ago .I wont go into details ,he was only 18mths old but loved for lifetimes . As others have said ,you will know when yor dogs time is due ,but must add, the thinking about it ,is worse than the actual act ,(somehow ,some where the strenth& courage comes to do what is best for your pet. Do it in the name of love & devotion . Imo quality outways quantity of life, for our loved ones ,as much as it hurts . Trusting you find the strenth ,hugs 2 you
  20. All these NEW cocker puppy owners. Did your breeders not give you any advise? Firstly cockers are extremly intelligent & like to rule the roost . they must be taught from day! ,who is the boss DONT get sucked in!!!! Regarding feeding ,a pup of that age should be having 3 meals a day & DO NOT leavethe food down ,if not eaten in 15mins or so ,but insure there is always fresh water available. Confining your puppy to a small area ,whilst left alone (I might add Cockers HATE being alone)will make him feel more secure . DO NOT keep going to your pup ,when it cries ,a lesson very soon learned by our breed =cry & I get attention ,YOU are the boss!! not cute little cocky baby come jion other cocker owners in breed sub forum ,cocker pics , Welcome to the wonderfull world of cockers
  21. sorry to hear of your loss ,im sure he will watch over you .
  22. So Very sorry to hear of this tragidy -run fre little ones
  23. So Pleased to hear the battle is being won You go little guy ,what a brave warrior
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